Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 220: Raid of the Dragonflight

Although Malygos murmured repeatedly that the Dragon Soul was too ugly, he still injected the essence of arcane power he had mastered into it. ㄟ

The small, unremarkable disc was finally fully formed, and a brand-new weapon that could be called a divine weapon was finally born, this is the soul of the dragon.

After the dragon soul was completed, the five-color dragon army gathered together.

The mighty dragon army descended south from the Temple of Long Sleep, a pair of wings covered the sky, wherever it passed, scattered demons were wiped out under the dragon's breath.

Malygos enjoyed this feeling very much. He showed off to his best friend Neltharion more than once how "art" the demon frozen into ice by his breath is.

"Look at them, they look much better than before, right? This is the art from Lord Malygos!"

Nesario was noncommittal about this, shook his head every time and flew to the front with flapping wings.

The guardian dragon proved his strength with his actions.

The Burning Legion finally realized what "death came from the sky", so that even Archimonde was alarmed.

"Things flying in the sky?" The Eredar demon obviously didn't realize the terrible dragon for the first time. "Where is the Doomsday Guard? Flying in the sky is not a reason to stop the Legion!"

"No, Archimonde, the dragon is probably stronger than you think."

I don't know when, Azshara appeared behind Archimonde.

Azshara's sudden opening shocked Archimonde's cold sweat. He couldn't imagine that this woman was so powerful. If she resisted the legion, she might not be an opponent at all.

"Don't be nervous." Azshara gave a charming smile, and even Archimonde couldn't help swaying for a moment, "We can probably see what those dragons did."

With that said, Azshara created a small crystal ball out of thin air. After chanting a few spells in a low voice, the crystal ball grew large enough to see something she wanted to see from inside.

The overwhelming breath of various dragons drowned everything, and the small group of demons had no power to fight back when facing the dragon.

What attracted Archimonde's attention most was the five-headed dragon, each of them was stalwart and seemed to possess the power of the ordinary.

Although the other four seldom shots except the blue one, Archimonde still found that they were not easy to deal with.

"It seems that the Titans have really lost their blood in your world..." Archimonde whispered, "There are actually a group of local guardians..."

"What are you talking about?" Azshara raised her eyebrows. "Say it out loud if you want to say it. Don't mutter. I don't think Lord Sargeras likes the subordinates of Yingying Gougou either."

Azshara's criticism of standing as the master made Archimonde very unhappy, but due to the difference in strength, the Demon Eredar still barely swallowed this breath.

"Forget it, this time I will lead the Legion to shoot the Queen. Please take a look at the true power of the Burning Legion!"

"Of course." Azshara waved, the crystal ball disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed, "I hope you can bring me good news."

"What about you?" Archimonde instinctively felt uncomfortable looking at the lazy Azshara, "what are you doing now?"

"Me?" Azshara blinked playfully, causing Archimonde's heartbeat to increase again. "Of course I have to prepare for the arrival of the great Sargeras."

Although Archimonde wanted to say that you just lay on the bed with your brows asleep, in the end he held it back.

With a cold snort, Archimonde left Jin Azshara with the devil and went north to intercept the dragon army.


"Varoson." After Archimonde left, Azshara began to summon his captain of the guard, "How is Lord Sargeras' teleportation formation?"

"Honorable Queen, we have tried our best, but there are no civilians to sacrifice the whole area around Jin Azshara. It has been swept by demons many times."

"The completion of the teleportation array may be less than one-third. If no new energy source is found, I am afraid the farewell work will stop..."

Hearing Varoson said this, Azshara showed an expression of trouble.

Seeing his queen's frown, Varoson felt that his heart was breaking.

"How about that?" Varoson gritted his teeth. "There are many people among the upper elves who are not at peace. Do you want to treat them too... You know, these guys are far better than the civilians. Used too much."

Hearing Varoson said this, Azshara looked relieved.

"Then, my loyal captain of the guard, are you willing to urge those high-level elves to contribute to their queen?"

"Of Lady Queen!" Seeing the expectation in Azshara's eyes, Varoson felt passionate, "As you wish, I believe Lord Sargeras will come soon!"

"Then be good." Azshara lay lazily on his throne again, "I look forward to your good news."

Varothen reluctantly took a peek at Azshara's perfect curve, then turned to leave.


The poor captain of the guard didn't know that after he left, the most important light in his heart just snorted disdainfully.

Maybe he will not change anything if he knows it. This is destined to be a fruitless attachment.

Azshara is not as lazy as she seems. She has been deepening the connection with the Well of Eternity. This attempt makes her often exhausted and has to rest. The result is that to outsiders, it seems that Queen Azshara has been there all day. Like a lazy bed.

Only her close maid, Vaschi, knew that every time Azshara changed his robe, it was almost wet with sweat.

"Why do I feel that the Well of Eternity is rejecting me?!" After each practice, Azshara couldn't help but struggle, "I must work harder. Only when I have strong power can I be qualified to stand great. Around Sargeras!"

Thinking about this, Azshara tried again to communicate the power of the Well of Eternity.

At the same time, Varothan set off a new **** storm in Jin Azshara.

The shadow that originally hung over the night elf civilians' heads finally found the upper elf this time. These self-proclaimed noble guys are actually not much better than the untouchables in their eyes.

Several families who were trying to stay together for warmth were directly destroyed, leaving only endless despair in the hearts of the remaining upper elves.

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