Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 215: Sargeras' plan

Facing the furious Maiev, Illidan was rather calm. Ω㈧㈠ΔChinese website⒈

"I know you love those innocent civilians, but we can't help it. Instead of worrying about their future, it's better to think about how to deal with demons."

"It's not the same!" Maiev frowned. "The guy named Dathrema cares about his family only, and doesn't put us in his eyes at all!"

"So what?" Illidan asked back, "as long as he is willing to deal with the devil, that's enough!"

"What if Azshara doesn't hurt his family? Will he turn us over to his queen?"

"..." Illidan suddenly had nothing to say. If Azshara is really willing to guarantee the glory of the Sunstrider family, it is really hard to say whether Dathremar will really stand on the side of the queen.

"Maiev, I believe Dath'rema can't betray us." At this time, Drunk Wind suddenly left the staff and said, "For the sake of maintaining the timeline, I dare not tell you what will happen afterwards, but I can promise. Dathremar must stand by our side."

Listening to Zuifeng's words, Maiev did not immediately refute, but stared at Zuifeng, motioning him to continue.

"I believe you have already discovered how huge the summoning circle is. Those poor civilians obviously cannot provide enough energy. At that time, Azshara can only use the upper elves as consumables."

"But if that happens in time, does Azshara still guarantee the safety of the Sunstrider?"

"Do you believe it? I don't believe it anyway." Zuifeng smiled and shook his head. "The Sunstrider family has today, not with Azshara's trust-but their research on arcane magic, for Dathremar In terms of taking the family to fight once and relying on the queen's possible credit ratio, he can only choose the former."

"What's more, your honorable queen now has no credibility. The promise made by a queen who has abandoned her people, who believes and who is stupid-I think Das Remar is very shrewd."


Just as Zuifeng discussed with Illidan and Maiev what to do next, Azshara had just finished communicating with Sargeras in the palace.

Queen Azshara collapsed weakly on the big bed, the strong and perfect body of Sargeras lingering in her mind for a long time.

"Vashj, get my nightgown."

Azshara changed clothes under the service of the maid, while recollecting the feeling of communicating with Sargeras.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Azshara felt that she was so perfect and powerful—from the figure to the appearance to the mana, all night elves could not be compared with Azshara. Since becoming a queen, countless night elves have worshipped Azshara.

At first, Azshara was very happy to fulfill his responsibilities. The basic terrain of the entire Golden Azshara was completed with the help of Azshara.

But over time, as he communicated with the Well of Eternity deeper, Azshara felt more and more that he was completely different from other night elves.

She is getting farther and farther away from her people, becoming aloof. In the frantic worship, Azshara finally rushed to boredom and loneliness.

Yes, alone.

Azshara lacks an existence that can communicate with herself on an equal footing, and she even feels that most night elves are not qualified to talk to herself at all.

As a result, Azshara began to try to communicate with the astral world with his soul.

In the astral world, Azshara has seen countless races-including Ethereals, monsters, and various secondary elements, but there is still no one that can make her treat her differently until she meets Sargeras.

After contacting Sargeras in the astral world, Azshara was fascinated by him. Sargeras' bronze body, blazing flames, and supreme power all made Azshara excited. In Sargeras, Azshara felt the power that all other night elves did not have-even stronger than herself!

Azshara was moved.

When Sargeras proposed to descend on Azeroth, Azshara agreed without hesitation. As for the possible consequences, the Queen was no longer willing to consider.

Maybe the night elves will die a lot, but so what? Died for the queen's glory and happiness, Azshara believed that these civilians died well.


But Sargeras, who had finished communicating with Azshara, did not have any good feelings for this idiot.

"Idiot... Sure enough, he stopped practicing because of his infatuation."

In Sargeras' view, Azshara's only charm comes from the breath of the Well of Eternity in her body, which is the breath of the unborn Titan.

The ridiculous Azshara actually thought it was her own charm. She didn't even know that all Sargeras needed was a passage into Azeroth.

When Sargeras comes to Azeroth, the fallen Titan will not hesitate to destroy the Titan that has not yet been born but has been infected by the ancient gods. He believes that this can completely defeat the conspiracy of the Void Lord- —I think the Burning Legion has done it countless times.

You should know that there are countless planets in the vast universe, and only a few planets can give birth to star souls, and after star souls grow up, they are Titans-Sargeras was once a Titan.

The Void Army is the mortal enemy of the Titans. They are twisted by endless shadows. They are beyond the universe, and their bodies are difficult to enter the universe, so they often send their minions to corrupt the unborn Titans~www Their minions are the ancient gods.

When the titans in the Pantheon discovered Azeroth, they were all surprised at the power of this star soul, and only Sargeras noticed that Azeroth was closely connected with the ancient gods.

The titans of the Pantheon were hesitant to make up their minds, but Sargeras insisted on destroying Azeroth to prevent it from becoming the minions of the Void Lord. The result of the stalemate between the two sides was a fight, and the pantheon Titans fell one after another.

After a complete break with the Pantheon, Sargeras formed and led his Burning Legion to destroy several planets that might have given birth to Titans. He believed that only in this way could the Void Lord’s corruption of the universe be prevented and the universe’s integrity was guaranteed. pure.

In Sargeras' view, a destroyed star soul is better than an infected star soul.

This time, Sargeras finally had the opportunity to come to Azeroth. He took advantage of Azshara's fascination with him, let his men enter Azeroth first, and then set up a portal to summon himself over.

After the destruction of Azeroth, Azshara lost contact with the Well of Eternity. What is the difference between that stupid woman and a succubus in the Legion? (To be continued.)

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