Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 112: Sacrifice for Hakkar

   In order to prevent enemies hiding in the dark, Onyxia launched a fireball to the ceiling.

   This cleverly controlled fireball exploded instantly after hitting the ceiling, turning into a bright firework, dispelling the shadows in the hall.

   The troll berserkers hiding behind the sacrifice can no longer hide their bodies, so they can only come out one after another.

   There are four troll ragers.

   Drunk Wind frowned--Sure enough, the faith of an evil **** cannot be underestimated. These four look almost the same guys, all of them are epic masters. More importantly, they can fight in the places they are most familiar with and cooperate with each other. The improvement of combat effectiveness is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

   "You are good, but what can you do!"

   Lexus roared first and ran forward with Misha. As he was running, he bent down and picked up the two sharp axes that had fallen on the ground, and slashed towards the troll rager on the far left.

   Then, Old Chen rolled his head forward, and then raised his head, a mouthful of wine mist, sprayed directly on the face of the troll rager who wanted to slash at him, and the second enemy also had an opponent.

   With the help of the Slow Falling Cloak, Zuifeng finally slowly fell to the ground. After unraveling the Valley of Mist, Drunk Wind directly flew into the sky, kicking the troll rager on the far right.

   And the last remaining troll berserker just wanted to step forward and pinch the drunk wind, so he had to stop - less than a step in front of him, a sharp cross-throwing knife stuck on the ground. "Hi, silly big guy! Your opponent is me!" Levi Khan straightened up.

   The remaining Onyxia and Isarios did not dare to move forward. The two watched carefully left and right to prevent new people from appearing.

   The battle was almost heated right from the start.

   Zuifeng and others found that in this hall, the troll berserker became more and more excited. Their eyes were red, and one hand was waving a huge machete, while the other hand was throwing that sharp iron hook from time to time. The iron chain at the end of the hook was connected to their waists.

   The unique fighting skills of the troll ragers not only make them full of threats in close combat, but also use the movement and rotation of the body to control the flying trajectory of the hook after the hook flies out.

   This also means that everyone present needs to always be careful of possible attacks from behind-obviously the hook flies towards the drunk wind, as the troll rager turned around, the hook flew towards Rexxar.

   "It can't go on like this!" Zuifeng shook his head secretly, "It seems that these guys are getting stronger and stronger. It seems that a quick fight is needed."

   Thinking of this, Zuifeng put his hands together decisively.

   "Earth Fire, Wind Power, Elemental Clone!"

   Four Pandaren element clones appeared,

   Seeing that Drunk Wind opened up a big move, Rexxar, Lao Chen, and Levi Khan all followed suit, entangled their opponents firmly, preventing them from having a chance to support.

   The four element clones surrounded the troll berserk, allowing him to enjoy the feeling of being besieged.

  Because of the small space, the wildest flame clone did not dare to use the ability to enlarge the range, and could only summon a chain of flames, which restrained the troll violent. At the same time, the Earth Clone jumped up high and hit the back of the troll violent with his knee joint, knocking him to the ground.

   The floor tiles in the hall appeared cobweb-like cracks, and the poor troll berserker was almost beaten to the ground. Before he could react from the intense dizziness, the Lightning Clone hit him again with a set of angry thunders. Just when the troll rager was still dizzy, the Gale clone flashed past, and the wind blade cut the troll rager's throat.

   After solving a troll rager, Zuifeng was surprised to find that the situation had not improved at all. The remaining three troll berserkers seemed to be greatly stimulated, and their bodies began to swell while shouting.

   Facing the strengthened troll berserker, the benefits and harms are a little unsupportable-this kind of fighting method is really not suitable for shadow hunters.

   Fortunately, Drunk Wind arrived in time, otherwise Levy Khan felt that he might be injured.

   Under the attack of Drunk Wind and Levi Khan, the second Troll Berserker was also cut through his throat and fell quickly.

   Then the remaining two troll ragers were strengthened again.

  The Drunken Wind and Levi Khan who had come out helped Old Chen solve the third Troll Berserker. And as the third troll berserker fell, the strength of the last guy soared.

   The last troll berserker was already like a giant at this time. The four-meter-high body made him look full of pressure. He held the huge machete that looked very funny in his hand, and it was already just the size at this time. Rexxar and Misha have completely lost their strength advantage, and they have been suppressed.

Misha no longer dared to slap easily—because just now, her upright slap was blocked by the troll berserker, and she was also knocked into the air, hitting the wall and scratching her back. .

Although it has broken through to the legend, facing the siege of four people, the last troll berserker fell He was accidentally scratched by Livy Khan’s cross-knife and was hit by a paralysis potion. . When he moved slowly, he was hit by Old Chen's barrel again. But Rexxar took the opportunity and smashed his chest with an axe.

   The last troll berserk slowly lost its vitality in the eyes. This silent guy finally opened his mouth at the last moment of his life.

   "Finally I sacrificed myself to the great Hakkar."

   As soon as the voice fell, the corpses of the four troll berserkers quickly dried up, and the flesh and blood in the hall disappeared.

   Everyone didn't know what was going on at all, so they seemed at a loss, but after a brief period of panic, everyone realized that when there was no way out, they could only ignore things they didn't know.

   The six people separated again and searched carefully.

   No keys, no secret doors, Zuifeng and others searched for a long time but found nothing. Just when everyone was surprised, a misty voice came from the corridor on the way.

   "Come on, the door is already open."

   Everyone looked at each other, but when there was nowhere to go, they could only choose the same way back.

   When Zuifeng and others returned to the upper hall, the front door was already open, and a female troll was looking at them with a smile on her face.

   "Thank you! Outsiders, you helped me fix the sacrifice of Hakkar. Now, the sacrifice to the great blood **** can finally begin."

   Seeing everyone's face on guard, the troll smiled brightly.

"Relax, outsider. Now, please come with me-if you want to see those living green are welcome to visit and read the latest, fastest and hottest serial works. All at mobile phone users please go to read.

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