Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 2072: Do you really want to chase our major?

In the afternoon, Leng Jiao led the recruits to assemble weapons. During a break, one recruit asked another recruit: "Do you know that Doctor Huo from the military doctor's office?"

"Why don't you know? The whole female corps ran to see him for a doctor."

Leng Jiao: "???"

The two continue to discuss-

"Except for his skin is whiter than ours, what's better?"


"I can push him to the ground with one finger."

"What do you think of the women's corps? The little white face is not useful. It is better to like us than to like him!"

"It is estimated that our rough men are tired of looking crooked and want to change their taste."

"Then their taste is really not good."

Leng Jiao: "······"

"Hey, by the way, isn't it that he has a close relationship with our major? What's his background?"

"I don't know, I heard from the women's corps that our major took him out of the restaurant at noon today in front of the major general. Some people say that he is our major's old love.

"Isn't it? Old love. People?!"

Hearing this, Leng Jiao couldn't listen anymore, raised her hand and picked up the whistle and blew in a loud voice, "Assemble!!"

With an order, the rest of the recruits gathered towards her quickly and incomparably.

After a short time, she stood neatly and upright in front of her.

Leng Jiao looked around and said, "No. 3, No. 7, No. 25, No. 55, get out!"

The four recruits lined up in front of Leng Jiao in an instant. Looking carefully, aren't these four people the ones just talking about?

When the four were called, their hearts were already frowning.

"79 type micro punch, first disassemble and then assemble, 20 seconds."

When Leng Jiao's words came out, the four of them complained deeply.

20 seconds?


This time is fine for the veterans, but for their recruits, it is a difficult challenge!

But the command of the instructor must be obeyed!

The four of them walked to the disassembly station to prepare. Leng Jiao gave an order, and the four began their disassembly and assembly swiftly and swiftly.

In the sound of clicking, 20 seconds passed quickly, and one of the four people barely passed the level.

Leng Jiao looked at the unfinished three people, and said lightly: "Sha leggings, 3000 meters."

3000 meters is really nothing to them, but if they use sand leggings, it will be more difficult, but for them, it is not a heavy punishment, it is a small punishment.

This can be regarded as a wake-up call from Leng Jiao. During training, even if you take a break, don't discuss anything that shouldn't be discussed!

The three went to receive the punishment, and the others continued to train.

It was a fluke for the one who barely passed the test, but thinking about it, he would never talk about Doctor Huo and their major general again.

Leng Jiao is usually not very harsh to them, and it is the first time that such a difficult challenge has been presented today. I think it is the words that they have just heard.


Huo Sikai sat in the office by himself for a while before thinking about finding Leng Jiao.

But the military area is quite large and there are many training areas. He didn't know where Leng Jiao was now. After thinking about it, he first found Wang Biao who was patrolling the military area.

When Wang Biao heard that Huo Sikai was going to find Leng Jiao now, he looked embarrassed: "The major is now leading the recruits to practice weapon disassembly. You can't talk to her if you find her?"

Huo Sikai snorted: "You can just tell me where she is. If I can't speak, can I just look at it?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Biao looked at Huo Sikai in surprise: "Doctor Huo, you...are you really going to chase our major?"

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