Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 265: Furious Arthas

After the last zombie time, Lordaeron became more vigilant about taking care of the wounded. A large number of priests took action. Once the Greymane Wall was disturbed, he immediately checked the wounded camp. 【Phoenix\\/凤\\/Please search for quick update //ia/u///】

The Holy Light is the nemesis of this negative energy. As long as there is purification by the priest, this kind of thing will not happen again.

At this time, His Royal Highness Arthas, Prince Arthas of Lordaeron, was holding a sigh of relief.

If all those who have seen the prince are asked to describe Alsace in one word, then most people's answer should be "justice".

When Terenas proposed to let Arthas join the Silver Hand, Uther Lightbringer was actually not very willing. After all, once the prince joined, the Silver Hand would be difficult to maintain neutrality.

But considering Alsace's talent and identity, Uther had difficulty finding a suitable reason for rejection, and finally accepted the proposal.

Since the joining of Alsace is inevitable, it is good to find a way to keep Alsace justice!

With this thought in mind, Uther began to carefully teach Alsace.

From a paladin apprentice to a real paladin baptized in the Cathedral of the Holy Light, Uther taught Alsace for seven years.

In these seven years, Uther has been instilling the concept of justice into Alsace.

Arthas also became a paladin who adhered to the doctrine of justice under Uther's teaching.

It is precisely because of this that Terenas once had a headache. He did not expect Uther to put himself in this way-justice is a precious quality, but if a king insists on justice, it will be harmful to the expansion of his country.

To this end, Terenas wrote to Arthas many times, repeatedly stressing that "Our Menethil family is ruled by wisdom and strength-although I am very happy that you can uphold justice, but as a king, you The support of the people who must win."

Unfortunately, Alsace obviously did not realize that Terenas won the support of the people by expanding his territory. He began to pursue "goodness."

The last zombie incident was lost due to the appearance of Orgrim. In fact, everyone remembered it in their hearts, but now the focus is on orcs.

But Arthas said he couldn't accept it.

Those are hundreds of innocent wounded!

In this way, he was turned into a zombie by the evil, so he had to bear the pain to start with his colleagues!

Although the priest is now dispersing, the entire camp looks impeccable, but Arthas is looking forward to the appearance of the man behind the scenes.

Even after such a long war, Arthas had begun to doubt the cause of death of the Paladins in Gilneas!

At this moment, a new situation emerged.

A large number of Lordaeron warriors turned into zombies overnight. They roared and tried to bite all the living creatures nearby.

To make matters worse, the war horse was also heavily infected-the flesh and blood of the infected war horse was stripped and turned into a skeleton horse!

Among them is Alsace's own war horse-Invincible.

It is a pity that these zombies are not only stiff in their joints, but also slow in their actions. They are not as good as the elderly. They were quickly solved by the army led by Alsace. Even many soldiers who were not seriously infected were rescued by the red dragon's medicine and turned into Normal person.

The cause of the infection was quickly found out-the third batch of military rations delivered to the front line was contaminated.

The news soon reached the top of the alliance.

More than a thousand soldiers were infected this time. Although the infected were only zombies with low mobility, and only more than 300 people died in the end, the situation is still extremely bleak. After all, there are not many priests in all places.

Lordaeron directly terminated the hunt for Orgrim and vowed to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Although Terenas had vaguely felt that this seemed to be related to Kel'Thuzad's experiment, he gritted his teeth and splashed dirty water on Gilneas for the first time. After all, it was Gil that was fighting Lordaeron now. Nice, it seems reasonable to speculate from this perspective.

As for those zombies-Terenas hasn't really paid attention to it. For the time being, the zombies will not cause much impact, and when the war is over, once he announces Kel'Thuzad's experiment, then the great magician will die. Undoubtedly, after losing the source, those zombies will naturally not reproduce!

Unfortunately, Terenas was wrong.

On the second day of the infection, Mal'Ganis appeared under the Wall of Greymane, and in front of Arthas, turned one of his deputy into a zombie.

Now Alsace was out of the ground and angry.

"Success, demon-the hammer of sanctions!"

A warhammer made of holy light fell from the sky and directly hit Mal'Ganis.

The dreadlord Jiejie laughed strangely, turned into countless bats, disappeared in place, and then reappeared next to him.

"Poor little prince, put away your useless holy light, you are destined to not catch me-you will see me in front of you, turning everyone into zombies, and you can only flow cowardly Tears turned them into ashes."

"Maybe you don't know yet? Just north of you, in Shadowfang Castle, where all the residents have become death knights-what choice will my righteous little prince make? There I am It took a lot of thought, it is not such a semi-finished product, but such a complete body."

Mal'Ganis raised his hand, and the shadow quickly painted a summoning circle on the ground, summoning a death knight.

The death knight riding a skeletal war horse charged towards Arthas.

Arthas was not afraid and waved the warhammer infused with holy light in his hand, and fought with the death knight.

This was a crushing battle. The death knight’s shadow spells had little effect on Arthas, and the close combat was also a little stiff. In the end, Arthas’s warhammer shattered the death knight’s head, and the Holy Light purified the original. Poor gladiator at Dunhold Castle.

"Hahahaha, a pretty good gladiatorial show!" Mal'Ganis began to applaud, "It seems that our little prince is not bad-this is amazing, I can watch dozens of other performances of this kind- —I think you won’t leave Shadowfang Castle’s death knights alone, right?”

"Don't blame me for not reminding you that the people killed by these death knights will also become zombies, hahaha!"

Laughing, Mal'Ganis fluttered his wings into the air, and went straight away, leaving only Arthas gritted his teeth.

"All the soldiers of Lordaeron, set out for the north, aiming at Shadowfang Castle!"

"As the Prince of Lordaeron, I swear that the demon will pay for his actions-justice will be done, and I will defend my people to the death!" (To be continued.)

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