Paladins of Asgard

Six hundred and eighth [Daughter of the Red Skull] 3 more tickets

As a high-profile star in the American medical community, Stephen Strange is not only good at practice, but also rich in theoretical knowledge, and has a deep understanding of modern medicine and even the entire scientific system.

Although there are always rumors in the market, he never believes in so-called magic. At most, he believes that it is a phenomenon that cannot be explained by science for the time being.

In his view, the scientific spirit is one of the few ideas in the world that can be extremely affirmed, even more legitimate than justice.

Believing in the correctness of the scientific spirit is like believing that meteorites always fall in craters.

But now Stephen doesn't have the heart to discuss these issues, he only has one pursuit now, to heal his hand.

So although this guy said more and more evil, he finally decided to give it a try and went to what the other party called the "mysterious east", Nepal on the side of the Himalayas, the hometown of Buddha.

What happened next turned Stephen's life upside down even more.

He got his wish and found the legendary organization of magicians, the Supreme Sanctuary, and joined it as a magician.

In the few months he first entered the Holy Sanctuary, he did not show superhuman talent in learning most of the magic, and even in order to master the portal, he almost froze to death in the Himalayas.

Except for time magic.

When he first learned about the existence of this kind of magic, Stephen was deeply attracted by it and began to collect this knowledge.

And he started a practice not long after, and it wasn't until later that he realized that playing time magic was more terrible than driving irregularly.

In theory, time magic has the potential to disrupt the functioning of the entire universe, causing the Earth to crumble like a clod run over by a wheel.

Thanks to his extraordinary talent, he successfully mobilized the power of the magical Eye of Agamotto in the Holy Sanctuary in the first practice without causing any dire consequences.

He was eventually reprimanded by other mages, and invited to tea by his teacher Gu Yi, who is said to be seven hundred years old.

To Stephen's surprise, Master Gu Yi didn't mean to criticize him at all, and just talked to him casually.

"...When you touched the Eye of Agamotto, did you see anything?" Master Gu Yi said lightly, taking a sip of tea.

"It seems so." Stephen frowned, "I seem to have seen a scene from the past."

"What scene?"

Stephen said: "The day you sent me to the Himalayas, it seemed that a hammer fell from the sky and landed in the nearby snow-capped mountains."

"I didn't find it at the time, but in the eyes of Agamato, I looked back on the day and found the existence of the hammer... What is it?"

Gu Yi took a sip of tea, and then said slowly and meaningfully: "That is the fate that came quietly."

Stephen blinked.

Gu Yi said again: "It's like you came to Kathmandu and became a magician."

"You mean, these are all arrangements of fate?" Stephen asked, somewhat disbelieving.

"These have nothing to do with you for the time being." Gu Yi didn't continue talking and put down the teacup. "You have a greater responsibility. For you, the first task now is to study hard."


Himalayas, snowy plateau.

The ice and snow shrouded here, and the eyes were white. The cold and oxygen-deficient environment made almost no one want to come here except the climbers.

In fact, even climbers are reluctant to come here, because this is not a famous mountain, just an unremarkable place on the snowy plateau.

It had a visitor today.

Accompanied by the howling cold wind, the helicopter slowly landed in the snow, and then a humanoid creature descended from above.

From an outsider's point of view, it's hard to say she's human.

She has blood-red skin that looks like it's been peeled off, her head looks like a skeleton, bald, without half a hair, the dry skin seems to be directly attached to the skull, and the nose is also missing the cartilage part.

Judging by the curves, she should be a woman. Men generally do not have such exaggerated pectoral muscles.

"That's right, it's here." She stepped out of the helicopter, looked at the surrounding snowy scene, and murmured excitedly, her voice hoarse.

Her name is Cynthia Schmidt.

Today, when the Hydra has basically been destroyed, not many people know her, but no one knows her father, that is Hitler's assistant during World War II, the famous Red Skull John Schmidt.

At the beginning, Schmidt was injected with a super soldier serum similar to Captain America. This serum gave him far more physical strength than ordinary people, but it made him lose his human appearance and became a red skull.

Facts have proved that the transformation of the serum is complete and permanent. As the daughter of the Red Skull, Cynthia perfectly inherits her father's genes.

She looks like a red skull with a chest.

Cynthia came to the Himalayas, of course not for mountain climbing or anything. This did not challenge her. The purpose of her coming here was to pursue a dream.

In the same dream she repeated over and over, there was something destined to belong to her near here.

"Let's go." Cynthia said, and set off with a few followers.

She was walking in the white snow.

There is no terrain that is convenient to identify the location, but she seems to feel some kind of guidance, and she moves in one direction with almost no twists and turns.

"Schmidt, what exactly are you looking for?" the entourage asked.

"Fate," said Cynthia, "you'll know soon enough."

ten minutes later.

Cynthia stopped and looked down at her feet.

It seemed to be just plain snow, but she seemed to see the treasure under the snow, and without hesitation, she leaned over to push the ice and snow away, her eyes eager.

Randomly pushing aside the snow and ice, a warhammer appeared in front of her eyes, with a striking and mysterious symbol engraved on the warhammer. She seemed to have seen it in a mural about Norse mythology.

"I finally found it." Cynthia smiled.

"A hammer?" The accompanying people reached out and tried to lift the warhammer out of the snow, but were surprised to find that they couldn't carry it at all.

He immediately put his hands together and exerted strength all over his body, but he still couldn't move the warhammer at all: "Why can't I hold it?"

"Because it doesn't belong to you," Cynthia said. "Get out of the way and let me come."

She held the handle of the hammer, and the scene that followed had been played out countless times in her dreams—she lifted the hammer with ease.


Just listening to a roar, powerful energy poured out from the warhammer, merged into her body, and instantly changed her image. The biggest change was that she had hair and weaved it into a long Nordic braid.

"Now, I'm Skadi!"

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