Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 871: Is the medicine too weak?

Leng Yunfeng looked at Yue Xiang and wanted to say something, but Yue Yiru dragged her and said: "Mom, since Dad said to hurry up and look for it, let's look for it as soon as possible."

As Yue said, he dragged Leng Yunfeng in the direction that Shi Beiyu had gone.

Because the corridor that Shi Beiyu is now going to is exactly where Yue Yiming and Mou Siyin are-

Lounge No. 5 is very close, and the fifth door is not far away.

Good show...Now it's going on!

"Like, shall we go there and have a look?"

Leng Yunfeng didn’t want to look for Shibeiyu and Shimu together, so he wanted to go to another corridor, but Yue Yiru frowned and said, “Mom, let’s look for them one by one first. Don’t waste time anymore, otherwise. , Dad should yell at us again."


Shi Beiyu clenched his left hand tightly, and kept pushing the door of the lounge with his right hand.

He wants to see Mou Siyin, not Mou Siyin and Yue Yiming!

Although Yue Yiming is Mu Siyin’s half-brother, Yue Yiming does not know these things. He believes in Mou Siyin, but for Yue Yiming, he doesn’t...

At this moment, Yue Yiming, who was crazily looking for by everyone, was completely controlled by the medicine in his body.

Mou Si Yin is the one he likes.

Now for him, that liking has been magnified many, many times by drugs, and he feels that the sound of the mousse at this time is beautiful to him.

He really wants to possess her...


It was too cold on the ground, and he had already hugged Mou Siyin on the sofa.

Mou Siyin had been in a coma, but his face was the same as Yue Yiming's, and his redness was extremely abnormal.

Sitting on the ground, Yue Yiming looked at Mou Siyin close at hand, and the desire in his heart completely overwhelmed him.

He knew he shouldn't treat her this way, but his mind kept on commanding her, staring at her red lips, eagerly wanting to taste her...

He raised slightly trembling fingers, stroked her perfectly curved cheek, and slowly leaned over-

The delicate lips attracted him like endless magic, and the two cheeks got closer and closer, and the scorching nose slowly melted into each other...

Just as the lips and petals of the two were about to touch each other, the door of the closed room was suddenly pushed open with a ‘click’!

Yue Yiming's brain jumped, and before he could get up, he heard a roar coming from the door: "Yue Yiming!!!"

Yue Yiming was stunned by the sound. Before he could react, he noticed an unstoppable gust of wind coming towards his front door-

Immediately after a ‘bang’, the body has been smashed to the side!

"Ahhh! Yiming!!"

Leng Yunfeng, who was following Shi Beiyu, also saw the scene of just pushing the door open. At that moment, she felt that her heartbeat was about to stop!

But Shi Beiyu's heavy fist not only slapped Yue Yiming far, but also instantly recovered the stiff Leng Yunfeng, screaming and ran inside.

The voices of Shi Beiyu and Leng Yunfeng also stunned several people in other places.

After Yue Yiru, who was next to Leng Yunfeng, saw the indoor scene clearly, his face sank immediately!

Nothing happened to them? !

For a moment, she stared at her pupils and clasped her hands tightly!

Does her brother like mousse, why hasn't anything happened after being together for so long? !


Is the medicine too weak?

His brother just couldn't hold it anymore. If the strength of the medicine were bigger, maybe the two of them would have burned the firewood a long time ago!

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