Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 390: Did your boyfriend ask Yifan to be beaten?

Uncle Zhong heard this, (⊙o⊙) oh and stared immediately: "Then... how did you provoke him?"

Moussyin's face was slumped: "Well, Uncle Zhong~ I'm hungry, don't you ask, OK?"

She was so embarrassed to say.

Seeing this, Uncle Zhong had to do it, and sighed: "Okay, don't ask, don't ask, but you two shouldn't breathe like this. If the young couple quarrel, you must quarrel at the head of the bed, right?"

Mou Siyin smiled embarrassedly: "Well, when he comes back, I will have a good talk with him."

Hearing this, Uncle Zhong immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Yes, yes, this is right~"

After having breakfast, after clearing up a little messy mood, Mou Siyin carried her bag and went to work at the company.

Before arriving at the Mu Group, the mobile phone rang. She looked down. It was a message from the hospital saying that her medical report had come out and she was asked to go to the hospital to get it.

She wanted the bodyguard to turn around and go to the hospital now, but she couldn't, and she couldn't let Shi Beiyu find out that she went to the hospital to check her body.

Otherwise, take a leave in the afternoon to pick it up?

When she arrived at the company, from her first step into the door of the Mu Family Group, everyone seemed to look at her from time to time.

Everyone knows what happened yesterday. Although the rumors on the Internet were later suppressed, most people still know.

So, for Mousse Yin, they really booed.

Mu Xingyu’s face was beaten, and it is still swollen now~

After coming back from rebirth, Moussy Yin has become accustomed to being the object of others' discussions. After all, her mouth grows on others, and she can't control what they want to say, she can't take a piece of tape to stick their mouths one by one.

When he arrived at the office, he ran into a coquettish Director Wang before he walked to his desk.

She greeted symbolically: "Morning, Director."

Seeing Mousse's listless voice, Director Wang sighed, "What? You fought such a beautiful battle yesterday, and you still lose your face today?"

Don't mention Mu Si Yin, she was speechless, watching Director Wang whispered: "Director, don't make fun of me."

After that, he walked to his position.

Director Wang just wanted to follow up with a few further questions, but Mu Heyuan's deep and powerful voice suddenly came from the office door: "Siyin!"

For an instant, everyone in the office was stunned.

Musyin sneered, and came to find faults in the morning. Why is she so busy every day?

Mu Heyuan stared at Mou Siyin again and said solemnly, "Go to my office."

After that, he turned and disappeared by the door.

Everyone sighed, behaved, the chairman himself came to ask people to go to the office, is there no phone?

Don't mention Mu Si Yin too much speechless, he is looking for her now, nothing but because of yesterday's banquet, but what does that matter to her?

Obviously he forced her to go, now that he is making a joke, come to look for her?

Get sick!

Director Wang saw Mou Siyin standing still in her position and couldn't help reminding her: "Mousyin, I'm calling you!"

Mou Siyin sighed helplessly and stepped out.

When he arrived at Mu Heyuan's office, Mu Heyuan immediately took a picture of the desktop in front of her and watched her angrily: "Say! Did your boyfriend ask Yifan to beat him last night!"

Hearing this, Mousse was stunned...

Seeing Mou Siyin's stunned face, Mu Heyuan's nostrils smoked: "You don't have to pretend! Except for him, who would beat Yifan for half his life for no reason!"

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