Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1663: She is nothing more than a long face with Yueya

Listening to this, Leng Jiuchen was silent for a moment, and looked at General Leng and said, "I plan to divorce the presidential palace."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old general who was drinking tea over there threw the teacup in front of him with a ‘pop’, and the tea splashed his bright vamp and army-green trousers.

"You are a jerk!" The old general was furious.

"The marriage at the Presidential Palace is what you quit after you quit? The marriage has been delayed for so long, and the Presidential Palace has been dissatisfied! Mr. President has secretly met with the son of the Vice President, do you know?!"

Leng Jiuchen sneered: "Lu Tianyu is not my opponent at all. Even if Mr. President helps him, it is not to be afraid."

Lu Tianyu is the son of the vice president and the only candidate who can compete with Leng Jiuchen in this presidential election.

But Lu Tianyu himself had no real power. He relied on his father, the vice president, so Leng Jiuchen never put him in his eyes.

"You know what a shit!"

General Leng saw that Leng Jiuchen underestimated the enemy, and he couldn't help but explode in anger.

"On Lu Tianyu himself, there is no way to compare it with you, but he is an old fox, and he holds a lot of real power in his hands. There are many people who support them!

If Mr. President joins with them, no matter how strong you are, you may not necessarily be their opponent! "

"That's not necessarily!"

"The three heads have surpassed Zhuge Liang. What's not certain! Besides, all of them are wolves and tigers who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. I don't allow you to take any risks, let alone your position as president. Bad! I want to be foolproof!!"

General Leng Lao made a loud noise and did not allow Leng Jiuchen to have any objections!

Speaking of it, Leng Jiuchen’s strong dominance is also inherited from General Leng, but the old general is now old, and his domineering energy is much weaker than that of Leng Jiuchen, but when he should be strong, he is still very strong. Like now.

Leng Jiuchen looked at General Leng's speechlessly for a while.

The old general Leng snorted and said: "Although the presidential palace forced us to marry first, Mei Ning is not bad. You marry her and you don't lose money.

As for the Xiangjia girl, she is nothing more than a long face with Yueya. If you want to keep her by your side, I think I won't stop you, but marrying her is absolutely impossible. "

Leng Jiuchen's voice is low: "I want to marry Xiang Qiuji."

The old general's pupils suddenly shrank, he looked at Leng Jiuchen dumbly, stabilized the turbulent waves in his heart, and said solemnly: "It's about the political situation, I can't help you want to do it! It's not early, you should bring some gifts right now. The Presidential Palace apologized to Mei Ning! Some sincerity!"

General Leng Jiuchen didn't want to talk to Leng Jiuchen about retiring, so he immediately sent Leng Jiuchen to the presidential palace.

But having said that, the presidential palace is now probably waiting for Leng Jiuchen to come and apologize to Mei Ning.

Leng Jiuchen knew that the old general was avoiding the problem, so he didn't continue to talk to him. He understood the old general's temper. If he talked about it again, he had to talk about it. Retirement is very important and must be done step by step.

"Then I will go to the presidential palace first."

Leng Jiuchen nodded at the old general, then turned and left.

The old general squinted his old eyes and watched Leng Jiuchen's fading back, and his heart was vaguely disturbed.

Leng Jiuchen was the one who taught him to grow up. Generally speaking, he is an obedient child, but since that incident ten years ago, his temperament has changed drastically, his temper has become a lot deeper, and he prefers to do things his own way. But he still listened to him as a grandfather.

But this time...

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