Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 199: Chenguang wheat found

? "Nomi, what did you find?"

"I found Chenguangmai, Mom!"

"Chenguangmai?" Onyxia frowned, "What is that again? It sounds like a kind of food..."

"Daddy mentioned it when he told me stories before! Food can't just look at the name!" Nomi said with a serious face, "Chenguang wheat is such a plant. Dad said that although its name sounds good, it is. An out-and-out dangerous plant whose powder can make people fall into endless nightmares."

"In the endless nightmare?!" Onyxia's eyes widened, "Drunk Wind is now in the endless nightmare!"

"Quickly, Nomi!" Onyxia hugged her son, "Tell mom, what did you find!"

"That's it, Mom!" Nomi began to tell her findings little by little.

It turned out that during the vows meeting, Nomi, who had nothing to do, was led by the druids to see Drunk Wind. In the tree house, Nomi saw the unconscious drunk wind and the busy druid. These druids prepared a large amount of herbs, combined with natural spells to relieve the pain of drunken wind.

And when Nomi was learning cooking with Zuifeng (although the results were horrible), he also came into contact with a lot of herbalism-related knowledge. The curious little Noomi was just as careful to identify those herbs.

The result is not good. Under closer inspection, Nomi found Chenguang Mai!

Nomi was shocked when thinking of the effect of Chenguangmai mentioned by Zuifeng. In order to prevent herself from admitting his mistake, Nomi deliberately asked a Druid who dispensed medicine.

And the druid told Nomi that the herb was indeed called Chenguangmai, which was found by the sleepless Master Linden to dispel the curse.

Nomi found the problem, and found Onyxia for the first time.

"Lin Deen? Sleepless Lyn Deen?" Onyxia felt that the name was very familiar, and after thinking about it for a long time, she realized that this is the only one who came back after the raid team encountered the Dreadlord when the raid squad encountered the dreadlord.

At that time, he said that he had been cursed by the dreadlord and fled back desperately. Unfortunately, he never dared to close his eyes and could never enter the Emerald Dream again, so he was named Sleepless.

After I figured it out, Onyxia broke out in a cold sweat. If Nomi is right, then this Linden is probably the Dreadlord pretending!

The more Onyxia thought about it, the more shocked she became. Indeed, it is permissible to pretend to be a mortal, but it is absolutely difficult to pretend to be a druid, because the druid will eventually enter the Emerald Dream, and the dreadlord cannot enter—but Linden claims to be Cursed and unable to enter the dreamland, this is because he was originally the dreadlord!

After thinking about all of this, Onyxia approached Malfurion directly, hoping to understand the situation of this Linden.

From Malfurion’s mouth, Onyxia learned that this Linden had never rested after the raid on Razor Swamp. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity of not sleeping to rest, for the sake of the entire oath. The power here is also increasing.

After listening, Onyxia told Malfurion of Nomi's discovery, and Malfurion remained calm while shocked.

"You can't make a hasty conclusion. Maybe it's just one of Lin Deen or Zuifeng who has misunderstood Chenguangmai's medicinal properties."

"I'm afraid of this too." Onyxia frowned. "That's why I came to you. Is there any way you can tell if a person is pretending to be a demon?"

"Distinguishing demons..." Malfurion thought carefully and shook his head, "I'm really not good at this. In front of natural spells, both demons and people cursed by demons will feel pain."

"Then what to do?"

"Say it!" Malfurion smiled, "Although I can't tell, some people can tell it easily."




Aegwynn, who came to Moonglade, was very upset at this time.

After giving birth to Medivh, he confessed the duties of the next guardian, and Aegwynn lived in seclusion in the dusty marsh, living a life indifferent to the world-for decades.

In the past few decades, she has experienced a different feeling from being a guardian. She washes and cooks by herself, picks water and chopping wood by herself. These things used to be done by magic. Once done by herself, Aegwynn found a way A different feeling.

Being a guardian gave Aegwynn strong strength, but it also made her lose a lot of experience as an ordinary person. Because of this, the reclusive Aegwynn cherishes his life very much.

Later, she learned that Medivh had opened the door of darkness and that Medivh's death was reported.

Aegwynn didn't know how she should face all this. For the first time in more than 800 years, she began to carefully review her actions as a guardian.

The conclusion reached makes Aegwynn feel guilty.

The former guardian finally discovered that his pride, the bard's poems, and the battle with Sargeras, regarded as the top of mortals, were actually defeated.

Aegwynn understands that he has been influenced by Sargeras since then. Otherwise, even if he and the members of the Tirisfal Council disagree, he would not choose to escape-let alone privately The guardian passed it on to his son.

Pain and self-blame overwhelmed Aegwynn. The old man living in Dustwallow Marsh was in distress. She found that she was sorry for her former teacher, the Council of Tirisfal, and even her husband and her son.

At this moment, Zuifeng found her.

Drunk Wind wants Aegwynn to join the oath and fight for Azeroth again.

Aegwynn rejected Drunk Wind.

"I have done too many mistakes. I am a complete failure. I have brought too many disasters and pains to this world-you should leave, Pandaren, and let me be in this remote swamp in peace Stay here quietly..."

"This is not good!" Of course, Zuifeng will not give A failure does not mean the end, you may not realize that your existence has inspired how many people to continue to struggle! "

"Even Medivh used you as an idol when he was not under the control of Sargeras!"

"Me? Idol?"

"Yes!" Zuifeng nodded, "The result of the matter is not just simple victory and defeat. In the face of the devil, we must unite every force and fight alone. We are not opponents, but we are united in Azeroth. Unstoppable!"

It seems that thinking of the failure of the Tirisfal Council, Aegwynn finally nodded and joined the oath under the drunken wind.

After joining the oath, Aegwynn began to collect the soul fragments left by Medivh, and finally resurrected his son at the cost of no longer being young after the Battle of Gilneas broke out.

It's a pity that mother and son didn't get together for long. In order to resolve the conspiracy that appeared in the Eastern Kingdom, Medivh boarded the airship to Nanhai Town, while Aegwynn came to Moonglade. (To be continued.)

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