Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 840: Who is your daughter anyway!

Yue Yiru on the side raised his hand to cover the corner of his lips and smiled: "Mom, Dad must think you are beautiful tonight, so beautiful that he can't move his eyes."

For a moment, Leng Yunfeng was even more embarrassed.

"Like! What are you talking about! No big or small."

Yue Yiru smiled even more happily: "I'm not wrong again."

Seeing this, Yue Xiang was even more angry, and said coldly, "Are you very happy?"

As soon as this was said, the cheerful atmosphere in the car suddenly solidified.

Leng Yunfeng realized that Yue Xiang seemed very unhappy, and Yue Yiru was also stiff, and then squinted his eyes for a moment, as if he understood what Yue Xiang was upset at this time.

"Dad, what's the matter? Aren't Mom and I happy?"

"Your happiness is based on the pain of others, right?!"

Yue Yiru froze, and Leng Yunfeng said: "What do you mean? What makes our happiness based on other people's pain? I am also wrong with Yiru's happiness?"

"Then tell me, tonight, the banquet was spreading about the infertility of Ayu’s wife. For this reason, Ayu also severely reprimanded the officials’ wives, the people behind the news, Not you?"

When Yue Xiang said this, Leng Yunfeng suddenly smiled.

"What they provoke, why do you push me on?!"

"Mrs. Li personally told Xiao Jiu that you told her, dare you still say no?"

In an instant, Leng Yunfeng suddenly cursed Mrs. Li with blood!

Yue Xiang seemed to see through her thoughts, and said: "Don't think about finding someone to settle accounts in private, and lose my face!"

Leng Yunfeng was also angry now, looking at Yue Xiang with a calm face, sneered: "Others say you are peaceful and tolerant to others, but how do they know how you treat me every day?!"

Yue Xiang squinted-

Leng Yunfeng hesitated and said again: "You never care about me. If you care about your children, you will care about others and your reputation!

I told Mrs. Li, but the facts I told her, I only tell her, who knows that she can’t control her own mouth. Everyone who makes this trouble is known to all. If you want to blame it, you can blame it. Why should she blame me? ! "

"What is the truth? Why is it your turn to talk about other people's private affairs! You told Mrs. Li that you still hated Ayu for marrying Siyin, so that you can take this opportunity to make her make a fool of yourself at the banquet?!"

"I hate what's wrong! I think for my daughter, it's also wrong? It's you, never knowing that it is just like you want it! Who is your daughter!"

As if seeing the two quarreling like this, Yue on the side immediately stretched out his hand to hold Leng Yunfeng, "Mom, stop arguing."

Leng Yunfeng sniffed with red eyes, "Look at your dad, now you don't put me in your eyes at all, I blame everything on my head, what's wrong with me!"

Yue Xiang heard this and nodded: "Okay, this matter ends here. Tomorrow, I will arrange a blind date for Yiru as soon as possible, so that she can quickly set her lifelong event."

After all, this matter was caused by Yue Yiru.

Naturally, Yue Xiang knew that Yue Yiru hadn't given up on Shi Beiyu yet, especially now that he knew that Mou Siyin was infertile.

Therefore, she felt that the best way was to find someone to marry her as soon as possible.

But as soon as he said this, Leng Yunfeng froze before he could react, and Yue Yi exploded on the spot--

"I do not want!"

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