Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 973: Landing emperor

Tuoba stood outside the hall of Fenghua Palace and looked up at the full moon in the sky.

The arm that hangs down, rubbing the fat of the sheep that was returned by the money blossoming.

Duo, if you can, you are willing to do everything, just to stay with you, never leave.

——Duoer dividing line——

In a blink of an eye, Qian Duodu has been in the palace of Nanzhaoguo for five days.

During this period, Tuoba, in addition to discussing the political affairs with the Shang Dynasty and the ministers, spent the rest of his time in her Fenghua Palace.

Having dinner with her, reading a book together, pressing the road together, sleeping together~


Although Qian Duo Duo is a natural mature, it is quite good for the man who is gentle and rich in Tuoba, who does not allow his favorite world.

But this is only limited to the good feelings between friends, if it is said that the husband and wife ~ seems to be still a lot of feelings of heart and soul.

So, between them, the so-called sleeping, is one on the bed, one on the ground.

It’s like tonight, Takuya’s night battle, after all the memorials, all the ladies and eunuchs were sent away.

Then, holding his bedding and pillows, he began to work tirelessly - playing the ground.

Money blossoming and rolling in bed could not sleep, watching Tuoba wearing a yellow bedding, such as a body, embroidered on the dragon pattern, also embedded with a flashing gem.

But how can such a arrogant son sleep on the floor under his bed?

The more she looks at the more curious, the more she looks, the more she looks.

"Tuo Yu, in your harem, this noble man, how many women are waiting in line for you, and I heard that there are a lot of new girls in the Chuxiu Palace, ready to give you This year's draft, you go to those fresh faces, why do you have to kneel on my floor tiles to help me clean the floor?"

Tuoba heard the rumors that Qian Duodu mentioned himself, and heard the whole thing of the draft. The whole person’s face was gloomy.

He slammed and stood up, opened the quilt in his hand, and cursed his teeth: "Damn, don't want your head!"

After Qian Duodu came to Nanxun Palace, Tuoba has always been gentle and considerate, and as if it is now, he was angered.

She shrank her head, wrapped her wraps in the quilt, and looked innocent.

Tuoba responded to this. The tone of his own voice was scared to the flowers, and his face quickly hangs a smile. He explained in a good tone: "Duo, don't you say, you tell me, are you those? Are the slaves chewing on your tongue?"

Duo is so smart, if she really hears anything, she will doubt.

Qian Duo Duo took a sigh of relief, thinking, really accompanying the king as a tiger.

"They are not willing to talk to me more. I asked them about their previous affairs. They are all swaying. It seems that there is something going on me. Then I will run out and sway, and I will see the show." The showgirls of the palace, each of them are top beauty. Besides, you are the emperor, the three palaces and six courtyards, 72, what is strange, I don’t need to listen to others, I can think of it with my hair."

"Oh, Dao is so smart, I use my hair to think about things?"

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