Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 185: Calm Azeroth

? Back to the upper level of the Blackrock Tower, Drunk Wind didn't think about vows or anything, and began to accompany Onyxia with peace of mind.

And the entire Azeroth also fell into a strange silence.

Kalimdor, vows are still recuperating, and all ethnic groups are working hard to build their own homes. Thunder Bluff, Leviskin, Feralas, and Azshara are all alive.

Under the leadership of the waking archdruid, the ancient night elves started a new movement, and it is also rare for this group of druids to prepare for battle.

On the shore of Dustwallow Marsh, a new city is gradually taking shape. This city funded by Zuifeng is divided into more than a dozen areas, including architects of various races including humans, dwarves, gnomes, tauren, goblins, trolls, night elves, blood elves, high elves, and orcs. Invited to build a certain area.

The Eastern Kingdoms were undercurrents. The construction of the Greymane Wall made Terenas' unification plan stranded. In desperation, Terenas decided to let his son Arthas Menethil officially begin to accept it. Training of the Paladin.

Under the operation of the king of Lordaeron, Arthas became Uther's disciple-Terenas believed that when Arthas truly mastered the hand of silver, Lordaeron would be unstoppable.

The tax-free Kingdom of Stormwind had a very difficult life, and even King Varian Wrynn lived very tightly. Even so, the wages of the Brotherhood of Stonemasons who built Stormwind were not even a penny in arrears.

Alleria gave birth to a little boy, who was named Franks Lothar.

Soon after Ryan was born, Anduin Wrynn, the little prince of the Kingdom of Stormwind, was also born. Then Turalyon and Varian began to transform into neighbourhood aunts, and began to care about Khadgar’s personal issues. If Alleria hadn't stopped him, Turalyon had almost sold his sister-in-law.

Under the oppression of the power, the rejuvenated Khadgar had to start a long blind date...

The magical kingdom of Dalaran is still aloof, although Krasus of the Kirin Tor Council of Six has been absent for a long time, and a mage named Ronin has brought many friends on the road to death, but in short, These Faye's days are still very good.

Kul Tiras received the blessing of the lord of the water element, the tide hunter Neptulon, and began to develop rapidly. The sea became safe and quiet, and even the tavern rumored that as long as the banner of Kul Tiras was hung, a sampan could cross the endless sea—of course, this was bragging.

Gilneas is becoming more and more autistic. The tall Greymane Wall separates this country from the world, and also separates Gilneas from others, making the whole country depressed.

In the cold Northrend, everything is very different.

In Howling Fjord, the Frostwolf Orcs quickly adapted to the environment-although there is no volcano in Frostfire Ridge in their hometown, the ice and snow are the same.

When the poor Blackrock Orcs trudged all the way from Dragonblight to Howling Fjord, the number had been reduced a lot, and Reid Blackhand had completely lost Drek'Thar's energy to seize leadership.

In the Sorazar Basin, a new Stromgarde was established. These humans who have traveled all the way have established a peculiar friendship with the local crocodiles who call themselves oracles, and jointly build this primitive and rich land.

In the Dragon Bone Wilderness, the Dragon Legion in the Temple of Wyrmrest held frequent meetings, and unexpectedly, the bronze dragon king Nozdormu was no longer routinely absent—this eldest brother seemed to have changed his **** and was no longer obsessed with time travel Up!

And under the Icecrown Glacier Ner'zhul took the Scourge with two or three kittens and the worms of Aizhu-Nerub to fight the Faceless. The number of servants of these ancient gods seems to be endless, and there are no corpses after death...

Of course, not all the worms are in favor of joining forces with Ner'zhul. A crypt lord named Atud brought some of the Azjol-Nerubians to the south, hoping to find a peaceful area.

And the drunk wind living in the upper layer of the Blackrock Tower said that none of this has anything to do with me.

After a grand wedding (most of the black dragons were present), Zuifeng and Onyxia ushered in a new little life.

When a winged red panda opened the eggshell wetly, Zuifeng felt that he was sublimated.

"Yoo~It's a little boy—then you call Nomi, hahahaha!"


This is the last chapter of the second volume. To summarize briefly, it is a bit short, haha!

Tomorrow begins the third volume, the top of Mount Hyjal! (To be continued.)

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