Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 117: The true blood **** Hakkar

   The real Haka appeared.

   is still in the form of a wind snake, but this time Haka is no longer a bone frame.

   Zuifeng regretted looking back at him at this time. Due to the lack of sacrifices, Hakkar cruelly distorted the flesh and blood of all his followers-so the huge wind serpent was actually made up of a large number of trolls.

   There are a lot of troll faces on the skin of this wind snake, each of them is filled with terror, and the pair of wide-eyed eyes are filled with surprise and surprise.

   Let alone drunk wind. Even tough guys like Rexxar feel very sick.

   More importantly, Haka is still showing off!

   "How about? Is my body composed of believers incredibly powerful? Mortals, maybe you are not afraid of mental distortions, but physical ones? Hahaha!"

   For a moment, Drunk Wind wished that he was blind.

  Only Levi Khan seemed to have no feeling for such a disgusting guy. He took the lead with a short knife and rushed up. Zuifeng and others tried to resist the nausea and followed behind.


   The battle was not going well.

   I have to admit that as a Cthulhu from the Twisting Void, Hakkar still has two brushes-although he is not completely here at this time, his strength is already the pinnacle of legend. And because the body is twisted by the troll, Haka seems to have inherited the powerful recovery ability of the troll. The attacks of Drunken Wind and others can cause damage, but Haka will recover in an instant.

Rexxar and Misha cooperated and chopped off a part of Hakkar's body, but after the troll's body left Hakkar, he actually stood up by himself, walked slowly over to Hakkar's body, and changed back to him. a part of!

   "Hahahaha!" Seeing this, Hakkar began to laugh, "It seems that the Titans are indeed all done! His creation is so weak now! The era of Hakkar is bound to come-tremble, mortal!"

"Levy Khan! Can't go on like this! Don't you trolls have their own death gods? You are a shadow hunter, can you please come out that death **** to appease these trolls? If this continues, we will be exhausted by him. !"

   At the critical moment, Drunken Wind has simply no longer had any scruples, and directly reminded Levy Khan. As for everyone who doubts yourself afterwards, then go to doubt, because you are a "prophet" anyway.

"I haven't summoned outside the altar, but I can try!" After Drunk Wind's reminder, Levi Khan decisively started the troll ritual: "Hold on, guys, I need to communicate with Lord Bonsandi. "

   After speaking, Levi Khan put on a voodoo mask seriously.

   Carefully, Levy Khan found a bottle of medicine in his waist pocket and unplugged it directly and poured it down. Then from a small bag, Levi Khan took out a handful of golden powder, sprinkled it in the air, and then began to beat with a strange rhythm.

   Seeing this scene, Haka decisively began to attack the line of Drunk Wind, hoping to interfere with Livi Khan's ceremony. However, Zuifeng and others made up their minds not to allow Haka to succeed. Without asking for an offense, Haka could hardly approach Livyhan.

   With the dance of Levi Khan, the powder floating in the air fell on the ground, forming a mysterious troll rune, and then a phantom appeared on the rune.

   "Levy Khan, my child-why are you willing to call me?"

The phantom is a Zandalar troll with a mask (the trolls that don’t hunchback are probably Zandalar trolls). The breath of death on his body is equal to that of Haka, but what’s interesting is that he is very The attitude is quite good.

"Respected Lord Bonsanti, Levi Khan prays for your help." Although Levi Khan became weak due to the ceremony, he still kneels in front of Bonsanti decisively, "Please help me and appease the soul reaper. These poor souls."

Bangsandi is a traditional **** worshipped by trolls (especially darkspear trolls). According to the legends of trolls, the dead trolls will go to Bangsandi’s death kingdom, and the most powerful soul can be With the help of Bonsandi, he became the new troll god.

   Therefore, this masked troll **** is called the Soul Harvester.

  Bonsandi also noticed Hakkar at this time, and in an instant, the troll's death became extremely angry.

   "Hakkar, you dare to come back! Sure enough, Gurubashi shouldn't choose to exile your priests back then! They should all be sent to my kingdom and be purified by me!"

  Haka also noticed Bongsanti. He simply stopped attacking and fixed his eyes on Bongsanti.

"Yeah, isn't this my old friend of the **** of death? I haven't seen you for many years, you don't seem to have made any progress? You still can't be called, you are on call! Just what you are now, a phantom wants to defeat me I remember that in order to defeat me, many guys shot together?"

   "Huh, if you pierced your face earlier, Gurubashi wouldn't collapse!" Bonsandi said fiercely, "Now do you dare to come back?"

   Then, Bonsanti stretched out his finger and pointed to Hakkar: "These trolls were no longer your followers when they They will return to my kingdom!"

   A beam of light shot from Bonsandi’s finger and pointed at Hakkar.

   Then, a large number of troll souls visible to the naked eye left Hakkar's body one after another. Haka tried to struggle, but in the realm of Bosundi, Haka found out in horror that he had no room for resistance.

  Finally, the soul of the troll left Hakkar, and Bonsanti nodded towards Levi Khan: "Child, you finally chose to accept your own destiny? Haha—you are destined to be my vote!"

   "It's not because of you!" Although Levi Khan bowed down to this Bangsandi, his expression was obviously not convinced, "I am for the fate of Darkspear!"

   "Stupid boy, what I am guarding is the fate of Dark Spear!" Bangsandi shook his head and gradually disappeared.

   Levi Khan, who had completed the ritual, was pale, and he was lying on the ground feebly, panting heavily: "What if Bonsandi really guards the Dark Spear and accepts my so-called fate?"

   At the same time, Haka completed another transformation.

   The flesh and blood of the troll who lost his soul was quickly turned into a part of him by Hakkar. At this time, Hakkar finally turned into a normal wind snake-bright feathers and poisonous spines, beautiful and deadly.

   "Mortals, do you think you are determined to win? No, no! Now, what you are about to face is the true incarnation of the great Hakkar!"

  The battle has become more difficult...

I just couldn’t kill Haka, but now I can’t beat Haka. The blood **** who has his own familiar body seems to be able to do well in the siege of Welcome to read, the latest, fastest, The hottest serial works are all at mobile users, please go to read.

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