Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1673: I don’t want to marry someone who doesn’t love

In her heart, she still hopes that Leng Jiuchen can be in that position, because he... is the natural king.

Leng Jiuchen sneered, "Lu Tianyu?"

Mei Ning's heart was shocked, but Leng Jiuchen didn't expect to know.

"Don't be surprised. He and I are running together. Naturally, it is a well-known hostile relationship."

"I don't want him to be president, and I don't want to marry him." Mei Ning looked at Leng Jiuchen pleadingly.

Leng Jiuchen curled his lips eagerly: "With me, he has no chance."

Mei Ning's heart abruptly, knowing that Leng Jiuchen was referring to the position of president, she could not control it and mistakenly thought she was talking about her.

Leng Jiuchen Xu was afraid of Meining’s misunderstanding, and said, “I hope you will think about it carefully. I don’t want to hurt the peace of the Presidential Palace.”

Mei Ning felt a sting in his heart, after all, he insisted on retiring.

"Can you tell me why I have to divorce?" she said helplessly.

Leng Jiuchen paused for a long time, looking at Mei Ning, his voice was hard: "I don't want to marry someone who I don't love."

For Mei Ning, this sentence is a literal punishment!

What a person who doesn't love...

"Then who is the one you love?" Mei Ning summoned all the courage to ask this sentence.

Leng Jiuchen squinted slightly, his voice faint: "In the future, you will know."

After that, he turned around and left straight away.

Looking at Leng Jiuchen's unrelenting back, Mei Ning felt that his heart was about to die in pain.

Why are there such cold people in the world...

Why should we let her meet.

Mr. President, Mrs. President and Mei Qing have been sitting in the living room waiting for Leng Jiuchen and Mei Ning to return.

Mei Qing ate the finest dried fruits and looked at Mr. President and Mrs. President and said, "Dad, Mom, shouldn't you talk to you about this wedding? There is nothing to talk about with Xiao Ning, she doesn't understand anything. "

The President's wife smiled: "I don't understand anymore, when do you want to get married, do you know?"

Mei Qing snorted softly: "I don't think things are as simple as that. Leng Jiuchen clearly reported his intentions of retiring! Look, he doesn't mean to get married anymore?"

Mr. President frowned: "Today he came to the door by himself. I also said, let him and Xiao Ning have the wedding as soon as possible. It was he himself who said he wanted to talk to Xiao Ning."

Mei Qing has nothing to say now.

I thought, Leng Jiuchen might be really afraid of losing his position as president, so he didn't dare to mention retiring.

But before long, the chief of the presidential palace ran in and said to Mr. President and Mrs. President: "Sir, Madam, General Leng asked me to tell you that he has something important temporarily, and he will take a step first and come to you next time Apologies."

"What?!" Mei Qing screamed in shock.

Mr. President and Mrs. President were also shocked.

"You said he's gone?" The President's wife asked.

The manager didn't look pretty, but he nodded: "Yes, ma'am, the team has reached the gate."

"It's just outrageous!" Mr. President was furious, raised his hand and slapped it on the table with a slap, slamming the delicate white jade teacup.

The President's wife hurriedly raised her hand to help Mr. President, and at the same time watched the general manager ask: "What else did he say?"

The manager shook his head: "It seems to be in a hurry, so I just got in the car and left."

The President's wife frowned: "What about Xiao Ning? Did she send it off?"

The manager shook his head again: "I didn't see the young lady, it's probably still in the garden."

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