Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 212: Harves and Varoson

The embarrassing news about the dog king Haka soon reached the palace.

After learning that Hakkar's show-off was destroyed by an unknown person with a simple energy-accumulating circle, Queen Azshara, who was lying lazily on her throne, leaned forward with a smile.

"His Majesty, do you want to investigate this matter? After all, it's against the divine envoy, you can't ignore it..."

"Harves, I hope you understand that, although most of the civilians are vulgar and unbearable, there are not a few nobles who understand things." Looking at the nervous Harves, Azshara showed a hint of dissatisfaction. Hakkar’s show-off was too much, so he was put together; although God is great, my people of Azshara are not for nothing—otherwise, why would the God King find me?"

As Azshara frowned, Harves felt the huge arcane energy begin to gather, pressing against him like a dark cloud before the heavy rain, and this exaggerated momentum made Harves almost breathless.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I was stupid."

Harves, sweating profusely, knelt down and apologized, and as he confessed his mistake, the arcane energy instantly vanished.

"Your Majesty is really still unfathomable." Harves' heart was full of fear, "I hope this temptation will not cause too serious consequences."

Thinking of this, Harves put a flattering smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, then I will restore the envoy and ask them to solve it by themselves."

"Well, go!"

Looking at Harves' back, Azshara's beautiful face showed a sneer.

Stupid, do you think I can't see that you are now focused on the Legion? But you forgot, the "god" you were expecting was summoned by me!

Thinking of the adult named Sargeras that he had seen in the star world, Azshara's heart was hot.

Only such a powerful existence can stand with oneself, as for the so-called people-those are just lowly existences! Even when necessary, the upper elves can't be abandoned!

Harves, who left the palace, also had other plans.

He has never underestimated the wisdom of Queen Azshara. This time, deliberately showing his feet is only a deliberate temptation, the purpose is to know the relationship between the queen and the "god".

In this way, ordinary "divine envoys" and "gods" are not in the eyes of the queen, and only the "divine king" is the most powerful existence.

"In this case, should I change a master?" Harves thought to himself, "If I directly contact the Lord God King, can I get more?"

It is a pity that Harves knows very little about the mysterious "king of god"-he only knows that the name of "king of god" is Sargeras, which has supreme power, but he doesn't know the rest.

"Forget it, I don't want to ask the question of the king of God, let's reply to the idiot of Hakkar-do you really think no one can see through your little trick."


These insiders, Illidan, Maiev, and Drunken Wind naturally did not know it, and now they have laughed in the corner of Jin Azshara.

"Laughing hard at me, that idiot demon, he guessed he really believed that I was just an ordinary and enthusiastic high elf mage, completely unaware that I was deliberate, hahaha!"

And Maiev took out her hand without a trace: "It's very interesting. Who can see that the conflict between arcane and fel can produce such interesting effects?"

"Don't laugh first—" Suddenly Drunk Feng said at this time, "Have you noticed that a few high-level elves in the crowd just now seem to have different ideas? I think maybe not all high-level elves support the queen. "

"I didn't pay attention to this." Illidan scratched his head. "I have been patronizing the painting array, and I haven't seen the performance of the people around me."

"With that said, I found an unusual guy." Maiev recalled carefully. "An upper elf with brown hair and golden stripes, he seemed to be aware of Hakkar's tricks."

"Brown hair with golden streaks?" Illidan closed his eyes and began to think carefully. "I seem to have heard Lord Ravencrest mention him. He seems to be called Dathrema-a talented upper elf. It is said that His surname is Sunstrider, and God knows why night elves like the sun."

"Sunstrider! Dathremar Sunstrider!"

Maiev just nodded, but Drunk Feng suddenly became excited.

This Dathremar Sunstrider is the ancestor of the high elves of Quel'Thalas, and he is also an object of unity now!

"I have a suggestion." Zuifeng said, "Let's meet this Dathremar, his attitude towards the devil is not very good, maybe we can talk about it."

"Are you sure?" Maiev stared at the drunken soul and asked, "This is not a simple task, in case he takes us..."

"No." Illidan shook his head. "If he is really an excellent mage, as Master Ravencrest said, I believe he will not want the devil to do anything wrong."

"Okay, I hope so." Maiev nodded, "I hope this mage hasn't completely fallen."


When Maiev and Illidan inquired about the house of the Sunstrider family, Varoson, the captain of Queen Azshara's guard, left the palace rare.

He has a secret mission-the coming of "God".

"God" is the great demon of the Burning Legion. The first demons from the Burning Legion were summoned by Queen Azshara herself.

But afterwards, the noble Queen Azshara was unwilling to summon these weak demons with her own hands, so she handed the task of summoning to her captain of the guard Varoson.

But Varothen didn't know anything about summoning and he was unwilling to ask his opponent Harves, in desperation, he could only ask the demons of the Burning Legion what to do.

The demons expressed the need to build a demon portal to help other legion members descend.

The portal was quickly built, but embarrassingly, the demon portal could not work without sufficient fel energy supply.

So the demons proposed to replace the evil energy with the energy of life and soul.

The energy of life is naturally not the life of the noble high-level elves—the homes of a large number of night elf civilians living in Jin Azshara were trampled down by demons, and these civilians also disappeared.

Although Varoson claimed that the lucky civilians had gone to the Kingdom of God, the panic still could not be avoided.

Unfortunately, under the double crush of the Highborne and the Burning Legion, the night elves civilians have nowhere to go.

This time, Varothan's task is to supervise the construction of the portal-the queen can't wait! (To be continued.)

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