Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1701: He said he admired you and really wanted to marry you

After eavesdropping on the conversation between Lu Tianyu and Mr. President, Mei Qing went directly to Mei Ning's room.

Mei Ning has been extremely depressed recently.

Although she and Leng Jiuchen are betrothed unmarried couples, Leng Jiuchen has never actively contacted her since she got engaged. Sometimes she called him and no one answered him.

Before, she thought he was busy, but now it seems that she just doesn't want to care about her.

Just like this time, it has been some days since he came to the Presidential Palace last time. He said he asked her to think about it, but he never called her to ask her how she was thinking.

She smiled sarcastically, feeling that she was really too sad.

Just as she was thinking about it, the door of the room was slammed open.

She raised her eyes and saw that it was Mei Qing as expected.

Only Mei Qing won't knock on the door when she enters her room.

"Xiaoning! Guess who was here just now?" Mei Qing approached and looked at Mei Ning mysteriously.

Looking at her expression, Mei Ning thought it was Leng Jiuchen, and with joy, she stood up from the sofa: "Brother Chen is here?!"

Mei Qing immediately became speechless: "Can you stop thinking about Leng Jiuchen every day! What is he worthy of your thinking?!"

Hearing this, Mei Ning seemed to be drained in an instant, and the whole body returned to the previous listlessness.

"Isn't it him..."

Mei Qing snorted and sat beside her: "Lu Tianyu just came and brought a lot of news. Would you like to listen?"

Mei Ning looked up at her, frowning: "What?"

Mei Qing said mockingly: "About Leng Jiuchen and Xiang Qiuji."

Mei Ning's face was sad. Although he wanted to know, he said: "I don't want to listen, don't say it."

But how can Mei Qing live it?

She couldn't help not letting her say it.

"You must listen!"

Mei Ning looked at her helplessly: "Sister..."

"Let me tell you, Leng Jiuchen hooked up with Xiang Qiuji when you were not engaged, and later he became engaged to you for his presidency.

Then, Xiang Qiuji got angry and left China.

While he lied to you, he looked for Choo Ja. After knowing that Shi Beiyu and Mou Siyin were married, why did he let you come back first? "

Mei Ning's heart tightened and looked at Mei Qing: "He said he has things to be busy."

Mei Qing snorted coldly: "That's all to lie to you! Xiang Qiuji also went to the wedding. He and Xiang Qiuji are together, so naturally they don't want you to stay there to ruin his good things!"

Hearing this, Mei Ning's hands clenched suddenly.

"There is also Xiang Qiuji! She ran for so long, and now she suddenly appears to come back with Leng Jiuchen. Isn't she thinking that you and Leng Jiuchen are about to get married, so I have to come back and destroy you quickly, so she can marry Leng Jiuchen Cruel and mean!"

As soon as Mei Qing said this, Mei Ning's face went pale.

The more she knows, the more her heart hurts.

"That Lu Tianyu, although he is a bit worse than Leng Jiuchen, he is handsome and shrewd. He said that he admires you and really wants to marry you, so that his parents should think about it.

If you want me, you can just marry him directly.

If he is elected president, then you are still the wife of the president, and then you will find a chance to kill that **** Xiang Choo! "

Mei Ning froze and smiled stupidly: "Admire me? Do you believe it?"

Mei Qing frowned: "Xiaoning, Leng Jiuchen insists on retiring, then we can only continue to maintain the prosperity of the Mei family if we cooperate with the vice presidential palace. I think there is nothing wrong with you marrying that Lu Tianyu."

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