Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 989: Black man, you are squeezing me out.

Long Muzhen, like a gecko, squats on the beam outside the temple, and through a small hole that the finger buckles out, watching the quiet money blossoming inside, suddenly obsessed.

I want to reach out and hug the little woman in front of me, but I forget my gorgeous posture hanging on the beam.

Raised his foot, but stepped on the air and fell empty.

"Oh--", the ecstasy fell to the ground, making a sound.


Qian Duodu was pinching the clay figurine on the dressing table, and suddenly heard something falling outside the window and the general voice, the subconscious opening asked.

Then, licking the mud in his hand, he stood up and wanted to get close to the window and find out.

Who knows, when I haven't had time to reach out, ‘嗖——’, as the speed of the electric light and flint, it broke into the figure from the window.

Flashing through her for a moment, she reached out directly to her arm and took her petite body into her arms.

When the money blossomed and reacted to what happened, I felt that my body was pushed into a broad embrace, and the strength of the arm seemed to be like the fact that I couldn’t help myself into the bones.

She just wanted to scream a ‘come, there is an assassin’.

I heard the voice of the man in front of me, and brought it into her ear with a touch of hoarseness and excitement.

"Duo, Duo, I finally found you!"

Qian Duodu’s doubts looked up and thought about seeing this man who was shaking his own life. Is it his long-lost embarrassment?

Otherwise, why do you have a pair of old-fashioned tears, staged a touching scene, a hundred years later?

However, when she raised her eyes, the money blossomed slightly and stunned.

At first, Long Muzhen was covered with black gauze, and wrapped in a night coat, inside and outside, like a ninja turtle that fell into the ink.

Then, in the moment she saw her looking up, the black man unveiled the veil on his face, revealing the truth.

A black dress, full of wild charm, especially a pair of black and white pupils, dazzling and dazzling in the moonlight.

He stared at himself as if he was locked in a delicious prey, not willing to leave, but with a deep excitement and affection.

In the mind of Qian Duo Duo, suddenly a white light flashed quickly. A fuzzy body image slammed in the wind, but it disappeared vaguely, making her unable to see the figure.

She suddenly felt that this strange man is so familiar!

But I can't remember, where I have seen it!

"That, the black heroes, you let me go first, you have squeezed me!"

Being stared by a strange man with such hot and hot eyes, Qian Duodu felt uncomfortable.

Long Muzhen reacted, it was too excited, and almost hurt the money.

So she immediately let go of her petite body and turned her wrist up.

"Duo, look at the present, the outside guards change shifts, you go with me."


The money blossomed but shrunk his hand, and he stood in the spot, ignoring his eyes and looking at his back.

"Duo, what's wrong? Is it angry? It's not good for me. It's me late. Let's leave here first, then you have to make a penalty, you have to smash the floor, and the king knows how to listen."

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