Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1631: I will bring the evidence to you

"You don't need to explain, I don't want to listen."

After Ji Yang said, he took out his room card and opened the door and walked in. When Lu Jingchen wanted to follow up, the door slammed shut.

That violent force almost patted him on the cheek.

He was stunned, took a step back, and raised his hand to clap the door: "Yang Yang, listen to me, I was in a bad mood that night, and then I went to the bar for a drink, but I was in the box, and I didn’t know Bai Why would Ruoya go? She took the opportunity to drug my wine and I went to sleep. I never touched her, I swear!"

Ji Yang, with his back to the door, heard this and snorted coldly: "You have gone to bed, how do you know that you didn't touch her! If you didn't touch her, she would come to you and say that she might be pregnant with you?! Lie What a ghost!"

Lu Jingchen has a big head.

Raising his hand and grabbing his hair, he said: "That's all she is lying. I really, really haven't had that kind of relationship with her! You believe me!"

"Without proof, I won't believe you."

After Ji Yang said, he took a breath and walked inside.

After hearing what Ji Yang said, Lu Jingchen immediately said: "Okay, I will definitely bring the evidence to you to prove my innocence!"

Without hearing the sound from outside the door, Ji Yang lowered his head and smiled mockingly, raised his hand to look at the dazzling diamond ring on the ring finger, and raised his other hand to gently caress the drill body.

Happiness is not so easy to get.

If Lu Jingchen wanted to get the surveillance video of that night soon, he had to look for Shi Ran first. After all, the people who arranged to be in the bar were looking for Shi Ran.

"I know you are in a hurry. I called and asked just now, and the line is being restored. Don't worry, I have been urging."

Lu Jingchen was anxious: "Can you let them hurry up, now Ji Yang doesn't listen to my explanation at all. Without evidence, she won't believe me."

Shi Ran don't mention how helpless, "Don't worry, as long as there is news over there, I will tell you as soon as possible. As for Ji Yang, please coax me."

"She just shut me out, how can I coax me?" Lu Jingchen was depressed, he felt that he must have owed Bai Ruoya in his previous life, or else he would be blocked by her everywhere in this life!

Ji Yang finally agreed to his marriage proposal, and it became like this early in the morning!

Shi Ran Tsk shook his head: "Let me just say, this love is not so easy to talk about. Now that you have made a mistake, you can only think of the law to make her forgive, otherwise, this is the flesh of the mouth. What if I fly again?"

Lu Jingchen: "······"


Bai Ruoya was forcibly taken away by Mrs. Bai. Although she was not reconciled, she still stayed now and it didn't help. Lu Jingchen certainly didn't want to see her.

Before boarding, she sent an email out.

Mrs. Bai on the side didn't pay attention to what she was doing just now. When she saw it, it was already sending success.

"Xiaoya, who did you email to? What did you send?"

Bai Ruoya took a breath, turned off the phone, and said in a light tone: "It's nothing, I'm tired, I want to sleep for a while."

After that, he closed his eyes and made a gesture of not talking to me again.

Mrs. Bai frowned and thought about it. Although she was suspicious, she looked at Bai Ruoya like this and was still on the plane, so she had to suppress the doubts in her heart and didn't gnaw again.

Madam Bai took Bai Ruoya and left, leaving a mess to Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen turned around in a hurry, Ji Yang ignored him, and until nearly noon, Shi Beiyu, Mou Siyin, and the two elders all went downstairs and asked all of them to have lunch together.

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