Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2768: Bull snake

The sun rises to the east and shines on the earth.

The highest peak on the mainland of Cabernet Sauvignon, a man in white stands with his hands on his shoulders.

The three thousand gods and magic discs sit in the void, set up treasure seals, recite Taoist scriptures, and stand proud of nine days and ten places.

He glanced at You quietly and said, "Surely there are people outside, but not you."


You Yan's eyes shined like a peerless fairy sword, cut off the demon, and split the world.

"If you are the Nine Greatest Realms, you are qualified to say that I am arrogant, but unfortunately, you are only eight Greatest Realities." The man in white pointed out that the gods and ghosts shook the world and destroyed two immortals.

He swallowed the mountains and rivers, and the six holy tribe descendants: "Let's talk nonsense, who will come first?"

"I'll fight you."

A heroic man speaks faintly, the holy light surrounds the body, and the majesty is as powerful as an emperor.


Nine-eyed **** cows emerged, immortal lights up heaven and earth, and the gods shook eight wastelands, making everyone in the room thrilled and breathing hard.

"The Primordial Beast of the Dai people is said to have nine eyes open, and have the power to open up the world!"

"Scared by the Gods Lake, there are enemies. The strongest descendants of the Dai people are not easy to mess with, and the Yuanshen Beast is even more outrageous."

"For the strongest descendant of the Shang Dai people, I wonder if this person can continue the undefeated myth?"

Everyone was talking and looking forward to it.

Ling Xian was also interested.

Not because of the descendants of the Dai people and men in white, but because of the inheritance of the Yuan people, the nine-eyed **** cow.

This beast is truly extraordinary. He has n’t opened his eyes yet, and he has a terrible situation. If he has nine eyes open, I do n’t know how strong he is.

"The Yuanshen Beast is good, but unfortunately, you can't." The man in white calmly, the gods and ghosts shone to the world, and his majesty is not weaker than the nine-eyed **** cow.

"Wait until you suppress me, then say this again." The Dai people passed on their eyes, and when they shot, they were shocking.

One hundred thousand mountains fell, suppressing the demon, crushing eight wastelands, heavy to unimaginable.

At the same time, Shen Niu opened his eyes, and five eternal fairy lights swept across all realms. Gods and demons were irresistible and heaven and earth were irresistible.

There was no change in the presence of the people, and they knew that the descendants of the Dai people were planning to use the thunder to kill the descendants of Jingshen Lake.

"Killing you is easy."

The white man's eyebrow glowed, the 3,000 gods and knots chanted the scriptures, shattered the 100,000 mountains, and destroyed the eternal fairy light.

This has changed the face of the Dai people, and it is difficult to hide the shock.

The same goes for everyone present.

Whether it is 100,000 mountains or five immortals, they are all taboos. Men in white can easily destroy them. Can everyone not be shocked?

"No wonder dare to walk around the world and call the Bansheng family."

"Unexpectedly, the descendants of this generation of Jingshen Lake are so powerful."

"He has suppressed the strongest heirs of the Jing clan. If the heirs of the Dai clan have also failed, the holy tribe will be wiped out."

Everyone talked about it. The saints and the restricted area were deadly opponents. If the saints passed down to the forbidden area, the saints would have no light on their faces.

"Why the Five Immortals can't help you, I wonder if the nine Immortals can stop you."

The descendants of the Dai people spread cold electricity, and Shen Niu's nine eyes opened together, and the sky suddenly broke and the wasteland was broken.

It is too powerful, like the legendary second-day calamity, destroying the world, destroying the gods.

The crowd was shocked. Nine-eyed **** cow is one of the most powerful primal beasts in the sanctuary. Nine-eyed eyes are open and there is the power to destroy the world.

At the moment, everyone is backing away, and even the saints such as You You are backing up.

Looking at this place, only two people calmly and half step back.

The first is that the God Lake was passed down. Jiudao Xianguang has locked him, and he can't retreat if he wants to retreat.

