Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 230: Where is deathwing

   "Tell me, how do you plan to help Lord Sargeras come?"

   "The soul of the dragon!"

   "Dragon Soul?" Azshara thought about it carefully, "You are talking about the disk that Archimonde mentioned, which contains the essence of the guardian dragon?"

   Illidan nodded.

   "Interesting-although I don't know where you learned about the Dragon Soul, you must know that even I will find it tricky in front of that crazy black dragon."

   "Not so, how can I show my loyalty?" Illidan remained expressionless, "not to mention that he is now a lunatic. As long as he masters the correct method, he can deal with it."

   "If that's the case, then I won't ask any more - so, I will ask Lord Sargeras to grant you a part of the power to facilitate your actions. You are so weak now."

"No, I have enough to complete the task now." Illidan refused Azshara's suggestion without hesitation, "I will wait until I get the Dragon Soul, and Lord Sargeras will personally bestow me endless glory. !"

   After speaking, Illidan took up his weapon and slowly left the palace.

   After Illidan left,

   "Your Majesty, do you really believe that Illidan?" Vaskey asked in a low voice while serving Azshara changing clothes, "How do I feel this person is weird..."

"Of course it's weird." Azshara shook his head slightly. "He obviously hasn't seen the greatness of Lord Sargeras, but he keeps saying that he longs for the glory of Lord Sargeras; he is obviously an arcane genius, but Recklessly burned his own arcane circuit; obviously his strength should have been greatly damaged, but his record was shining..."

   "To be honest, I don't understand it a bit-but it doesn't matter. If he can really bring back the soul of the dragon, what about giving him power?"

   Looking at Vaschi who seemed to understand and nodded, Azshara gave a weird smile: "What's wrong? My little Vaschi also pays attention to men? Could it be that you are interesting to that guy?"


   "Hahaha, Vaskey, you blush..."


   After leaving the palace, Illidan met Varoson.

   The captain of the guard almost fired in his eyes when he saw Illidan. He really couldn't let go of the fiasco in Black Crow Fortress-he was beaten up with all his cards out.

   As for Illidan's surrender, this warrior was also a hundred people who didn't believe it, but due to Queen Azshara's order, Varothen had to send Illidan respectfully out of Jin Azshara.

"Ilidan, when I wait for you to show your horse, I swear I will treat you well." As he passed by, Varoson said in a voice that only two people could hear, "Although I don't know you use I have concealed the reason from the Queen, but I believe you can’t keep it for long.”

   "Relax, scar face." Illidan didn't care. "Put your own position. You are just a captain of the guard."

   After finishing speaking, Illidan straight away, leaving Varosen gritted his teeth.

After staying away from Golden Azshara, Illidan summoned the soul of Drunk Wind. Now the soul of Drunk Wind is much more solid than when it just came to this era. In Illidan's opinion, Drunk Wind has a little bit Strong taste.

   "Go ahead, Drunk Wind, where can I find Deathwing? You said you can find him."

   "Of course it's okay!" Drunk Feng gave a big smile, "I know that guy's nest well--but I don't know the way, so I have to rely on the Emerald Dream for help."

   "You're looking for my brother?" Illidan frowned, "I think that staid guy will not accept the way I am now-and I don't think I can enter the Emerald Dream."

   "Calm down!" Drunk Feng waved his hand, "I entered the dreamland to find Ysera. With the help of the Green Dragon Queen, sneaking into Deathwing's lair is not a piece of cake!"

  Although Drunk Wind’s performance was extremely confident, Illidan still had doubts in his heart-but unfortunately, at this point, Illidan had to find a safe place and wait quietly.

Wait for the drunk wind to search for news in the emerald dream.

At this time, Malfurion was preparing an army in Mount Hyjal and was planning to attack Golden Azshara. Therefore, the druid in the dream only had two or three kittens. With the help of the druid apprentice, I found the green dragon queen Ysera.

Zuifeng met such a weak Green Dragon Queen for the first time-unlike the original Dragon Soul in the hands of Nekruz, Deathwing is obviously able to better use the power in this artifact, and the result is other The four dragon kings were severely weakened, and even in the dream, Ysera could barely open one emerald green eye.

   "Explain your intentions, mortal, I am weak now and don't have much time."

   "Master Ysera, I am going to steal the soul of the dragon."

"What?" Ysera was surprised at Drunk Wind’s boldness, "I heard Cenarius say that you are from ten thousand years later, then you should know what Deathwing is like. I don’t think you can steal it from his hands. Demon soul."

"If you use conventional means, it really won’t work—but I’m I am a soul that can freely travel between dreams and reality. I think even if Deathwing masters the soul of the devil, he cannot master the dream. Power?"

Listening to Zuifeng's words, Ysera nodded: "I probably understand what you mean, you want to reach Deathwing's lair in your dream, then return to reality to get the demon soul, and then enter the dream to leave. ?"

   "That's right!" Zuifeng nodded, "I think if I do this, there should be no way for Deathwing?"

   "Theoretically yes." Ysera seldom smiled, "But in fact, the lair of Deathwing is very complicated, and dreams and reality are subtlely distorted-you may not be able to find the demon soul."

   "That's not necessarily!" Zuifeng gave a weird smile, "I don't understand other people's lair, but Deathwing's lair, I can't be more familiar with it!"

   Don’t forget, the first stop of Zuifeng after leaving Pandaria is the Highmountain of the Broken Isles! There, under the guidance of Noire Horn, he carefully explored Nesario's lair. He didn't expect that an excursion with an archaeological mood had become the key to solving the problem!

   Discovering Zuifeng's extraordinary self-confidence, Ysera simply no longer struggles. At the request of Drunk Wind, she directly created a map indicating the approximate location of the Deathwing Lair.

   "I'm sorry, my father-in-law!" After getting the map, Drunk Feng secretly shook his head, "It looks like this is the third time I have done you wrong!" (To be continued.)

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