Pampered By Mr President!

Chapter 915: Your mother, she is stupid! Too stupid!

The old man was getting angry and said: "Everyone! I don't want to see anyone!"

Yue Xiang followed Shi Beiyu and Mou Siyin back, just because they wanted them to be lobbyists for him, so he didn't want this set!

Mou Siyin raised his hand and turned the door open. Father Lu saw that it was Mou Siyin, and said angrily, "So what kind of a guilty man, what qualifications do you have to be your father? If you want to recognize him, you can accept it. Anyway, I am absolute Won't forgive him!"

Mou Siyin closed the door, walked to the old man Lu, picked up the teacup and poured a glass of water for the old man.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, drink some water first."

"Don't drink!"

Mu Siyin was helpless. She didn't know anything about her mother and father back then, so she couldn't fully understand the feelings of Grandpa Lu.

She knew that, as a father, she saw her daughter being abandoned, and eventually lost her life because of the abandoned person, and she would not choose to forgive as a person.

But things have happened and no one can change it.

Nowadays, things have come to this point, and there are many helplessnesses.

"Grandpa, I know you are angry with him, he is indeed at fault."

"Where is he wrong, he is so wrong! It is not worthy of forgiveness at all!"

Mou Siyin nodded: "Yes, but he also has his helplessness. I heard that he would choose to separate from my mother at the beginning because the Yue family's father forced him to death, so he had to do that."

"Then since he chose to separate from your mother, he shouldn't entangle your mother anymore. If it weren't for his entanglement with you, would your mother... be killed by the beast of Mu Heyuan? !"

Mou Siyin was silent, and after a long time, he said in a low voice: "He has been unable to let go of my mother and entangled again. Maybe it is uncontrollable, and my mother must have not let him go, otherwise, he would not risk it. The risk left me and was born.

Grandpa, since he is the one my mother loves, please give him some tolerance and forgive him. "

These words of Mou Siyin were also said to the old man's heart.

"Your mother, she is stupid! So stupid! People have abandoned her and married someone else, and she is still thinking about him!

What did she get in the end?

Nothing! He was also mutilated and was infamy! "

Old man Lu is angry, he is not only angry at Yue Xiang, but also at his own daughter who is too stupid!

Mousseyin lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "She is all for me. Without me, all tragedies would not happen."

Old man Lu was dumb and looked at Mou Siyin very entangled: "It's not you to blame."

"Blame me, it's because of me."


Elder Lu was very helpless: "No matter what, it's your mother's choice. It's none of your business. You don't need to blame yourself."

"Then grandpa don't get angry about this incident anymore. Those things have been so long, and you should let them go. Now your health is getting better, so you must take care of it.

As for my biological father, whether I know it or not, it can’t change the fact that he is my biological father, and you don’t have to worry about it anymore. "

Elder Lu sighed Shen Shen, "After all, you still come to him as a lobbyist."

"Grandpa! I'm married now. I belong to the Shi family. Even if I recognize him, it just makes me feel that I am not a fatherless person, and I don't want you to be upset about this incident. "

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