Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1357: Cousin! You finally got the hang of it!

Lu Jingchen patted Huo Sikai on the shoulder: "Yes, I finally came back. Let's have a few more glasses at noon today."

Huo Sikai let go of him and raised his handsome eyebrows: "Who is afraid of whom!"

Huo Sikai did a check-up on Mr. Lu as usual. He felt that it was different when Lu Jingchen came back. The man's heart rate was much stabler than before.

Therefore, this person's mood and illness are closely linked, and the mood is particularly important.

The old man was prescribed medicine, Huo Sikai and Lu Jingchen went to the garden pavilion to drink tea.

"How? My grandpa's body..."

Huo Sikai took a deep breath and said, "I won't hide it from you. The old man's health is not good at all. He has been hanging with medicine before, and after the issue of Siyin and you, it is almost daily. Even if I recondition it, it will treat the symptoms rather than the root cause."

After all, people are prone to physical problems when they are getting older, let alone Mr. Lu, who has been worrying all the time.

Huo Sikai's heart made a bang.

He knew that the old man's health was not as good as before, but he didn't expect that it would be so serious? !

"Then... Is there any way?"

Huo Sikai shook his head: "Birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature. No matter how advanced medicine is, no matter how superb art is, it will not help at a certain time.

When Lu Jingchen heard this, his heart became even more tense: "Then... my grandpa, how long will it take?"

Huo Sikai snorted: "Don't think too much, I'm just making an analogy, and let you be mentally prepared, old man... you are in a good mood at the moment, if you don't have any big ups and downs, his body, three to five Years should be fine."

Three to five years is really not short for an elderly person with a disease.

But when Lu Jingchen heard it in his ears, he felt that three to five years were too short, for them to be young, it passed in a blink of an eye.

"At most... only three to five years?"

Huo Sikai nodded: "Well, it's not short."

Lu Jingchen had no choice but to nod his head: "Okay, I see."

Huo Sikai looked at his expression and couldn't stop saying: "What kind of expression are you? The old man is already lucky to be at this age."

Lu Jingchen smiled: "Yeah."

Huo Sikai quipped: "If you can let him hold the great-grandson during his lifetime, he probably won't have any regrets."

When Lu Jingchen heard this, he coughed in embarrassment, "I'm not sure about this."

"What's in doubt? As long as you want to get married, those daughters in Kyoto will surely break the threshold of your house."

Lu Jingchen is now the brother-in-law of Shibei Territory. Although he is a watch, he is also dear!

Coupled with the Lu Family's own strength, the value of this family is soaring. How many people want to come to the Lu Family!

Lu Jingchen let out a forehead, hesitating to tell Huo Sikai about him and Ji Yang.

No, the phone in my pocket rang suddenly.

He lowered his head and took out a look. It turned out to be Mousse Yin? !

He thought for a while, raised his hand to connect, and then, Mou Siyin's pleasant and excited voice came from over there: "Cousin! You are finally getting accustomed! Finally, you have caught Yang Yang! What if you are? If I don’t get rid of it, I’m going to take a spoon and knock on your head!"

Lu Jingchen was stunned. Didn't expect Mou Siyin to learn about it so soon?

Who told her?

Probably not a man-in-law, then it is...

"Grandpa told you?"

"Of course! Grandpa is very happy, saying that you finally found the right person this time!"

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