Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 176: Syndra a different way

readx(); Three days have passed since a series of dramatic changes occurred in the central square of Erezala.

The Syndras finally recovered a little bit from their pain, and today they came to this square again, choosing their own future path.

The blood on the square had been washed away, but the blood in Syndra's heart was not so easy to wash away. But even if they are reluctant, everyone can only gather here to discuss the next step for Syndra.

Now there are three ways out before Syndra-join a night elf, become a paladin, and follow a polymath. In this rally, the tripartite forces will send representatives to talk about their own conditions and requirements, and then let Syndra choose.

The first to speak was General Shandris Feathermoon, this excellent Sentinel General was from Feathermoon Fortress who was responsible for supporting Ere'Thalas.

This general is obviously not good at speaking, and her words are extremely concise.

"On behalf of the Archdruid of Malfurion, High Priest Tyrande invites the compatriots in Elthalas to return to the embrace of the forest."

Shandris walked off the podium blankly after saying a word.

The crowd was stunned by the lively Drunk Wind. He and Onyxia glanced at each other, and they were not calm-this is too cold, you can tell me something! What is that sentence? !

Fortunately, the night elves have been prepared for a long time, and another night elves immediately took the stage and began to continue speaking: "I am the adjutant of General Feathermoon, and my name is Ilya Starsong. General Feathermoon is not good at words, so let me specify Explain." dudu1();

"For thousands of years, we have always hoped that our compatriots can return to the embrace of the forest. Now Ere'Thalas is no longer suitable for everyone to live in. We promise to use the resources of the Moon Well to ease the addiction to the magic, so that everyone can transition peacefully to Use Aoneng correctly."

"We have accepted many high elves for thousands of years. We can handle everyone's desire for energy very well. The addiction is not invincible. The archdruids and the sentinel sisters are willing to help everyone."

The adjutant didn't say much, but he completely hit the point and solved the problem of magic addiction that the Sindra were most concerned about.

In addition, the protector of Elonback has indeed been guarding the will of Eldre'Thalas and Prince Tosedrin for thousands of years. Many Syndras tend to join the night elves, and perhaps they can no longer enjoy the arcane magic. It is convenient, but at least it can cultivate and rejuvenate peacefully.

The second one to start the speech was the master polymath Yawo, who was more inclined to win over the remaining arcanists in Syndra.

"I am here on behalf of the polymath to tell our thoughts. Although we have experienced a lot of hardship and pain, we don’t think this is the fault of Aoneng. As a pure energy, there is no right or wrong for Aoneng. It’s just the method of obtaining and applying it. So we hope to find a reasonable and harmless method to use Ao Neng."

This opening remark was not successful.

Seeing the disapproval of Syndra's, Yawo also smiled secretly-no way, for 10,000 years, the polymath could not find any way to replace the devil as an energy source. Now Sindra still believes in himself, this It's too difficult...

Many of Syndra's addictions have deepened into his bones. Although the moon well of the night elves does have a relief effect, the process of controlling the addiction by the water of the night well must be very unpleasant. dudu2();

Gritting his teeth, Yawo decided to bring out a big killer.

"In addition, our polymath is studying a treasure that Queen Azshara once cared most. According to records, this treasure contains a race's understanding and wisdom of arcane arts."

"Although we haven't revealed the prototype of this treasure yet, we have already used the permutation rune enumeration method. I believe everyone has an understanding of this universal solution, and now the enumeration is almost complete..."

Watching the lively Drunk Wind, the more I hear it, the more I feel that it's not quite right-are they studying the arcane robe given by the Pandaren?

Thinking of this, Zuifeng couldn't help but interrupt Yawo's speech.

"Is the treasure you mentioned is contained in a box? There are obviously strong arcane fluctuations, but when the box is opened, there is nothing?"

"How do you know?" Yawo was shocked, "This matter is also an absolute secret in Erethalas!"

"If I guessed correctly, this treasure is the gift we Pandaren gave to Queen Azshara, an arcane woven robe." Zuifeng sighed softly, "If it's this thing, you might want it. disappointed."

Just hearing the last sentence of Zuifeng, Yawo strode directly off the podium and came to Zuifeng with excitement, carefully looking at Zuifeng from head to toe. When he saw Drunk Wind's palm, the gentle scholar jumped up in excitement. dudu3();

"That's it! We have never understood what the palm-shaped mark at the opening of the box is. Now I understand that it is the palm of the Pandaren! Now tell me how to make that robe appear? For ten thousand years, it The arcane fluctuations of ‘Sindra’ have not diminished in the slightest. As long as we master this method, we can create a safe energy source ourselves, our own energy source of Syndra!"

Looking at the fanatical Yawo, the drunk wind smiled helplessly.

"There is no arcane robe at all. This is just an illusion crafted by Pandaren wizards. The robe will appear only when the box is opened for the first time. After that, the magic circle of the box will absorb the surrounding arcane energy, and then These auras escape..."

"Impossible! We have also tested in the absolutely capable environment, there are still fluctuations in the Olympics." Yawo obviously cannot accept this fact, "If it is really like you we can't I can't find it!"

"This cycle time is quite long. After all, the starting point of the cycle is the fake robe, unless you can put it in a place where it is absolutely impossible for a few years."

Yawo suddenly became desperate. He didn't expect it to be the result. After studying for so long, the polymaths looked more like a joke.

"This robe was given to Queen Azshara by our Pandaren a long time ago. We want to remind her that arcane arts are just a kind of flowing energy. The result of excessive reliance on arcane energy can only be Jinghua Shuiyue-unfortunately Queen Azshara I didn't understand our intentions, and just went our own way."

The entire central square was quiet.

The recruiting plan of polymaths seems to be impossible to proceed at all, and even the core plan has been denied. These scholars need to calm down...

In all Syndra's expectations, Alex stepped onto the podium. (To be continued.)\\+The latest official mobile phone reader APP of this site is on the shelves! New products are updated daily. Massive novel content, small size and less traffic, no ads, more convenient to find novels, come and follow the WeChat public account jiakonglishi (press and hold for three seconds to copy) to download the mobile client]

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