Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1517: Deep down in her heart, she didn't want him to leave...

Ji Yang's heart beat, raising his hand and throwing Lu Jingchen's hand aside.

"Having been busy all night, leave these to me."

After all, he left the dining table and walked towards the kitchen with the plate.

Lu Jingchen looked at Ji Yang's back, suddenly feeling weak and frustrated.

He wanted Ji Yang to like him and respond to his likes, but...she really didn't seem to feel anything towards him.

"Ji Yang."

Suddenly, he stopped her.

Ji Yang stood there abruptly, without words, as if waiting for him to speak.

Lu Jingchen hesitated for a moment, frowning, and said, "You really... don't feel anything about me? Don't have any thoughts of wanting to associate with me?"

Ji Yang's body stiffened suddenly, and her heart seemed to be grasped by a big hand, making her breathing uncomfortable.

After a long time to get Ji Yang's answer, Lu Jingchen acquiesced in what Ji Yang said.

In an instant, he sighed deeply: "If you feel that my presence by your side is causing you trouble, then I can give you free and private space."

Ji Yang smiled sadly with his back to Lu Jingchen: "Thank you."

Her thank you words were like a knife stuck in Lu Jingchen's heart.

It seems that he still overestimates his charm.

The man-in-law really didn't think much of him.

Suddenly I felt very miserable and couldn't even catch a girl I liked.

Why do other people chase girls so easily?

"But... it's too dangerous for you to live here..." "I'm fine, now Dragon Qi is still on the high seas, so there should be no threat to me at the moment."

Lu Jingchen frowned: "How about that? His absence does not mean that other people are not."

Ji Yang felt weak, paused for a while, and had to say: "I'm really fine, I just want to be alone, do whatever you need to do, don't worry about me."

Lu Jingchen stared at Ji Yang's back and hesitated to say-

Ji Yang suddenly turned to look at him with the tableware, "I'm really fine, don't worry."

Before Lu Jingchen came here, he was trying to stop, but he didn't expect to say a few more words before being driven away by Ji Yang.

But he felt that Ji Yang really didn't want to see him now, so he would go back first.

"Then you rest early..."


Ji Yang lowered his eyes slightly and did not go to see Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen took a breath and turned to leave silently.

When the door closed slightly, Ji Yang's tightly grasping heart not only did not relax, but tightened.

The bottom of my heart seemed to be dug out a piece of life, boundless loneliness surrounded her.

She can't deceive herself, deep down she doesn't want him to leave...

Lu Jingchen went downstairs in a decadent manner, pulled the car door and sat in, lowered the window, took out a cigarette and lit...

Swirls of smoke enveloped his handsome facial features, he took a heavy breath, and he felt a faint pain in his heart.

He sneered, dropped the cigarette butt, pressed the window to start the engine and went away...


Early the next morning, when Ji Yang was sleeping in Zhengxiang, the phone bell suddenly rang, and she frowned and opened her eyes.

Raised his hand and took the phone, it turned out to be Mousse Yin?


Because I just woke up, my voice was a little hoarse, when the mousse on the phone heard the sound, he said in surprise: "Yang Yang, did I bother you and cousin sleeping?"

Jiyang Black Line-

"Only me, without your cousin."

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