Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 130: Take it to death

   Now that Necruz's trail has been discovered, everything is much easier.

   It was near dawn at this time. It was the most exhausting time for those who stayed up late. Most of the orcs in Grim Batol had already fallen asleep, and the group of Drunken Wind decided to take advantage of this time to hit Necruz by surprise.

   With the help of Onyxia's advanced invisibility technique, Drunk Wind and his party followed the guidance of Logosh and came outside Nekruth's room.

This time, after careful observation, everyone discovered that there was something wrong with this room-it was obviously a very ordinary room on the outside, but the orcs living here were too powerful, and it was late at night. The elite fighters have not slept yet!

   This discovery makes Zuifeng feel dumbfounded-this is the place without silver three hundred taels, right? This level of protection is clearly saying that there are treasures here!

  Onyxia was also very angry at this time. When she searched here, she felt something was wrong. Now she wanted to understand that it was because there were too many guards!

   Five people appeared in the corner outside the room, Onyxia opened the silent barrier, and began to discuss how to break through the orc blockade.

"There are a total of six orcs in it, and each of them seems to be of Tier 9 strength-although three are asleep, it is not stressful for us, but considering that we have to solve them silently, it seems not easy... "Drunk Feng frowned, "Onyxia, don't do anything. Although the magic fluctuations here will be weakened, your magic will not kill them all at once, which is very troublesome."

Onyxia nodded unwillingly. Recently, she has increasingly discovered the limitations of her strength. Although her special talent allows her to easily mobilize and use the power of the fire element, she has to admit that the attack method is too single. The result is that many times I can't help.

   "As for Dai Lin..."

Before Drunk Wind finished speaking, Dai Lin took the initiative to speak: "Sorry, I am not very good at this either-I am used to using the power of the tides at sea, not to mention that I can't exert my full strength here, even if I can, The momentum is estimated to be bigger than your Excellency Onyxia."

After    finished speaking, Dai Lin shrugged embarrassedly.

   Facing Dai Lin's uprightness, Drunk Feng could only choose to smile bitterly. This situation had long been expected. The Admiral Lothar once mentioned that Dai Lin was a pure man. Obviously, this guy is good at positive.

   After thinking for a while, Drunk Wind looked at Levi Khan: "Man, is there poison—the one that makes people silent? Is there any knife—that doesn’t show up when sneaking?"


   As always, the Six on Earth are guarding their leader in their room.

  Six of the Earth Splitting are six famous guys in the Dragonmaw clan. They are absolutely rare sextuplets. Although their mother died of dystocia when they were born, their father, Glock Earthbreaker, raised them.

  In Draenor, because six people had the same mind, hunting took advantage of it-facing a powerful prey, six skilled hunters could hardly escape death.

   They were quickly appreciated by Nexus, and after coming to Azeroth, they became Nexus' bodyguards.

   Some time ago, the return of the expeditionary army brought news that the Black Dragon Legion had helped the Alliance, which made Nekros extremely nervous. Although he controlled the Red Dragon Queen with the Demon Soul, he actually knew very little about the dragon.

   For fear of the dragon's revenge, Nekruth dug this inconspicuous room deep in Grim Batol's fortress and opened another room. And Nike Cruise also disguised the original room.

   These are not important to the Sixers. These six brothers have only one goal, to protect their leader.

What needs to be explained is that although Nekruz controls the demon soul, he is not the chief of the Dragonmaw clan-the chief of the Dragonmaw clan is called Zulud. At this time, he is actively contacting the remaining orcs of Azeroth. , I want to make a big news with the Red Dragon.

Today’s Grim Batol’s fortress is not very peaceful. There was a wave of chaos in the lower slave garden. The Frostwolf gladiator who was caught last month killed a warlock-although the warlock killed himself. , I hope to get the ability of Logosh to communicate with the dragons who are not wise. However, this was not the reason that the Frostwolf slave killed him. I heard that the kid was beaten severely.

   Thinking of this, the three awake brothers looked at each other and grinned in unison. They had actually had enough of their lives in this small room, but it was a pity that the chief seemed determined to hide, so these brothers could only hope that Logosh from the Frostwolf clan spoke quickly.

  Nikelus promised that once they got the method to directly control the dragon without wit, they would change their positions.

   It was late at night, and the boss of the six brothers couldn't help but yawn.

At this moment, three sharp blades suddenly appeared on the necks of the three awake brothers. The short knife was wiped at the same time, and the three brothers’ trachea was cut, and then they quickly fell to the Then, the three figures directly attacked. The three orcs in their sleep were also killed in their sleep.

   These three figures are the sneaking Levi Khan and the violent clones of Drunken Wind and Old Chen. With the help of Levi Khan's knives and voodoo, the poor Six Brothers of Earth Splitting were killed by one blow!

   cleared the guards outside, Zuifeng and Old Chen both released their clones, and Dalin and Onyxia also entered the room.

   There is only one wall between Nekruth and now.

   After regaining his body, Drunk Wind twisted his wrist and returned the dagger to Livihan: "Man, the dagger is good!"

   Levi Khan took the short knife thrown by Zuifeng and Lao Chen with both hands, and smiled: "Of course-this is the guy I used in the Shadow Hunter test, absolutely fine."

   "Now we are about to give that warlock a surprise." Drunk Feng gave a big smile, "This guy will love this surprise!"

   Dai Lin pulled out his tide blade and wiped it on his cuff, "I have been waiting for this revenge for a long, long time-I want relatives to chop off his head to feed the fish!"

   first activated Krasus's mark to signal the dragonflight to arrive, and then Drunk Wind, in anticipation of everyone, took out the hammer of Khaz'goroth and slammed it against the wall.

   The blindfold on the wall was quickly destroyed, revealing a door that had been hammered through a large hole, and Zuifeng and others pushed in.

In the room inside   , Necruz just woke up.

   At this time, the orc warlock was looking at Zuifeng and the others with horror: "Damn it, how did you find this?!"

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