Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 187: Mother and son

? The Dark Portal has sixteen years, and this year is doomed to not be peaceful.

The leader of the oath, the Great Prophet Drunken Wind·Ironpaw suddenly fell into a coma while purifying the Emerald Nightmare-not falling asleep, but truly unconscious!

After the news broke, the leaders of various forces, including the Dragon Legion, got up one after another and began to travel to Moonglade. This year's Azeroth has always revealed that it is not calm, the drunken coma seems to be a fuse, and now the vows need to be united!

And in Booty Bay, a hot young woman with black hair and black eyes took a small pandaman onto the goblin airship heading to Misty Harbor.

Misty Port is a large port city funded by Zuifeng. This emerging city in Dustwallow Marsh was just built two years ago, but now it has become an important economic fulcrum of Kalimdor. The Prince of Resha has complained more than once. Although the pledge is not an economic organization, it has taken away too much business from the Resha Group.

Since the price of the airship is really expensive, tourists who go to Misty Harbor prefer to take a boat when it is not urgent. This makes the current airship not many people-and also gives this little panda man the opportunity to run around.

"Nomi, don't look around, the airships of these goblins are not as safe as they said." Seeing Nomi looking down the railing, Onyxia quickly pulled him back.

"Okay, mom."

"Also, put away your little wings. You have to learn to control yourself. Don't have dark circles when you become a dragon, and don't have wings when you become a human!" Onyxia shook her head, "I don't want to be with you all the time. Behind my **** to help your transmogrified clothes!"

Nomi grinned aggrievedly: "I don't want to be like this either. This is not the first time I have left Black Rock Mountain. I am a little excited!"

"What are you so excited about, brat! We didn't come out to play this time-your father went to help the Green Dragon and almost got himself in. Don't learn from him!"

"Oh..." Nomi promised well, but the words on his face were "We just came out to play".

Seeing Nomi's absent-minded appearance, Onyxia really had a headache.

If Drunk Wind had been carefully teaching Nomi over the past few years, allowing Nomi to know a lot of prophecies consciously or unconsciously, Onyxia would not bring Nomi out with him.

Although Nomi has been able to transform into a dragon form, it is still difficult to fly over the endless sea.

And a few years ago, shortly after Drunk Wind returned the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, Deathwing launched a revenge operation in the Highmountain of the Broken Isles.

Although the Tauren and Drogbar relied on the artifact to drive the Wings of Death away, the price was that Ulan Gaoling, the patriarch of the Gaoling tribe, died in battle, and Drakul, the underground king of Drogbar, was seriously injured.

Because of this, Onyxia didn't dare to ask the young dragon to take herself and Nomi to fly anymore. If he really met Deathwing, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

"I hope Noomi can help, I hope Zuifeng really expected it before."

Just as Onyxia was sighing on the chair, Nomi climbed onto her knees and stretched out her fleshy hand to touch Onyxia's frowning brow.

"Mom, don't frown! Dad said that mom's frown is not pretty!"

Onyxia couldn't laugh or cry, so she nodded.

Seeing Onyxia's brows finally stretched out, Nomi excitedly took out a big chessboard from the space backpack.

"Mom, mom, let's have a game of Hearthstone!"


The birth of Hearthstone is very dramatic.

The reason is that Nefarian finally changed the direction of research under the persuasion of Drunk Wind-biotechnology has ethical problems, let's study magic automation!

After that, Nefarian tried to use enchanting techniques to activate the items, and then successfully used enchanting methods to make many magical cards.

As a result, at the request of Drunk Wind, Nefarian also made a magic random draw machine, and the two combined together to become an interesting board game.

Of course, due to the limitations of the times, some cards still need to be changed-for example, Sylvanas changed from an orange card to the role of a hunter. The shaman is not Thrall but Nobundo (Shaman the Broken) leader).

This game was very well received as soon as it was launched in the Tavern of Haze Harbor-although many people complained about why Nefarian's card only costs one fee but 30-30 and taunts Devil Free Charge Windfury Aegis. It's too strong, but fortunately, this card can be banned.

This is also Xiao Nomi's favorite game. Every time Zuifeng plays with Nomi, he will tell the little guy a few card stories by the way. This makes the six-year-old Nomi understand the world far beyond ordinary people.

Originally Onyxia didn’t like to play (the Black Dragon Queen swears it’s not because she feels that her face is dark!), but every year drunk, she goes to Kalim for two more months to purify the emerald nightmare. Bring back something interesting in Wugang. Xiao Nomi was really lonely in these two months.

In the beginning, Nomi would hold the chessboard to find his uncle Nefarian to play, and then Nefarian cheated every time. Seeing her child’s tears in tears, Onyxia only took a deep breath. Be patient and play a few games with Nomi.

After losing five games to Nomi in a row, Onyxia made a face.

"Stop playing, you need to learn!"

"But we didn't bring the magic book-what am I studying?"

"Exercise! Have you mastered the skills of anger and thunder? No? Thousand punches!"

"..." Little Nomi blinked and looked at her mother aggrievedly, but at this time Onyxia had already flown to Kalimdor.

In desperation, Nomi could only stance and start punching but he became angry after playing. "A punch.

"Mom is really stingy!" Two punches.

"Tell dad later!" Three punches.


In Nomi's mumbling, the goblin airship flew staggeringly across the endless sea.

"I hope these are all expected by Drunk Wind." Thinking of the dangerous Fandral Staghelm that Drunk Wind occasionally mentioned, Onyxia can only hope that it is really this guy who made trouble, otherwise it is Finding a needle in a haystack has no clue.

And the worried Onyxia didn't know that the problems of the Eastern Kingdom were actually more serious than the Emerald Dream.

The Silver Hand announced that it had found traces of orcs in Gilneas, suspecting that Gilneas had sheltered a large number of orcs. Soon afterwards, a large number of goblin mercenaries from the Blackfuse Group accepted Lordaeron's employment to join the battle. In the midst of explosions, the magnificent Greymane Wall is now in jeopardy! (To be continued.)

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