Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1268: Identity exposure (3)

When Sister Xiu heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up: "Yeah, Brother Xiaoyang, mine, you pick whatever you want and play, how about let Xiaochenchen stay with me for one night? Just one night?"

Sister Xiu stared at Lu Jingchen greedyly, as if watching a delicious plate of braised pork, wishing to swallow him in one bite.

Ji Yang smiled lightly: "I'm not interested in them."

"Oh, don't be so unkind~ If you are willing, I promise you one condition, any condition will do!" Sister Xiu said this time.

Ji Yang paused, staring at Sister Xiu in silence.

Lu Jingchen snorted coldly, and then scolded Sister Xiu again.

I thought that Ji Yang would still refuse decisively this time, but I thought, Ji Yang was silent for a moment, and faintly uttered two words: "Three."

For an instant, Lu Jingchen froze.

Then with a black face, he looked at Ji Yang like a fire in his eyes!

This wicked man! !

She dared to exchange his innocence? !

Let him be defiled by this old woman, he would rather jump into the sea!

When Sister Xiu heard this, she became excited, but in a blink of an eye, she suppressed the excitement in her heart again, and looked at Ji Yang painfully: "Brother Xiaoyang, you, this is too much, right?"

Ji Yang said without changing his face: "Are you too much? If you don't think too much, then forget it..."

The sentence ‘Forget it’ suddenly made Sister Xiu nervous, gritted her teeth and said: "Two!"

Ji Yang sighed lightly: "Forget it, anyway, I don't want him to accompany you."

Seeing this, Sister Xiu had to say: "Good good, three is three! But let me say that these three conditions are within the scope of my ability."

Ji Yang nodded: "OK."

Lu Jingchen saw that Ji Yang had confessed to him like this, and instantly he wanted to go mad!

This man!

Actually exchanged terms between her and this old woman!

It's really hateful! What a shame! !

For an instant, Sister Xiu was full of excitement!

The man who had been thinking about it for so long finally thought of his hand, and really wanted to drag him back into the room immediately!

"Xiao Chenchen, sister will love you well tonight~" Sister Xiu couldn't help but cast a wink at Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen gritted his teeth and tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

Hearing this, Ji Yang suddenly said: "However, the premise is that he is willing."

Sister Xiu froze.

Lu Jingchen was stunned.

Ji Yang raised his eyebrows to see Lu Jingchen, the meaning was obvious, and he asked if he was willing or unwilling.

At this moment, Lu Jingchen had the urge to drag Ji Yang back to the room!

Sister Xiu froze for two seconds, finally regaining her senses. She gazed at Lu Jingchen with a wintry look: "Xiao Chenchen~you know your sister's mind~ As long as you follow her, she will depend on you for everything~"

When Lu Jingchen heard this, he thought for a while with his eyes calm, and raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

Sister Xiu nodded immediately after watching the show, "Really, take it seriously!"

Lu Jingchen lifted his chin, gritted his teeth and spit out a word of anger: "Okay."

When this good word came out, Ji Yang couldn't help but frown.

Looking at Sister Xiu again, he immediately moved to Lu Jingchen's side, took Lu Jingchen's arm, and said in a faint voice like estrus: "Xiao Chenchen, sister knows that you have a sister in your heart~ Tonight, sister will toss with you. ~"

Lu Jingchen feels like vomiting!

This old woman is really shameless, I don't know how many men have been fucked, and still miss him? !

He is the first time! !


But just now I didn't know why I agreed when my brain cramped. Is it too late to regret it now?

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