Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1460: I think Miss Qiao is like a person

Raise your hand and click to open it. It is a short video, only 10 seconds.

The picture just happened to be the merchants who came out after the door of the trading floor was opened.

Ji Yang condensed his eyebrows and looked at it carefully. There is no shortage of celebrities from all over the world.

Although it was only 10 seconds, the number of people who walked out was enough for the police to investigate for a while.

The picture played slowly, and soon it reached the end of the video. At the moment when the picture was still, a figure fiercely broke into Ji Yang's eyes!

She was shocked!

The whole person suddenly stiffened!

That is···

"Tuk, tuk, tuk..."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the room, and her heart jumped and she immediately exited the email page.

There was a panic in my heart, who would it be at this time?

She walked to the door with a light step, and looked at the cat's eyes. For a moment, she was shocked!

It turned out to be Dragon Seven!

He unexpectedly found here!

Did he discover her identity? !

Ji Yang is really not sure at this time.

‘Tuk, Tuk, Tuk. "

The knock on the door sounded again, accompanied by Long Qi's deep and magnetic voice: "Miss Joe..."

Yes, Ji Yang is called Qiao Weiwei at this time.

Ji Yang listened to this, bowed his head, and immediately deleted the mail function completely, then whispered: "Who?"

Ji Yang is the best woman Long Qi has ever seen, but he likes it.

"Dragon Seven."

Ji Yang gritted his teeth, this man is really shameless!

"I'm already asleep."

Long Qi laughed lowly: "Isn't I still asleep? Open the door, I have something to tell you."

Ji Yang frowned: "I am not familiar with Mr. Long. If you really have anything to say, I will wait until tomorrow."

Long Qi was silent, and the corners of his lips twitched.

Ji Yang didn't hear Long Qi's voice again, and looked up a little puzzled.

It's okay not to look at it. At this look, I suddenly became calm, Long Qi actually took out a key? !

"You are not allowed to come in! Say what you have to say outside the door!" Ji Yang pushed the door panel hard.

Long Qi said, "It's not convenient to say outside the door."

"Then say tomorrow!"

"Now it's more appropriate."

After Long Qi's words fell, Ji Yang only heard two beeps of ‘Kacha’ and ‘Kacha’, and the locked room door opened instantly!

She hurriedly pushed hard, but Long Qi's strength was obviously much greater than hers. With a scream, she opened the door strongly and walked in.

Ji Yang retreated abruptly, and Long Qi closed the door easily, approaching domineeringly!

"Stop! Just say anything!"

Long Qi really stood there, squinting his black eyes and looking at her meaningfully, with an unclear tone: "I think Miss Qiao... looks like a person."

Ji Yang's heart jumped suddenly, and he stepped back slightly!

Long Qi suddenly stepped forward, reached out and grabbed Ji Yang's arm, and smiled softly: "Really? Officer Ji."

Ji Yang's brain banged!

He still found it!

"You... let me go!" Ji Yang struggled.

Long Qi hugged her tighter, and raised her other hand to pinch her chin: "Officer Ji is really surprising, but I like it."

"When did you find me?!" Ji Yang frowned tightly.

Was he before going to the casino? Or after the casino?

Long Qi smirked: "It was exposed as early as when you got on the cruise, little fool."

Long Qi said as he touched Ji Yang's body with his hands, Ji Yang was clever and struggling!

"Rogue! You let me go!"

That's why he is really shameless!

I found her a long time ago, but pretended not to know what to do, and didn't come to her until the high seas!

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