Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 158: Descendants of Agamagan

   Although wild boar people look awkward and unruly, their customs and habits are terrible, but they are descendants of the demigod of Zheng Miaohong.

   Their ancestor was Agamagan-the wild boar demigod Agamagan who fought with the devil in the ancient war and finally died of exhaustion.

   It's a pity that such a noble background was wasted by the wild boars. They did not inherit Agamagan's strong and reliable excellence, but instead carried forward Agamagan's shortcomings of being irritable and not mindful.

  It's no wonder that these guys are getting bored.

   Just when Drunk Wind gathered everyone and planned to attack Razor Heights directly, another visitor arrived.

   Green Dragon Queen Ysera!

   Don’t look at the various dragons that cooperated very well last time in Grim Batol. In fact, the number of times the dragons really cooperated together is countless.

   Just when Zuifeng silently mourned for the Boars, Zuifeng was surprised by the request of the Green Dragon Queen.

   "What? Only kill a few wild boars?"

"Yes." Ysera, who turned into a night elf, nodded, "Now the soul of Agamagan in the emerald dream has found me. He said that he seems to have his own heir who wants to resurrect him. Please help me. He has a hand--I told him the clues you found in Razor Heights. Agamagam was disappointed, but I still hope you don’t want to kill wild boars..."

   Drunk Wind raised his eyebrows. Fortunately, Magatha was not here. If this old shaman heard Ysera say to let the Boarman go on a horse, he would go straight away. No way, the hatred among the wild boar, tauren and centaur is too deep.

   Actually, it is a good choice for Zuifeng himself to get the Boars back on track. Although these guys don't have enough IQ if they are allies, they are numerous! It is very accurate that ants kill elephants to death in Azeroth. Think of Agamagan who has been consumed alive! In the Barrens, if the drunk wind had not mediated the relationship between the centaur and the boar, the tauren would not be able to return to Mulgore anyway!

   After thinking about it for a while, Zuifeng raised his own question.

   "I also hope to be able to fulfill the wish of Your Excellency Agamagan, but we all know the nature of the boar people. I really can't take the safety of my friends as a bet-they are too xenophobic and too violent."

Ysera frowned when Drunk Wind said that. Indeed, these wild boars are really difficult to deal with. It is definitely not easy to deal with only the few headed ones. If you want to turn wild boars into Allies, it is necessary to change customs and habits-this is completely different from the original drunken wind purifying the black dragon. If the black dragon is not polluted, its nature is very simple; and the boar man has been so warlike for thousands of years...

   Thinking of the future generations of Razor Heights, Zuifeng put forward an interesting idea.

   "If Lord Agamagan is resurrected, can he control the boar?"

  As one of the demigods of the wilderness, Agamagan itself is one of the manifestations of Azeroth's will, so his death is just a kind of energy exhausted dormancy.

   In a sense, Agamagan can be regarded as immortal.

   This wilderness demigod is now wandering in the emerald dream, this is the best embodiment.

  If Agamagan is resurrected, let alone the wild boars, facing the coming Burning Legion, Drunk Wind will have a new and powerful ally!

   The more I thought about it, the more I felt that this method was feasible, but when drunk windyy, Ysera did not hesitate to pour a scoop of cold water.

"Don't think about it, although this is indeed very good, but Agamagan has not been able to accumulate enough power to return from dreams to reality. In this case, if you want to be resurrected, you can only go through some crooked ways-this is the same as the current wild boar What’s the difference?"

  Also, Zuifeng suddenly remembered that during the cataclysm, the demigods were resurrected in large numbers. The fundamental reason was that the emerald dream was brought closer to reality by the wings of death, and it became easy for the demigods to return from the dream to reality, and then they were resurrected.

   "Your Excellency Ysera, if the Emerald Dream provides energy, can the demigods sacrificed in the War of the Ancients return to this world?"

   "Theoretically, it is possible." Ysera smiled infrequently, "But not yet. The existence of the Emerald Nightmare prevents the power of the dream from being fully utilized."

   "So, what exactly should Razor Heights do? Just killing the boss is definitely not enough. There is the main city of the Boars. If one dies, there may be another one."

"Let’s do this, Alexstrasza and I are trying to temporarily seal the Razor Heights, letting the boars fall asleep, and wait until we resurrect Agamagan, and then uncover the seal." Ysera I said my thoughts, "Of course, the premise is that you come to the Emerald Dream as soon as possible. Only if you help expel the Emerald Nightmare can we resurrect Agamagan-so you must come to the Emerald Dream as soon as possible!"

   Drunk Wind just slapped his head-it turns out Ysera is waiting for herself here!

   It seems that not only Malfurion never forgets what he helped to purify the Emerald Dream, but Ysera also remembered it in his heart. This time Ysera was not just suggesting, but rather reminding myself to remember the promise.

"Well, I promise to finish this section, I will go to the Emerald Dream to help." Drunk Feng could only make his own guarantee, "The purification of the Emerald Nightmare is too important, I know, it is directly related to Azeroth The awakening of his own will."

   Ysera nodded in Since this is all right, I won't bother you now, I think you need to talk to those tauren people, I think the one who is the head seems to have a big opinion of the boar people. "

   Speaking of Magatha, Drunk Wind has a headache. Although the shaman's attitude has changed a lot, it has only changed from hostile to indifferent towards strangers. Fortunately, the tauren and night elves still have a little friendship, and Magatha is not enthusiastic about the druids at all.

   If you know that you can't take the opportunity to clean up the boars, this shaman might cause some trouble... It seems that we can only persuade from the perspective of reducing the casualties of the tauren.

   sent Ysera away, drunk wind feeling very awkward.

   The green dragon queen obviously didn't tell the truth, or said that she didn't tell the truth completely, she couldn't just go to the Emerald Dream by herself.

   Forget it, Ysera probably didn't mean anything malicious anyway, just ignore it.

   shook his head, Drunk Wind first went to Magatha to clarify, and then went to sue the druids of the night elves-Sorea, you are dead!


   Zuifeng’s guess is right, Ysera does have another purpose.

   It's just that Ysera's goal is not Drunk Wind, but Onyxia.

   After seeing Drunk Wind, Ysera directly found Onyxia, and the question of the Green Dragon Queen directly made Onyxia blush.

   "When will you and Zuifeng have a child?"


   This book will be put on the schedule soon. The editor has said that I will be on the shelves on Double Eleven...I push it on the shelves, haha! So please rest Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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