Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 286: Paladin and Spiderman

   The loss of the Argent Crusade is not uncommon-it can even be said that this is the most painful time since the appearance of the human Paladin. ??

But the Paladin is not an ordinary profession after all, they did not give up, but were aroused to fight-because the Paladin will not be knocked down twice in the same place!

As a result, the stabilized Silver Crusade began a steady advance.

This is interesting now. Along the way, the incomparable local paladin began to wield the dust of development, and these magical powder made all the crypts invisible.

This time it was Anub'arak's turn to have a headache (although he was transformed into an undead, at this time there is no pain), the steady and steady Paladin troops are like big turtles with a thick shell, so that he has no chance to start.

And if you choose to be head-on, it is easy to fail. Many undead have paid the price of being wiped out and come to a conclusion-these Paladins are extremely powerful!

According to Alsace’s deployment, it was impossible for the Argent Crusade to capture Tarren Mill. In order to wield the advantage of the number of undead natural disasters, Alsace was here in addition to the spider-man of Azjol-Nerub. Left a lot of hatred.

These monsters stitched together from corpses have brought great trouble to the Paladin's attack-their huge size is just right as a meat shield, and it is also very difficult to purify.

what? You say that if you don't purify, you don't care if you break it?

In this case, the undead natural disasters on the battlefield will be happily re-stitched, and the next day will be a new abomination!

Under this circumstance, before Mograine returned with the Ashbringer, the paladin in Nanhai Town had several counterattacks that were stopped by hatred.

But the battle situation changed with the appearance of Ashbringer.

Now the feeling of the undead natural disasters in the entire Hillsbrad Hills is "It's not that our army is not strong, but the enemy has high!"

That's right, Mograine, holding the Ashbringer, is like a humanoid Gundam, after entering the Undead Scourge, no one can stop it!

In front of the Ashbringer, there is actually no difference between ghoul and hatred!

So now Anub'arak is almost helpless facing the steady advance of the Silver Crusade.

Unless under favorable terrain conditions (e.g. underground, inside spider webs), once the Spider-Man takes the undead natural disasters and the Paladins just face up, the result is bound to be a big defeat!

However, time is running out.

Just when Anub'arak was helpless, the Argent Crusade had already advanced outside Tarren Mill.

Since Tarren Mill itself is in the heart of Lordaeron, although it is not far from the fortress Steinbrad, the city's walls are negligibly low.

This is undoubtedly worse for the undead natural disaster in charge of defense. The original plan to rely on hatred to put the wall on the human wall was also destroyed by the ash messenger. What is it to fight now?

But Anub'arak is not an ordinary person after all.

Can't keep the walls? Then don't guard, let's fight street fighting!

Tarren Mill is one of the top cities in the Hillsbrad Hills. It is not possible to capture Tarren Mill by capturing the walls!

Therefore, when the Silver Crusade came to Tarren Mill and began to attack the city, Mograine, holding the Ashbringer, just showed up, and the undead decisively retreated into the city.

The tragic street fighting started in Tarren Mill.

According to the death order of the Lich King, Anub'arak and the Undead Scourge must guard Tarren Mill-Steinblad, eat them when they meet a small army, and drag them when they meet a large army.

Now facing the Silver Crusade, Anub'arak judged that these Paladins could not be annihilated-then drag them here!

With the purpose of procrastination, the Undead Scourge began to retreat to Steinblad, while the Spider-Man stayed behind and began to harass all over Tarren Mill.

Due to the existence of the housing here, the effect of the Dust of Visibility has been greatly limited. For a while, the Paladin really had nothing to do with these spidermen who fought guerrilla warfare!

Any water tank or fireplace may be the entrance and exit of Spider-Man. A large number of Paladins are attacked by Spider-Man without knowing it. Once the Paladins explore in groups, Spider-Man will move to Other places continue to attack.

Once again it was the silver crusade's turn to be in a dilemma.

If you withdraw from Tarren Mill, it means that all sacrifices are in vain, and the strategic purpose has failed; staying here will lead to a stalemate in a war of attrition; regardless of the Spider-Man's direct attack on Steinblad, there is a danger of being surrounded. .

In this difficult situation, Uther had an idea and began to command the Paladins to demolish the house.

Most Paladins use warhammers-and after the warhammer is infused with holy light, it is very useful to dismantle the houses. These wooden houses will soon be unsupported under the warhammer and then collapse.

If there are spider-man tunnels under these houses, it will be interesting. The tunnels will be buried by collapsed wooden structures. After a paladin stepped on them, it would be difficult for these spider-men to get through these solid wooden structures.

Uther led the Silver Crusade to take the attitude of "Don't take down Tarren Mill" ~ Incarnate into the Silver Cross construction team, and began the demolition of Tarren Mill.

This stupid method really limits Spider-Man's counterattack.

And Anub'arak is also happy to see the silver crusaders struggling here.

Their offense was slow by one point, and Steinblad's defense strengthened by one point.

Similarly, the strategic objectives of the Silver Crusade have also become part of it. When the Violet Avengers, Demon Hunters, Stormwind Royal Knights and Dwarves in the southern part of the Eastern Kingdom go north together, Tarren Mill will directly serve as the frontline. , And Nanhai Town will become the rear-this has great strategic significance for logistics support.

In addition, the Oath-Allied forces have bypassed Steinblad and headed north, and now everyone's eyes have gathered on Stratholme.

There, the Black Dragon, Warden, Demon Hunter, Kul Tiras Navy Team 6, Frostwolf Orcs, Blackrock Orcs, Stonefist Ogres, and Stratholme soldiers and civilians, led by Drunk Wind, and Alsace led The undead, natural disasters, and demons have launched a battle related to the future of the Eastern Kingdom.

If Drunk Wind wins this battle, the oath can bring all the troops back to Kalimdor and fight Archimonde with all his strength.

If Alsace wins this battle, I am afraid that at least the entire northern part of the Eastern Kingdom will be completely reduced to a paradise for the undead. Then the Alliance and the Horde will have to blow up the Thador Bridge. (To be continued.) 8

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