Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 875: Just like, it was you!

Although Yue Yiming is his son, he loves him very much, but he will never protect him when he makes a mistake!

Upon hearing this, Yue Yiming's brain twitched, and then, what happened tonight appeared in his mind like a tide.

He... was designed by his own sister!

Yue Yiru really disappointed him! !

How could he have a sister like this? !

No, it should be said, why did his sister, who had been in pain since childhood, become like this? !

Where has all her kindness gone?

Seeing Yue Yiming frowning, he didn't say anything, which made everyone anxious.

"Yi Ming, what the **** is going on tonight? Why are you and Si Yin in the lounge, and why did you get Chinese medicine? Do you know who did these things?" Shi Mu couldn't help it anymore. Continue to speak.

Yue Yiming suddenly raised his hand to caress his forehead, with a look of pain on his face.

In fact, he was entangled. He didn't know whether to tell what Yue Yiru did. If he said it, his father would not spare her easily.

Seeing Yue Yiming doing this, Shi Beiyu squinted his eyes: "Yiming, you should know how absurd things are tonight! I don't want you to protect those who do it!"

Since Leng Yunfeng went to see Yue Yiru in the lounge, the suspect of Shi Beiyu has always been Yue Yiru!

Although he guessed that Yue Yiming liked mousse, no matter what, Yue Yiming would not do such a shameful thing!

Therefore, Yue Yiru is the most suspicious person!

Yue Yiming frowned deeper when he heard Shi Beiyu's words. After a while, his voice was hoarse and he said, "My mind is a little messy, give me some time."

He was very fortunate that when Beiyu and others rushed to stop him in time, otherwise, he would not forgive himself! !

Seeing him like this, Yue Xiang said in a deep voice again: "Don't fool us, even if you don't tell us about the matter tonight, I will let someone thoroughly investigate it!"

Yue Yiming remained silent.

Shi Beiyu saw that he didn't say anything, and he was even more sure of what he was thinking. He looked at him and said in a deep voice, "Since you don't want to say, then I will bring people, you can see if it is all right."

When Shi Beiyu said this, everyone was shocked!

Especially Leng Yunfeng, a heart touched his throat!

Yue Yiming also looked stunned, but before he could speak, the door of the ward was pushed abruptly. Then, Yan Ze grabbed Yue Yiru’s arm and dragged her in—

Yue Yiru's mouth was stuck with duct tape. After entering, Yan Ze raised his hand and tore the duct tape open. Yue Yiru screamed in pain.

"Let go of me! You dare to catch me!" She struggled desperately. She didn't know when she took off her high heels. The delicate hair was scattered, and the makeup on her face was a little flowery. It seems that there is no longer the elegance and arrogance of the past.

Everyone was shocked by this!

"You, just like, it was you!" Shimu stared in amazement.

Yue Yiru struggled and screamed: "It's not me! Auntie, you have to believe me, it's really not me, I really don't know what happened!"

The most stunned is Yue Xiang!

Shi Beiyu has always had a good basis for doing things. Since he has tied Yue Yiru, it proves that this matter, eight. Nine non-little ten, is what Yue Yiru did!

Yue Yi is known to not like mousse, but what about Yue Yiming?

That's her own brother, she can do it all? !

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