The second is Lingxian.

He is an immature layman who can be called the strongest under enlightenment. Even if the six sacred ancestors join forces, he is not his enemy.

Therefore, Ling Xian did not retreat in half a step, and immediately became the focus of the audience.

It's not surprising that the people in Jingshen Lake are retired, but it's strange that Lingxian won't retreat.

Everyone at the scene looked at Ling Xian, and you were no exception to the saints, and then they frowned.

Because no one can see Lingxian's cultivation.

He has stood at the peak of humanity, and no one except his invincible can see his cultivation and see his easy-going.

Seeing everyone looking at himself, Ling Xian's eyebrows frowned slightly, realizing that he should step back, otherwise, he would be in the limelight.

At the moment, he shrank into an inch and backed away.


The man in white took a deep look at Ling Xian, and then turned his eyes to the Dai people, and said, "I don't want to waste time, I will win by one move."

"Right on my mind."

The descendants of the Dai people's eyes were cold and dazzling, the nine immortal lights swept, the road was roaring, and the sky was falling apart.

The man in white took a domineering shot and confronted Xianguang with three thousand gods and demons. His power swept for nine days, and his potential shook the world.

Boom boom!

The whole world is broken and broken, and it splits in nine days and ten. The mouths of the people were bleeding. Even the saints, such as Youyou, were also bloody.

It is too powerful. The descendants of the Qiang tribe and the man in white are the top evildoers in the sanctuary. The nine-eyed **** cow and the three thousand gods are also top powers.

The collision between the two is of course earth-shaking, and ordinary creatures cannot even bear the aftermath.

Looking at the audience, only Ling Xian was safe and sound.

Not to mention just the aftermath of the two great Tianjiao fights. Even the aftermath of the seven Wizards' melee, they will not hurt him.

However, in order not to be in the limelight, Ling Xian deliberately spit out his mouth, so as not to attract the attention of interested people.

The smoky sky was scattered, revealing the figure of a man in white and a descendant of the Dai nationality. The former was stained with blood and pale.

The latter coughed up blood and cracked the flesh, which was obviously badly wounded.

This means that he lost, Shen Niu's nine eyes opened, and he was still unbeatable to Shenhu Lake.

"It's so strong that even the Dai people are not his opponents."

"I regret that the nine magical rays of light have just suffered minor injuries, so terrible strength."

"Following the succession of the Jing tribe, another holy tribe was defeated by him. It is incredible."

The crowd exclaimed, but did not expect that the Dai people would be defeated, and they were defeated so thoroughly.

One minor injury and one serious injury are enough proof of how disparate the two are.

"You are defeated."

The man in white did not look at the descendants of the Dai people. He turned his eyes to the saints such as You and said, "Who is next?"

"I don't want to take advantage of you, and give you three hours to heal you." A woman in black, Zhu Lips lightly opened, cold like a moon, arrogant and arrogant.

She wrapped an ink-colored snake in her left hand, giving birth to three golden dragon horns, one lingering overcast wind, one pervading evil fire, and one containing thunder.

Those terrible mights are not in any way weaker than the nine-eyed cow.

Obviously, the ink snake is also one of the strongest primal beasts in the sanctuary.

"No need, the injured me, I can still defeat you." The man in white stood with his hands on his back, the three thousand gods chanted the scriptures, rang for nine days, and swallowed all realms.

"You will pay a bitter price for your arrogance."

The woman in black looked cold, the ink snake glowed, and the wind, thunder, and evil fire swept through the wasteland.


The thunder extinguishes the world, the evil fire burns into the sky, and the yin wind breaks into the sky. The three gods can be fierce and fierce, and they want to kill white men.

"The Xuan people ’s exterminator is really powerful, but unfortunately, there is nothing I can do."

The white man's look remained unchanged, calmly dissolving thunder, evil fire, and gloomy wind, showing invincible style.

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