Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 244: Kazzak's Great Tragedy

Hoon's shout was like a large-scale frustrating roar.

After the demon learned that Tichondrius had died in the hands of a mortal, he inevitably got a little shaken.

Although the demons can be resurrected from the Twisted Void, the process is long and difficult and not that simple-and there are often demons who lose strength and lose their memory after they are resurrected, so demons must avoid unnecessary death.

In this case, the demon's siege inevitably slackened.

The direct manifestation is that the dragon and Tortola who are in charge of interception feel a lot less pressure!

Hoon holding Tichondrius' head high and returning to Nordrassil did not even have a demon willing to stop him.

Under Nordrassil, Cenarius temporarily stopped casting Tranquil Rain, and chose to draw out his hand to cast a blessing on Huen.

Hoon smiled as he touched the same antlers on his head as Cenarius.

"Hehehe, that's not bad!"

It's a pity that Hu En finally couldn't stand up after taking a break-charging and killing Tichondrius took too much energy. Now once he relaxes, Hu En finds that his energy has been exhausted.

The price of the outbreak was that the tauren who had returned to Nordrassil became tired and became a kobold...


Soon after, the second goal was achieved.

Kazzak died under the joint hands of Goldrinn and Aviana.

Goldrinn deserves to be the one with the strongest offensive power among the gods of the wilderness. Kazak quickly became a winner in his supernatural appearance. The guard lord of the doomsday obviously has no way to take advantage of this extremely fast demigod. , Can only swing the long sword in his hand from the left to the right.

It's not that Kazzak doesn't want to fight back, but how can he fight back even if Goldrinn's hair can't be caught? After all, although the brains are fierce, it is useless to fail to choose the target.

But the lord of the doomsday guard was not given for nothing. Since Goldrinn couldn't catch it, he simply gritted his teeth and chose Aviana as the target.

Don’t forget, the Doomguard can fly!

When Aviana faced Kazzak, things became awkward.

Kazzak, who was obviously forced to defend under Goldrinn, became extremely fierce when facing Aviana!

Aviana is not good at fighting. She is a scout of the gods of the wilderness. This time she and Goldrinn are only to prevent Kazzak from escaping from the sky, but who would have thought that when Kazzak changed targets, Aviana would directly I found myself unable to beat it!

Facing Aviana's feathers shot out, Kazzak propped up the shield; Kazzak turned a deaf ear to Aviana's harsh scream.

But in turn, Kazzak's shadow arrows, Aviana couldn't bear it; Kazzak's brain-damaged arrows, Aviana couldn't bear it, Kazzak carried a long sword, Aviana still couldn't bear it.

Although knowing that she is not strong in combat, Aviana has already begun to suspect that Niaosheng...

Fortunately, there is Goldrinn.

Just when Kazzak bullied Aviana, Goldrin seized the opportunity.

With the help of Aviana, Goldrinn had the ability to temporarily raise wings, and the **** of the sky temporarily helped him fly to the sky.

Although Godlin was a little uncomfortable for the first time, he quickly adjusted his state and began to deal with Kazzak.

Seeing Goldrinn flying up, Kazzak really wanted to cry without tears.

This is not the same as saying yes!

Why is this birdman who is so awkward, but can help people go to heaven casually? !

But Kazzak's complaint was useless.

When Goldrinn got acquainted with the feeling of flying, Kazak was beaten again-this time Goldrinn learned how to behave, he first tore Kazak's wings!

Kazzak still can't attack Goldrinn on offense, and defense can't stop Goldrinn. Although he has a shadow shield, his wounds are getting more and more...

Under Goldrinn's sharp front paws and sharp fangs, Kazzak finally couldn't hold on.

He tried to raise the long sword, secretly mobilized the fel energy, and wanted to die with him when Goldrinn's next attack. Unfortunately, at the critical moment, Goldrinn became more cautious. He would immediately end every attack. Fleeing into the shadows, Kazzak had no chance to blew himself up.

Finally, the lord of the doomsday guard Kazzak fell under Goldrinn’s claws, and the wild wolf who seized the opportunity directly penetrated Kazzak’s chest, and the green blood splattered out, dignified Kazak. K just fell unwillingly on the battlefield of Darnassus.

Goldrinn, who killed Kazzak, was not easy.

A large part of his hair has been corroded horribly by the blood of the devil. Goldrinn’s powerful attack power was obtained at the expense of his defense power. For other demigods, there was Nordrassil’s blessed demon blood. Corrosion is not a problem at all, but for Goldrinn's full attack, this is a big problem.

Goldrinn, who had returned to Nordrassil, was already limping, his front paws had been severely burned, and his movement was very inconvenient.

And Aviana's originally smooth feathers have now become messy. So far, she is the one with the worst record among the wild gods.

Just when Goldrinn and Aviana returned to the back of the defense line to rest and heal, Malfurion also solved his opponent.

Hakkar, the canine king, was famous, but it wasn't enough in front of Malfurion.

Although Malfurion was passive when faced with a large group of hellhounds that could absorb energy at the beginning, he soon found a way to deal with it.

"Holy Vine, entangle these demons!"

Under Malfurion's call, large vines broke out of the ground, entangled the Hellhound in place like a sea of ​​vines.

If this goes on no matter how frequently Hakkar waved the whip in his hand, summoning one after another demons, it is still difficult to get rid of Malfurion's bondage.

Hellhounds can absorb energy, and even the powerful breed carefully bred by Hakkar can absorb light and natural energy - but no hellhound can easily gnaw vines.

With the blessing of Nordrassil, these vines that drilled from the ground were tough and dense, and once caught, they could not get rid of.

Seeing this, the angry Haka simply gave up the summoning and chose Malfurion to be frontal.

After all, Malfurion was not good at hand-to-hand combat, so he started and retreated.

Hakkar found that he had a chance and started to press harder.

But it was in the middle of Malfurion's arms-when Hakkar chased near Nordrassil, Malfurion adopted a new strategy: "Holy tree, entangle the devil!"

Nordrassil's roots broke out under Malfurion's call, and directly entangled Hakkar in place! (To be continued.)

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