Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 134: Battle of Grim Batol

  After all the other dragon kings arrived, the light from the broken demon soul finally dissipated. The red light had already entered the body of the Red Dragon Queen, and the blue, green and yellow light had also returned power to the other dragon kings.

   Ysera, who had been keeping her eyes closed, finally opened her beautiful big eyes. The green pupils seemed to have incredible magical power, and once they saw it, people would almost fall asleep like a dream.

   The skinny Malygos quickly became strong, and the violent arcane energy began to flow in his body again.

   As for Nozdormu, the figure of the Bronze Dragon King at this time became blurred and unexpected. He seemed to exist, and it seemed that he would suddenly disappear in the next moment.

   The four dragon kings embraced tacitly, and started beating Deathwing.

   Two fists are hard to beat four hands-this is the best portrayal of Deathwing's current situation.

   The Red Dragon Queen, whose body is second only to Deathwing, is responsible for the frontal rigidity. With the support of her majestic vitality, although she can't suppress Deathwing, she can still hold on to the front.

The Blue Dragon King used all his research on Deathwing for thousands of years. In his icy dragon's breath, countless arcane hermit crabs climbed onto Deathwing's body and tried to destroy his armor. .

   The next moment, a large amount of lava and acid gushed from the cracks in Deathwing's armor, destroying these arcane products, but inevitably, Deathwing itself suffered a little injury.

There are so many blue dragon kings with this kind of method. He has carefully prepared too many shows for revenge. Under his service, the power of arcane has turned into various magical creations that constantly hit the wings of death, making him feel a kind of Deeply helpless.

   Countless arcane birds surround the wings of death, and once he tries to breathe the dragon's breath, it will fly into his mouth.

   Arcane bombs kept exploding on Deathwing's body. Although it could not break his armor for the time being, it would be hard to say after a long time.

   Deathwing's tail was hung with an arcane heavy anchor. The heavy anchors made by arcane arts well limited the range of movement of Deathwing, making his huge body a burden.

   The Blue Dragon King taught arcane creativity on-site. Facing Deathwing, who was not afraid of conventional magic, Malygos used arcane power to restrict Deathwing to an extremely miserable level.

Nozdormu used his time magic to help other dragon kings on the sidelines. Deathwing's actions became slow. On the contrary, the other dragon kings acted incredibly fast. Faster than himself, Deathwing felt that it was impossible to fight.

   At the very end, Ysera is battling a big move-the super defensive power makes Deathwing difficult to defeat, and the Green Dragon Queen finally decided to gather the power of the dream to attack Deathwing from another aspect.

   mental shock!

   Although his lips were still mocking the other four dragon kings, Deathwing obviously didn't have much ease.

   "Nozdormu, you finally stopped pretending to be chocobo-it's rare that you pulled your head out of the sand!"

   In order to maintain the timeline, Nozdormu often time travels. The result is the sand of time that he often covers. Deathwing caught this first point and started taunting.

It’s a pity that the effect is not very harmonious. Nozdormu is too calm, completely ignoring Deathwing’s taunts, but continues to use magic time magic to assist the other three dragon kings, occasionally coming up to take a breath of dragon, completely unwilling to die Wings engage in melee combat.

   "I can't go on like this..." Deathwing gritted his teeth to withstand a joint attack, but was making other plans in his heart, "After Ysera's magic is ready, I might not have a chance!"

   Thinking of this, Deathwing opened his mouth, and exploded in his mouth with a large number of Arcane Birds, spitting out a large amount of lava and acid, and temporarily forced the dragon army back.

   waved his wings desperately, but Deathwing finally successfully waved his own tail.

After the arcane creation is completed, it will no longer change with the creator’s will (for example, after the fireball is launched, it is impossible to manipulate the fireball itself. The wizard can only use other means, such as arcane guidance. Control the fireball in flight), so at this time the heavy arcane anchor has become the weapon of Deathwing-his long tail, coupled with a heavy arcane anchor, makes this meteor hammer embarrassingly difficult for the dragon army to get on. before.

   "Hahahaha!" Deathwing laughed wildly, "Malygos, your tricks have helped me a lot! Without your help, maybe I would really die here today!"

   Clumsy mockery is surprisingly effective.

   The Blue Dragon King was blinded by hatred in an instant. He gave up the opportunity to cast spells behind him, rushed directly to the front, and began to engage in close hand-to-hand combat with Deathwing.

   Ysera was embarrassed now, her prepared dream impact was now dare not to be cast-Malygos's entanglement made Ysera have to consider the possibility of the Blue Dragon King being accidentally injured.

   Lost his position, Alexstrasza could only watch the show in embarrassment. The result of being robbed of Malygos was that the Red Dragon Queen didn't know what she was going to do now.

   Under the stalemate, Malygos gradually fell into a disadvantage.

   At this time, Drunk Wind finally recovered from the dead of Levi Khan. He watched the giant dragon fighting in the sky, gritted his teeth, and took out the hammer of Khaz'goroth.

   "Oni, come here and fly me up!"

   Drunk Wind did not choose to vent his anger to the Dragonmaw Orcs with the young dragons, but called Onyxia loudly to participate in the battle of the Dragon King.

   "You are crazy!" Onyxia felt unbelievable about the idea of ​​Drunk Wind. "This kind of battle is not something we can intervene, and you don't have a second can to provide you with energy!"

" Do you still remember my plan that I told you after you became the queen?" Zuifeng insisted, "In order to convince the dragon kings, I must show my own in this battle. ability!"

   Thinking of Zuifeng’s "whisperous" plan, Onyxia's beautiful eyes were full of incredulous: "Are you really going to do that? Think about Anduin!"

   Zuifeng nodded firmly.

   The helpless Onyxia changed back to the form of a dragon and flew upwards with the drunk wind.

   At this moment, Ysera finally found a chance. A turquoise ray grazed Malygos's right leg and hit the root of Deathwing's tail.

   Deathwing growled in pain, temporarily losing his balance.

   At this moment, Drunk Wind arrived just holding the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, and he slammed his hammer on the wound of Deathwing.

   The blood mixed with lava, spewed out instantly!


   Yesterday, the editor talked to me, my book is about to be on the shelves~

   But for the recommendation before it was put on the shelves, he told me to change it to twice a day, so that it could be put on the shelves later, and I still have the chance to recommend.

   Although I really want to continue the three shifts, the author is full-time after all, so I really need some promotion, so I agreed to edit.

   But don’t worry, my updates will be kept for everyone, and it will explode after the shelves~

   I hope everyone can understand that I am really not a lazy author. This is a necessary new book operation. For a newcomer like me, promotion is too important... Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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