Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1675: See what kind of woman is doing things by his side!

Now, the living room was finally quiet a bit.

The President's wife wiped the tears with a handkerchief, only to find that Meining was already holding a handkerchief in her hand, looking at the color pattern, it looked like a man's.

"Xiaoning...this is..."

Mei Ning looked at the awkward handkerchief in his hand, choked up and said: "When he handed me the handkerchief, I thought he would say marry me, or if we get married, but I didn’t expect..."

His moment of tenderness is only to give her more hurt and coldness.

"What did he say to you?" Mr. President said with a calm face.

Mei Ning sniffed and whispered: "He said, I'm not suitable for him."

Mr. President snorted: "It's not appropriate? Then why didn't he say it? Now that the campaign is about to come, he says it's not appropriate! It's a jerk!"

The President's wife frowned: "This time he is indeed too much! Even if your dad is about to step down, he can't do this to you or to our presidential palace!"

"If you really do what he wants, wouldn't the whole world be watching us jokes? He is whimsical!"

The President's wife frowned: "But he really wants to divorce now..."

"If he really wants to divorce, he won't even think about the position of the president!" Mr. President was also a little incoherent, saying whatever he thought of.

Leng Jiuchen is really going to **** him off this time!

"Dad, he said, he didn't want to hurt the peace of the presidential palace, so he talked to me first and let me consider."

Mr. President frowned: "He has no face to mention it to us!"

The President's wife thought for a while and said, "Since he didn't mention it to us, then we should assume that we don't know anything, just as Xiaoning didn't tell us anything. I'll go to Leng's house and look for General Leng, who has retired so much. It's impossible for him to have the final say alone."

Mr. President nodded: "Yes, go to the old general. If the old general also agrees to divorce, then we don't have to show any affection!"

The President's wife nodded: "Yeah."

Mr. President said again: "Also, go and have someone check it out, and find out what kind of woman is doing things beside him! Even my son-in-law dared to confuse him!"

"Okay, I know."


Xiang Qiuji got up to wash, and went downstairs.

The housekeeper saw that she was up, and immediately ordered someone to prepare breakfast.

Sitting alone at Nuo's dining table, looking at the exquisite and picturesque meal in front of him, his heart is empty and lonely.

Raise your hand to pick up the tableware, and eat a breakfast like chewing wax.

After breakfast, she was bored and went to hang out in the yard.

Although Leng Jiuchen's private villa doesn't look big, it has everything inside, including lawns, gardens, swimming pools, gyms, and so on.

She is a person who likes flowers very much. She looked at the sign to go to the garden and walked by herself.

As soon as I arrived in the direction of the garden, there was a burst of fragrance from the end of my nose, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

With joy in her heart, she walked away.

When I stepped into the garden, I was surprised by the beauty in front of me.

The golden colors make people feel like they are in a sea of ​​flowers. The whole garden is full of chrysanthemums. The golden color is the mainstay, and the color is supplemented. The garden is dressed up as a sea of ​​flowers, natural and colorful, gorgeous and not vulgar.

If you talk about what flowers Xiang Qiuji likes, besides the favorite fragrant snow orchid, the second one is this autumn chrysanthemum.

I like its graceful appearance and fragrant fragrance, and I also like its defying cold and disdain for the frost.

She couldn't help but walked to the center of the sea of ​​flowers, squatted down, stretched out her hand to gently soften her body, leaned over slightly to smell the fragrance

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