Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1732: What shameful trick did you use? !

Lu Tianyu is no stranger to Mei Qing. It is said that her life in Morocco is not satisfactory, so she wants to divorce and return to China from time to time.

I just don't know what she is going to do tonight.

"Master Lu!"

Seeing Lu Tianyu coming out, Mei Qing got up from the sofa immediately.

She was also forced to have no choice, so she wanted to come to Lu Tianyu to have a talk.

She really didn't want the presidential palace to marry the Yue family, and it would not benefit her at all!

"Miss Mei Qing came to the house so late, I don't know what the so-called so-called?"

Very gentleman Lu Tianyu walked to the opposite side of Mei Qing, smiled, and stretched out his hand to invite her to take a seat.

Seeing this, Mei Qing nodded lightly. After sitting down, she looked at Lu Tianyu and stopped talking. For a while, she didn't know how to speak.

Looking at this, Lu Tianyu smiled and said, "Ms. Mei Qing has any questions, so I can't help you just say it."

Mei Qing thought, anyway, it's already here, and she has nothing to worry about.

"That's the kind of Master Lu, I'm here tonight, mainly to talk to you about my sister's marriage."

Lu Tianyu raised his eyebrows slightly, oh, and said: "I want to ask for Miss Mei Ning, but Mr. President and Mrs. President have never nodded, and we can't help it."

Upon hearing this, Mei Qing said immediately: "They naturally don't want to nod, because they still think about marrying Leng Jiuchen and the others!"

Lu Tianyu's heart jumped. He didn't pay much attention to the term "Leng Jiuchen and the others" used by Mei Qing. He only thought that Mei Qing said that Mr. President did not nod his head because he did not want to give up the marriage contract between Leng Jiuchen and Mei Ning.

He sneered in his heart, but he said with doubts on his face: "But as far as I know, Leng Jiuchen now only thinks about the substitute, and insists on retiring Miss Mei Ning. If this is the case, how can Mr. President pay back... "

Mei Qing snorted: "Leng Jiuchen didn't want to marry my sister, but he thought of a despicable way to let our presidential palace submit to it!"

Hearing this, Lu Tianyu couldn't help narrowing a pair of black eyes, "Really? I don't know what shameful trick Leng Jiuchen used?!"

Mei Qing's heart was full of anger at this time, and she just wanted to vent all these anger from her heart. Lu Tianyu was willing to listen, so she was naturally willing to talk.

"He himself didn't want to marry my sister, so he asked Yue Guowu's son Yue Yiming to marry my sister, so as to achieve the original wishes of both parties! Do you think he is too shameless?!"

Lu Tianyu was shocked!

Looking at Mei Qing in amazement: "What you said is true?!"

Mei Qing nodded: "It's true! And, what is even more annoying is that my sister is not up to date. Leng Jiuchen defeated her like that. Now let her marry Yue Yiming, she actually listened to it. Leng Jiuchen, marry Yue Yiming!"

Lu Tianyu was shocked!

But still holding his hands to pretend to be calm, he frowned tightly and his voice was deep: "What do you mean by Mr. and Mrs. President?"

Speaking of Mr. President and Mrs. President, Mei Qing is even more aggrieved!

They are too partial!

Everything was thought for Mei Ning and Mei's family, she didn't even think about her feelings and situation, and didn't ask her opinion, so the matter was decided.

She snorted coldly: "They? They have preferred my sister since childhood, and now my sister has chosen Yue Yiming, they naturally won't stop it!"

"You mean... Mr. President and Mrs. President have decided to marry Miss Mei Ning to the little-known Yue Yiming of the Yue family?!"

Lu Tianyu's tone was unbelievable.

He had heard of Yue Yiming, and he hadn't met many people, because Yue Yiming was not a member of the political circle, and had been abroad for many years. If it weren't for Yue Xiang's current status, he wouldn't know who Yue Yiming is!

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