Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 292: Unlucky Alsace

At the moment Orgrim killed Mannoroth, countless Blackrock Orcs felt that the **** in their bodies was lifted.しωχ520

But there is no time to excite them.

After catching the Doomhammer, Drunken Wind, along with Illidan, Maiev and Eitrigg, began to retreat with the orcs.

At this time, Arthas wanted to send the undead and natural disasters to swarm up and grab the head, but at Orgrim's sacrifice, Mannoroth blew him in the head!

It was said that the undead who went up to besiege were blown up in Mannoroth’s self-detonation. Drunk Wind took advantage of the chaos and slid back to Stratholme. After the response, the shaman removed the elemental power. Stratholme is still that difficult alliance town.

Back on the wall, Drunk Wind handed the Doomhammer to Thrall.

"Take it, Orgrim asked me to give it to you at the last moment."

At this time, the setting sun had already fallen, and both offensive and defensive sides chose to temporarily cease the war, and both sides had a lot to do.


In Stratholme, Thrall inherited Orgrim’s Doomhammer-he also inherited the identity of his warchief. For the orcs, his most beloved weapon would be left to his heir, Orgrim Mu's last sentence undoubtedly announced the successor of the warchief.

As a hero who truly liberated the orcs, Orgrim's decision was respected by everyone.

It couldn't be more reasonable for a shaman to become a great chief—not to mention that Thrall would also be the chief of the Frostwolf Orcs.

When the orcs in Stratholme swore allegiance to Thrall, Drunk Wind approached Baron Rivendell.

"Your Excellency Rivendell, I want to know how long Stratholme's army can hold on to a wall defense battle of this level?"

Facing the straightforward drunkenness, Baron Rivendell gave a wry smile.

"I'm afraid it won't last long." The baron who had not had time to take off his armor shook his head. "The casualties are too heavy. Although our soldiers are brave enough, they are too disadvantaged to face the devil."

"Does Stratholme have a large-scale knight?" Zuifeng thought for a while, and continued to ask, "The kind that can launch a large-scale counterattack."

"The number is very small..." Baron Rivendell thought carefully, "My father is a good friend of Kel'Thuzad. Under Kel'Thuzad's encouragement, he took almost all the cavalry to participate in the Battle of Gilneas. And now most of these cavalry are standing opposite us."

With that, Baron Rivendell shook his head and sighed for a long time: "It is the devil who is in charge of the main attack today. Maybe tomorrow will be the undead. I might have to face those familiar faces at that time. The pain is beyond description."

There is nothing to say about Drunk Wind.

Father and son separated by life and death fought each other on the battlefield. For this situation, any words of relief would appear pale and weak.

The drunk wind no longer disturbed the exhausted Baron Rivendell, but returned to his resting place and began to quietly think about how to break the battle.

Stratholme can't defend all the time, and Archimonde may rush to Kalimdor at any time-then he must bring Demon Hunter and Watcher back to help.

"The devil and the undead are definitely not the same." For this, Drunk Wind is still sure-judging from the attitude of Arthas in today's battle, he hopes that the devil and the Stratholme defender will lose both.

"Are you going to ask the dragon to copy Ner'zhul's lair from the Icecrown Glacier? But listening to the report from the defenders of the Dragon Sleep Temple, it seems that Ner'zhul is hiding underground, so he can't let the dragon burrow, right? "

Without a clue, Drunken Wind can only enter the Emerald Dream first, hoping to get some useful news.

In the Emerald Dream, Zuifeng really got good news.

According to the dragon guarding the temple, a group of Azjol-Nerubians are asking for help!

It is said that the name of the leader is Atud, a crypt lord. He was unwilling to cooperate with Azjol-Nerub and Ner'zhul and led a part of Azjol-Nerub to leave his kingdom.

Now, after learning about the death of Anub'arak and the fall of their hometown, these people of Azjol-Nerub have found the dragon, hoping to use the power of the dragon to take revenge!

After Drunk Wind got the news, his whole person became better.

This is called drowsiness and someone gives pillows-as long as it threatens the Lich King, the undead natural disasters can't be consumed with them here, and the initiative will be in the hands of the defender!

As a result, the red dragon and blue dragon who stayed behind at the Temple of Dragon Sleep moved into action.

Atud and these Azjol-Nerubians formed an organization called "The Net of Vengeance". On the one hand, they assemble their arms and prepare for war. On the other hand, they began to draw a huge map of Azjol-Nerub's underground kingdom. Prepare to fight back.

On the side of Drunk Wind, since Stratholme is difficult to counterattack, he will simply nail it here like a nail. If Ner'zhul can collapse first, then this defensive battle will be won!

Arthas didn't know that his master had been calculated by others at this time-he was now feeling a bit distressed.

The inaction of the Undead Scourge allowed Tichondrius to seize the opportunity, and the dreadlord strongly demanded that Arthas start summoning Kil'jaeden directly.

Tichondrius claimed that if Ner'zhul and Arthas remained loyal to the Burning Legion, then they should not care about the sacrifice of the undead and natural disasters, so all the undead cannon fodder can be used as sacrifices to directly summon Kil'jaeden.

Of course Alsace would not agree with Tichondrius's proposal.

What a Ner'zhul didn't want to accompany the lunatic of the Burning Legion all the way.

But on the other hand, Arthas still needs the help of the devil at this time. If there is no demon's control, the black dragon in Stratholme can spray all the undead natural disasters into scum!

So at this time Arthas could only start to think about him, repeatedly emphasizing how serious the loss of Mannoroth’s blew was today, the number of undead natural disasters was insufficient, and he repeatedly promised to summon Kiel immediately as long as he took Stratholme. Katan.

Although Tichondrius was still dissatisfied with Alsace’s statement, the devil did need to be cannon fodder from the undead to give pressure, so it could not be stopped, and Arthas had to hand over part of the command of the undead natural disasters. .

As the two sides continued to plan the battle, the dawn of the next day came quietly. For Stratholme, another **** battle began!

Unlike the day before, on the second day of the Battle of Stratholme, the main force of the offensive side became a natural disaster.

Dense ghouls and gargoyles-Zuifeng saw the live-action version of "Heaven and Earth Twin Ghosts". (To be continued.)

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