Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1618: It’s okay to talk to me, right?

That awkward Mu Si Yin!

"Yang Yang, I said, are you in a hurry to go back with my cousin and have a lot of affection?"

Ji Yang laughed: "Do you look like us?"

Mousse snorted: "If there is anything like it, close the door and turn off the lights. You two can do whatever you want. How do we know."

Ji Yang was helpless, smiled, and looked at Mou Siyin jokingly: "Yinyin, are you afraid that you are talking about you and Shi Beiyu?"

Mou Siyin was stunned for a moment, blushing instantly!

"Yang Yang, you are really getting more and less serious!"

"It's not serious that you are not me, here, someone can't wait."

After Ji Yang said, he also raised his chin to indicate the direction of Shi Beiyu.

Tonight in the bridal chamber, Shi Beiyu will naturally take his Xiaojiao wife back to the room to spend the night together. Besides, it is not too early at this point.

Mou Siyin turned her back to Shi Beiyu's direction. Hearing what Ji Yang said, he turned to look, and she saw Shi Beiyu standing not far behind waiting for her.

It is estimated that she was talking with Ji Yang, but did not come.

Mou Siyin coughed embarrassedly and looked at Ji Yang: "Then you should rest early, see you tomorrow."

Ji Yang nodded with a smirk: "Hmm, see you tomorrow."

Mou Siyin got up and walked towards Shi Beiyu with a smile. Shi Beiyu reached out and stood there waiting for her early.

When she came to her and put her palms in his slender and warm hands, she felt that fate was actually quite generous to her. Otherwise, why would she be allowed to have him?

"You can't come anymore, I'm going to be like Ah Jiu, forcibly taking you back to the room."

Hearing this, Mou Siyin suddenly laughed: "Leng Jiuchen hasn't seen Choo Ja for too long. We are all old husbands and wives. You are still so anxious!"

Shi Beiyu raised his eyebrows: "What old husband and wife? Didn't you find out that I asked you to be a bride every night?"

Mou Siyin's face suddenly became hot, and when he raised his hand, Bei Yu slapped Bei Yu's chest: "Why are you so shameless!"

Shi Beiyu looked innocent: "I'm telling the truth. Good, we should enter the bridal chamber again."

Mousse tone: "······"

Seeing when Bei Yu left with Mou Siyin in his arms, Ji Yang raised his hand to support his chin and couldn't help but curl his lips.

Although Mou Siyin has experienced many ups and downs, her life eventually became a rainbow.

"What do you think?"

Suddenly, Lu Jingchen's voice came into his ears.

Ji Yang regained consciousness fiercely, and then realized that he had been staring at Mou Siyin and Shi Beiyu for a long time.

Seeing Lu Jingchen coming from the shadows, she smiled and shook her head: "It's nothing."

Lu Jingchen didn't believe it. He stepped over and sat across from her. He said with a bit of amusement: "Mother, even if you don't accept me, it's okay to talk to me with our friendship for so long, right?"

Ji Yang always doesn't tell him anything, which makes him quite uncomfortable.

Ji Yang laughed: "I'm just happy for Yinyin, so much suffering is not in vain."

When Lu Jingchen heard this, he smiled and nodded: "Yes, although the relationship between her and Ayu is quite rough, but now, it is considered complete."


Lu Jingchen paused and looked at Ji Yang and said, "Well, the night scene here is also quite beautiful, shall we go to the beach?"

Ji Yang looked at him in surprise.

Lu Jingchen smiled cheeky: "Let's go, such a good opportunity, it doesn't necessarily have to be when next time you come."

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