Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 1923: One more person, more power, more hope

Hearing this, Xingman sighed Shen Shen.

Their boss is notoriously bloodthirsty and ruthless, but his sister is more important than his own life.

Leng Jiuchen waited very anxiously, and finally, a voice came from the station: "Leng Jiuchen! Our boss said, let you take your man and get away immediately! The sooner the better! You also recognize the same, don’t Make our boss angry again!"

Leng Jiuchen is also the president of a country, and has always been arrogant, but at this time he was so insulted, and his heart was angry.

But in order to Xiang Qiuji, he had to endure.

"I want to see Xiang Qiuji!" He said sharply.

Xingmang sneered: "Are you qualified? Our young lady was injured by yours! She is now hanging by a thread, and I am afraid that the person who most wants to see is you!"

Leng Jiuchen's heart was shocked!

Life hanging by a thread?

"I won't leave without seeing her!"

Starlight glared: "Leng Jiuchen! Don't toast or eat fine wine!"

Leng Jiuchen was about to speak, when Shi Beiyu suddenly said, "How is your doctor? Huo Sikai, you know, the famous genius doctor in the medical field, let him go and see, maybe he can help!"

Xingman stayed.

Shi Beiyu said again: "It's about life. One more person has more power, and there is more hope. Does this still need to hesitate?"

Xingmang was about to speak when Longcha's voice suddenly came out: "Let him in!"

Xing Mang brought people to meet Huo Sikai, and Leng Jiuchen had to follow him without saying a word. Xing Mang immediately raised his hand and blocked his way.

"President Leng should stop."

Leng Jiuchen had a cold face, wishing to choke the stars to death.

Shi Beiyu looked at Leng Jiuchen: "Don't worry, Skye and I will find a way to rescue her."

Xingmang stared suspiciously at Shi Beiyu: "Young Master Shi, please stop, our boss only invited Doctor Huo."

Shi Beiyu smiled gracefully: "Without me, Dr. Huo might be nervous. Once nervous, he might not perform well."

Huo Si Kai: "······"

Damn it! Isn't he changing the law to say that Horsky is timid? !

Is he Huo Sikai a person who is greedy for life and fear of death?

"Let's go, time is life."

Before Huo Sikai could refute, Shi Beiyu dragged Huo Sikai forward.


Xingmang thought, anyway, what their boss didn't want to see was Leng Jiuchen, as long as Leng Jiuchen didn't go in, everything was easy to say.

When Shi Beiyu and Huo Sikai were taken by Starlight to the medical room, Longcha was anxiously pacing back and forth in front of the operating room.

Seeing Huo Sikai and Shi Beiyu, he paused for a moment and looked directly at Xingman without saying more: "Take Master Huo in."

Xing Mang nodded and replied yes, Huo Sikai followed Xing Mang into the operating room, Shi Bei Yu and Longcha stayed outside the door.

Longcha said solemnly: "If Xiao Ci has a case, I won't let Leng Jiuchen go!"

When Beiyu heard this, his eyebrows frowned, and looking at Longcha's expression, Xiang Qiuji seemed to be hurt.

"If she really had a case, Ah Jiu would not let herself go."

Longcha sneered: "His feelings for Xiaoci are nothing but that!"

"People are inevitably impulsive, but I believe Miss Xiang will not care about this with Ah Jiu."

When Shi Beiyu said this, Longcha's aura suddenly became cold.

"Then wait until Xiao Ci wakes up!"

Huo Sikai, who entered the operating room, had a serious look in his eyes after learning about Xiang Choo Ja's injury.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Qiuji was hurt more than he thought.

"Doctor Huo, the bullet hurts our heart, we don't dare to take the bullet rashly, what good do you have?"

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