Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 148: The choice of the fate of the orcs

   Zuifeng never thought that he would have a day with an interpreter.

   After getting used to using cooking skills, Zuifeng has long given up on his mouth-cannons-but out of distrust of the taste of the orcs, Zuifeng still feels that it is better to make everything clear.

   "Dear shaman, I am here to bring news of Durotan and Durotan's sons."

  Drektal nodded: "This is what I care about. Durotan has been missing for too long..."

"I'm sorry." Drunk Feng tried to make his tone a little sad. "Durotan has been killed. It was Gul'dan's hand-the despicable assassin assassinated him and his wife Draka without honor. ."

   Hearing the news, although Drektal was mentally prepared, he was still a little sad, "What about their children? What about Guyl?"

   "Guyle is still alive." Drunk wind touched his chin, "but now his whereabouts are unknown."

   In fact, Drunk Wind fully knows where Guyle is. This future world Sa is definitely in Dunhold Castle now-with the presence of a bronze dragon, Drunk Wind does not worry about the butterfly effect.

   But this matter cannot be said now.

Dunhold Castle is stationed with a large number of elites of the Alliance. If the Frostwolf clan learns about Guyle's news, let alone whether he can be rescued, once Guyle has not received Taresa's education, where will Drunk Wind find it? A reliable orc as the leader?

   "Excuse me." After a short moment of grief, Drektal began to look up and "look" at Drunk Wind, "I want to know how you heard about this news?"

   "I am a prophet, the true prophet." Zuifeng tried his best to put on a sacred stick, "I have a different experience of fate."

   When Zuifeng said this sentence, Rexxar had forgotten to translate, his eyes widened and he stared at Zuifeng.

  Prophet-a prophet who feels fate!

   This is much more powerful than the prophecies shamans get from the elements!

   Under Drek'Thar's urging, Rexxar translated the words of Drunken Wind.

  As a shaman, Drektal has the ability to communicate elements, which allows him to feel information that ordinary people cannot feel. In this way he can also understand how terrible a prophet who can directly feel his fate is.

   To be cautious, Drektal decided to test the drunkenness.

   "Since you are a prophet, you should know my destiny, right?"

   Drek'Thar’s test really made Drunk Wind a stunned--how to say, Drunk Wind didn’t know if this old orc would take the next step according to his own ideas.

who cares!

   Drunk Wind gritted his teeth and began to describe Drek'Thar's future according to his own plan.

   "You will follow my advice and lead your people to a wider and safer land..."

   After hearing the description of Drunk Wind, Drek Tal laughed.

   "Now I somewhat believe that you are a prophet. I tried to put myself into the situation you said, and I found that I would make exactly the same choice as you said! Can you tell me what you should say?"

   "Yes." Drunk wind smiled faintly, "Blackrock orcs should you know?"

   "I know." Drek'Thar nodded, "Orgrim of the Blackstone clan is Durotan's best friend."

"The remaining Blackrock Orcs are divided into two parts. One part was led by Blackhand Blackhand and Red Blackhand, the sons of Blackhand Blackhand, to form a new Blackfang clan in Blackstone Spire. But you know, those two This brother inherited nothing but the arrogant and arrogant character of their father."

   "Another part of the Blackrock Orcs were defeated by the Alliance. Most of them were locked up in the Orc Asylum. A few of the escaped followers, Orgrim, wandered around."

   "In my opinion, most orcs have abandoned their faith and glory. They don't know how to respect. They are rude and proud of it. They succumb to the slavery of the devil and immerse themselves in meaningless killing."

   Every time Zuifeng said something, Drek'Thar's fist would clenched.

   But he couldn't refute these words at all-since the orcs drank most of the devil's blood under the bewitching of Gul'dan, the so-called glory is in the past, and the orcs have become slaves.

   During these years in Alterac Valley, Drektal often thought about the future of the orcs.

The scouts who occasionally left to investigate the news brought back bad news, and Azeroth’s elemental guidance was so vague--even the other shaman of the Frostwolf clan, Logosh, left. Up.

   "The orcs are now sinners to Azeroth. Your arrival has brought terrible disasters. You need salvation!"


   Drektal smiled helplessly: "It's too difficult. Our hatred has formed. If the tribe has the upper hand, I am willing to control everything and make up for it. Unfortunately, it is the Alliance victory, and we can only survive."

Zuifeng is full of respect for this wise shaman-leading the tribe to hide in the harsh valley, sticking to the last glory of the orcs, and not willing to drink the blood of the even in the original world In the line, when the Forsaken attacked Gilneas, Drek'Thar even directly rejected the Horde’s request to support the Forsaken. At that time, the old shaman, who was already sitting in a wheelchair, furiously faced Garrosh’s orders. : "The Frostwolf Orcs will never help the Forsaken, not now, never!"

   "Do you know Kilrogg?"

  Drunk Wind told Drake's Thar of Kilrogg's redemption.

"The enemy we are facing now is much stronger than the voice element lord. Those demons are our common enemy. They bewitched Ner'zhul and Gul'dan, and as a result, the evil energy corrupted and destroyed Draenor; Azeroth is not dying, and has always wanted to set foot here; they are our real enemies!"

   Seeing that Drek'tal seemed to hesitate a bit, Drunk Wind simply made his own guarantee: "As long as you really fight for Azeroth, I promise you a home in this world!"

   After Rexxar finished the translation, the whole room suddenly became extremely quiet.

   Thinking of the Azeroth element's response to him, Drek'Thar fell into deep thought.

   After a long time, Drektal finally nodded and agreed: "We are willing to fight for this world!"

   "That's great!" Zuifeng finally breathed a sigh of relief, "By the way, I've seen Logosh once, if not surprisingly, he will be the key to your reconciliation."


The layout of the orcs has been basically completed, and tomorrow's five shifts will be a new wave of climax and tide-high energy welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works At mobile phone users please go to read.

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