Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 183: Dark Iron Dwarf Darkforge City

? After returning to the Eastern Kingdom, Drunken Wind, Onyxia and Old Chen went directly to the Black Rock Tower in Black Rock Mountain.

The current Blackrock Mountain can be basically seen as the upper and lower parts. The upper part is the Blackrock Tower. It is now full of black dragons and dragon people. This is originally the territory of Blackrock Orcs, and Blackrock Orcs is actually controlled by Nefarian. After the Black Dragonflight was purified, at Onyxia's request, these Blackrock Orcs had to leave through the portal and go to Northrend's Howling Fjord to meet the Frostwolf Orcs.

In the lower half of Blackrock Mountain, the Dark Iron Dwarves live here. Blackrock Depths and Darkforge City are the homes of dwarves, and the Molten Heart below is where Ragnaros is located. In the dark furnace city of the Ministry.

The bet between Lao Chen and Colin Spirit will start at the Black Iron Bar-the Black Iron Bar is at the bottom of the Black Rock Tower

When it comes to the Dark Iron Bar, we have to talk about Darkforge City, and when it comes to Darkforge City, we have to talk about the Battle of the Three Hammers.

Originally, the Bronzebeard Dwarves, Dark Iron Dwarves, and Wildhammer Dwarves were a whole. They lived in the Ironforge of Khaz Modan and thrived under the leadership of the Mountain King Modims Anvilmar.

It is a pity that when the mountain king died, he did not leave a legitimate heir. The prestige of his son Prince Anvilmar was not enough to convince the public. This made the dwarves inevitably plunged into a civil war. Who is the leader of the three tribes Not convinced anyone.

The Bronzebeard dwarves have the largest number, so they always have the advantage; while the dark iron dwarves are the representatives of most nobles, they insist on their nobility; although the Wildhammer dwarves are a minority, their strength cannot be ignored.

The result of the mutual dissatisfaction was that the dwarven kingdom fell into division. After a fight, the Bronzebeard dwarves drove the Dark Iron and Wildhammer dwarves out of Ironforge. The Wildhammer dwarves headed northeast and established a fortress in Grim Batol; the Dark Iron dwarves headed south and established Thaurissan City in the Redridge Mountains under the name of their leader, Prince Thaurissan.

However, this is only the beginning of the war.

Since the Dark Iron Dwarves have the largest number of spellcasters among the dwarves, these masters have expressed that they cannot let the warriors with the bronze beard ride on their heads! After some conspiracy, the Dark Iron Dwarf decided to make a strong raid!

Prince Thaurissan led an attack on Ironforge, while his wife Mordgood led the army to raid Grim Batol. From the perspective of the Dark Iron Dwarf, being driven out of Ironforge was purely because of the many Bronzebeards, and now they are directly facing-Master Fa hits a warrior, how can he lose his spell riding face?

The Dark Iron dwarves were smooth sailing in the early stages of the war, but when the Bronzebeard dwarves and Wildhammer dwarves were ready, the disadvantages of 1V2 became apparent.

Prince Thaurissan found embarrassingly that, facing the leader of the Bronzebeard Dwarf, Madoran Bronzebeard, he did not have the advantage!

As a result, the Bronzebeard front quickly collapsed.

This is all right, Bronzebeard and Wildhammer are united, Mordgood was killed by Cardros Wildhammer directly at Grim Batol, at the cost of Mordgood’s curse polluting the grid. Rim Batol-this is why the Wildhammer dwarves finally abandoned the fortress.

Upon learning this news, the furious Thaurissan decided to summon a powerful presence and razed Ironforge! So in Thaurissan City, Prince Thaurissan summoned the Lord of the Fire Elemental, Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrogs.

It's a pity that Prince Thaurissan can't control the Balrog Lord.

After the long-sealed king of fire elements came to the plane of Azeroth, he directly smashed the Redridge Mountain. The northern part of the Redridge Mountain became the hot burning plain, and Thaurissan City was also submerged by billowing lava. .

A new mountain range rose up with the arrival of Ragnaros, forming what is today Black Rock Mountain. Many Dark Iron dwarves died in this disaster, and the survivors became slaves of Ragnaros-and Darkforge City was their new stronghold in Blackrock Mountain.

Although Prince Thaurissan paid the price for his madness and died in the flames when Ragnaros was summoned, the disaster he brought to the Dark Iron Dwarves continued.

At this time, the ruler of Darkforge City is nominally the son of Prince Thaurissan, Dagran Thaurissan. In fact, by looking at the fire elements patrolling everywhere, we can understand that the real ruler here is the Balrog King Ra. Gnaros.


Looking at Old Chen's self-confidence, Zuifeng had to remind him: "Be careful, maybe they will deny the account, you have to be prepared."

"What?" Old Chen said he couldn't understand, "Is there anyone who doesn't recognize the gambling contract of the brewer?"

"It might be." Drunk Feng shrugged. "The Dark Iron Dwarves are notoriously cunning among the dwarves."

Seeing Zuifeng's innocent look, Old Chen had already guessed some of his careful thoughts: "Say, Zuifeng, are you planning to take the opportunity to make a big fuss?"

Now it was Zuifeng's turn to be surprised-I didn't expect my little abacus to be discovered!

"Humph!" Old Chen wrinkled his nose, "Don't think I don't know, in fact you just want to make things happen through this bet!"

Old Chen saw through everything, and Zuifeng said he was speechless.

"Okay, okay..." Drunk Feng could only raise his hand to surrender, "I admit that I did have an idea in this regard-but I promise that if Colin Stouts speaks, I will never make trouble halfway."

"A word is settled?"

"A word is settled!"

After the high-five, Old Chen asked Drunk Wind strangely: "Why are you so sure that Colin Stout is not honest? He is actually a good barkeeper, and the dark iron dwarves of the Thorium Brotherhood are not very good at dealing with them. But Colin still welcomes them to drink at the Black Iron Bar!"

"I'm not sure--to be honest, I originally planned to attack Darkforge City directly with an oath, who made them the subordinates of Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrogs. But then I thought about it, these dark iron dwarves It may not be a force to protect Azeroth."

"Then what does this have to do with the Black Iron Bar?" Old Chen still doesn't quite understand the meaning of drunk You know this place is controlled by the King of Flame Demon, right? "Looking at Old Chen nodded, Zuifeng continued, "Do we need a command post if we want to resist the King of Flame Demon?" "

"Command post? You mean choosing the black iron bar as the command post? Why?"

"Except for the Black Iron Bar, where can the fire element not go to the entire Darkforge City?"

Thinking of the dense wine mist in the air of the Black Iron Bar, Old Chen suddenly realized-indeed, it is impossible for the minions of the Balrog King to enter the Black Iron Bar. As long as they enter, the bar will explode!

"So I plan to make arrangements in advance. When the opportunity comes, maybe I can let these dark iron dwarves leave Darkforge City obediently and return to Ironforge?"

"Opportunity?" Old Chen said, confused, "What opportunity?"

The drunk wind laughed loudly: "The secret of the secret cannot be revealed!" (To be continued.)!! Important notice on this site: The free novel APP on this site, no ads, error-free, fast update, member synchronization bookshelf, text size adjustment, reading For brightness adjustment and a better reading experience, please follow the WeChat public account appxsyd (press and hold for three seconds to copy) to download the free reader!

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