Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 195: Fording's generous statement

? Regarding whether Tirion Fording's behavior constituted treason, the Silver Hand decided that the other four first-generation Paladins would serve as judges to conduct a public trial on Old Fording-and the public trial was set in the South China Sea at Fording's insistence. The central square of the town.

Ironically, this was once the first stop for Stormwind refugees to seek refuge in Lordaeron, but now it has become a court to judge whether a paladin had treason for helping the orcs.

The public trial means that everyone can come to watch the trial process, which means that the possible consequences of this trial will far exceed the trial itself.


January of the seventeenth year of the Dark Portal calendar.

The crowded central square of Nanhai Town has been transformed into a temporary court.

Uther, Turalyon, Dathrohan and Gavinrad sat in the judge's seat.

Before the formal trial, Uther asked Old Fording one last time: "Are you sure you won't submit new evidence and accept the trial under the current circumstances?"

"OK." Old Fording was very indifferent, "but I will not give up my defense."

"Of course." Uther nodded. "You have the right to defend, just as you have the right to justice."

It was noon, and the court officially began the trial.

"Tirion Fording, do you admit that you have concealed the existence of the orc swordmaster Eitrigg, regardless of the lord's duties, and failed to report it in time?"

"I admit."

The crowds onlookers frowned. Old Fording didn't hesitate to admit it, giving people a strong and guilt-free feeling, which was undoubtedly very uncomfortable for civilians.

You know, among the civilians in Nanhai Town, quite a few are refugees who fled from the Kingdom of Stormwind. Although they did not return to Stormwind after the war, it does not mean that they will forgive the orcs.

"Tirion Fording, do you admit that you once used Holy Healing to help the badly wounded Orc Goyle, and still deliberately concealed it regardless of the lord's duties?"

"I admit."

If the people were just dissatisfied just now, then the people are now angry.

"Traitors" and "scum" shouted endlessly. If it weren't for the hands of Silver to maintain order, maybe Old Fording's body was already full of tomatoes and rotten eggs.

"Tirion Fording, do you accept the allegations of malfeasance?"

"I accept."

"Tirion Fording, do you accept the charge of treason?"

"I do not accept."

"Do you defend the charge of treason?"

"Yes, I want to defend."

"Yes-you can defend yourself, and we will not interrupt you. I hope your defense can convince us."

Old Fording raised his head for the first time and looked at the people crowding the entire square. It seemed that he was giving a speech.

"Citizens of Nanhai Town! I stand here today to defend, not for myself, but for the entire human race!"

"The war with the orcs has ended for nine years. During these nine years, we have enjoyed peace. Many of the fighters who participated in the battle, like me, have also become families. We have families that we cherish."

"I once vowed to protect my family-I believe that everyone here also has the same mood as me. We have our own guardianship. This is the basis for the development of mankind to this day."

"And the orcs? For many people, the orcs are **** and terrifying monsters-even I thought it was so until I met Eitrigg. This orc veteran let me know that the orcs had their own past. In the noble past, most of their bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty came from the influence of the blood of the devil in the body."

"After that, I also hesitated and thought about it until I saw an orc shaman. I saw it with my own eyes that the elements of Azeroth responded to that shaman's request, and I realized that it was not all All the orcs are evil!"

"If it is another fugitive who has experienced orc wars, no matter how pitiful he looks, I will bring him to justice, but Guyle is not."

"We didn’t know before that there was an orc tribe called the Frostwolf Clan. After their leader Durotan came to Azeroth, he was assassinated for resisting the slavery of the devil. The entire clan lived in the cold Alterac Valley; I didn’t know that Durotan’s son grew up in Dunhold Castle. This orc who had done nothing wrong got more than ten years of imprisonment; we didn’t know before that there was another one who expedition to Delano The orc named Kilrogg, after getting rid of the enslavement of Alcatraz, in order to redeem his sins, he used his life as a cost to charge against the powerful voice element lord; we did not know that the orcs also existed with humanity, Etri Ge knelt in front of me in the middle of the night and asked me to save the son of the hero—I had no reason to refuse."

"After the battle for so long, what we really have to think about is who is still threatening us-not the orcs, but the demons, and the orcs are also victims of the Burning Legion!"

"No race is destined to be born noble. The king of Alterac betrayed his own people in times of crisis, but Kilrogg can give his life for the foreign race; I have seen the noblest orcs, but I have seen I have been to the most shameless human beings-race is only a kind of origin, but it does not represent glory. I believe that any guarded intelligent creature can communicate and communicate!"

"This is my defense! I admit that no matter what As a paladin and lord, my behavior is dereliction of duty. But beyond this, I believe that everything I do is for humans, The reason why we are noble is that we insist on our kindness and justice. If we lose the kindness and justice in it, and simply and rudely define all foreign races as guilty, then how is this different from the bloodthirsty orcs?"

"Don’t forget the alien races who have helped us, the dragons that have fought side by side with us, the pandamen and draenei who participated in the expedition-those innocent orcs may one day become like this and fight with us. Partner."

"I am willing to accept all accusations about myself. There are indeed mistakes in my actions, but I insist that Eitrigg and Guyle are innocent. I believe the judge will give me a truly fair sentence-and an innocent one. A fair verdict by the orcs."

After the defense was over, Tirofuddin waited calmly for the trial. He had already said all the things he wanted to say in his heart. For him, the trial was over.

In Old Fording's heart, the holy light was extremely bright. (To be continued.)

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