Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2021: Change master

In the sky, the Taiji Excalibur stands like a mountain in the sky, plunging into the clouds.

The two streams of yin and yang turned, and the black and white lights shone, illuminating Tianyu and shaking the world.

When Ling Xian's eyes were condensed, he felt that the sword was powerful, and at the same time, his interest in Taiji was also stronger.

Whether it's the Taiji Lock or the Taiji Sword in front of him, they are all very powerful methods, enough to make him feel good.

At present, Lingxian raised his hand to the Emperor's Boxing, and the three powers of the Soul and Body blended together and swallowed up the world.

At the same time, the battle of the immortal bones was brilliant, to the utmost to fierce, and the invincible.


Earthquakes trembled, the mountains and rivers shook, Lingxian came to the world like a god, and King came for nine days.

This made the people trembling all over the place, could not help but want to kneel to the ground.

Before the Taiji Realm was isolated, they didn't think there was anything. At this moment, the Taiji Realm is gone, and naturally it is difficult to bear the might of Lingxian.

Even the most powerful Jin King among the crowd shivered slightly and had difficulty breathing.

"You are strong, the strongest person I have met so far."

The Chinese teacher took a deep look at Ling Xian and said, "But you still have to die."

"This sword can't kill me."

Ling Xian's expression was calm and the wind was light.

The Taiji Sword is indeed powerful. If it were to be cast into an existence with the same evil as him, it would definitely threaten his life.

But the state teacher couldn't. Although this person also reached two or three extremes, it was undoubtedly overshadowed by Ling Xian.

"Ha ha, I don't know the kid who is so tall and thick, die!"

The teacher laughed loudly, the Taiji sword fell strongly, and the void shattered.

This method is extremely powerful. It is not only sharp, but also heavy like a mountain. It is fierce and overbearing and terrifying.

"Break me!"

Ling Xianmu's eyes fluttered with cold electricity, and the power of lifting Xia broke out, regretting the breaking of the magic sword.

In the first punch, he did not trigger the fight against the immortal bones, but in the second punch, ten times the power broke out.

Suddenly, the black-and-white Excalibur shattered, and in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, it became an aura.

The next instant, Lingxian Emperor's fist blasted out, hitting the National Teacher's mouth with coughing blood in a shocking posture, unable to fall.


Blood splattered and soots filled the scene into a deadly silence.

Everyone's eyes widened, except for the incredible, it was incredible.

"Tai Chi sword, which killed many famous men, was actually smashed by him ..."

"The National Teacher was defeated, and it was defeated by an early monk in the eighth level, which is too incredible."

"This person is too powerful. If he is at the same level as the National Teacher, I am afraid that the National Teacher cannot even stop him!"

The people were horrified, their bodies shaking uncontrollably.

If Ling Xian was in the late eighth stage, they would not be so shocked, but he was only in the early eighth stage.

In the case of less than two small realms, breaking the Taiji lock first, then breaking the Taiji sword, and finally suppressing the first strongest player in Dazhou, this is simply against the sky!

"Failed, I actually lost to an early monk in the eighth state ..."

The state teacher's expression was dull and it was difficult to accept this cruel result.

The King of Jin was unacceptable.

The national division was his greatest support, and losing to Ling Xian at the moment meant that he had also lost and could no longer take the throne.

"No, you are so destiny, no one can take my throne!"

The King of Jin shouted, almost crazy.

He appeared in Lingxian for a moment, with a long sword stabbed in his sleeve, and cold and cold, making the world cold.

If he changed to someone else, he would probably be able to succeed, after all, he was attacking, and the sword was thundering fast.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Ling Xian.

Facing a sword that is as fast as a meteor, Lingxian's expression is still calm, but just holding out two fingers, he clamped the king's sword of lore

The next moment, the sword was cracked, and the King of Jin was shocked by blood and fell weak.

This shocked everyone again. Unexpectedly, Ling Xian could suppress the king of Jin in the case of unpreparedness.

"Give up, your emperor dream is broken."

Ling Xian talked lightly, like a **** shouting from the world, and swallowed up the heavens.

Especially after he defeated the National Teacher and suppressed the King of Jin, he was like a supreme deity and the invincible style illuminated the universe.

"No! This is impossible!"

Jin Wang Yangtian growled, unwilling to accept this cruel reality.

The teacher did not want to admit it.

However, the fact is in front of him. Even the first strong man in this big week has been suppressed. Who can stop Lingxian?

"So strong ..."

Empress Gan's beautiful eyes are full of joy and beauty, half of which is joy and half is worship.

She knew that Ling Xian was very strong. Otherwise, she would rather sacrifice her color and embrace him, but she never dreamed that Ling Xian was so powerful.

That is the National Teacher, the first person of Da Zhou who suppressed many famous strong men. Even if the emperor is alive, he is not his opponent!

However, it was strongly suppressed by Lingxian, so how could the Empress Gan be unwilling to worship?

"Recognize the reality, you, there is no possibility of turning over."

Ling Xian glanced briefly at King Jin, raised his hand to rune, and sealed it.

"No, you are dominated by Da Nai, you can't seal me!"

Feeling the loss of power, King Jin roared, both angry and fearful.

"More words, I killed you."

Ling Xian spoke indifferently, making Jin Wang tremble and become angry, but he didn't dare to say more.

The situation is already very clear. How can he still be presumptuous in a defeat?

"I won. Your Tai Chi is mys."

Ling Xian looked at the old man in black and waved his hands. Taijitu fell out of the master's control and fell into his hands.

In this regard, the National Teacher had the heart to stop, but was unable to change.

Not to mention that he has been hit hard by Ling Xian, even if he hasn't, he can't stop it.

"It's a real treasure."

Looking at the Taiji picture of yin and yang, the corner of Lingxian's mouth was raised, revealing a smile of joy.

This is a pleasant surprise, and it is a worthwhile trip to get this treasure.

"Follow me, it can be regarded as pearl jade and dust, and follow you to bloom its due light."

The Chinese teacher smiled bitterly, and he had already recognized the reality and realized the gap between himself and Lingxian.

He took a deep look at Ling Xian and said, "I'm not unjustly defeated, you are the real first person in Da Zhou."

Hearing the words, the civil and military officials sighed. I did not expect that the name of the first strongest player in Da Zhou will change hands today.

"I'm not interested in this false name."

Ling Xian's expression was calm. He had too many names. He was more prestigious than the first strong player in Da Zhou.

"I'm defeated, I'm going to kill you, I'll leave it to you." The teacher closed his eyes in pain.

"What to do with you, leave it to Queen Gan."

Ling Xian looked at the sweet queen who was mature like a peach, and smiled softly, "You kill or prison, you make a decision, you don't need to ask me."

"My grandson, I will never forget it." Queen Gan bowed deeply towards Ling Xian.

"Speak first, do your best."

Ling Xian waved her hand with a smile, and said, "OK, let's clean up the mess first."

As he said, he waved his hands to reveal the runes, and sealed the national division firmly.

This person is also a late monk in the eighth state. Although Ling Xian was not afraid, the Queen Gan could not bear it.

"I'll go back first, dissatisfied with the disciples, you write it down, and I will solve it later.

Ling Xianmou's eyes looked at the audience, implying a warning.

Then, he stretched out and returned to the courtyard in the palace.

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