Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 294: Stratholme Meat Grinder

In the singles, the victorious little Rivendell left very decisively. Before he hated the huge body, he had already relied on the leap of faith with the help of the priest to successfully return to the wall. &Le&Wen&Fiction{www}.{lw}{xs520}.{com}[Update fast&nbp;&nbp;Please search //ia/u///]

The victory of the father and son singled out undoubtedly gave Stratholme's defenders a lot of confidence-especially the human defenders. Without the psychological pressure from the old lord, everyone let go of their hands and feet.

Alsace looked bad, because at the last moment, the old Rivendell had a faint tendency to get out of control.

This is a big problem!

The mid-to-high end combat power of the Undead Scourge at this time is all maintained by the control of the Lich King and Frostmourne. If this control fails, the Undead Scourge will collapse without fighting!

Although worried, Alsace did not stop commanding the siege troops.

After experiencing the Battle of Gilneas, Arthas had a lot of experience in siege - this time, although there is no siege equipment of the Blackfuse Group, there are demons!

When the undead natural disasters died in the city one after another, the demon finally acted.

This time, the strange combination of Gargoyle, Doomguard and Succubus was dispatched. Arthas hoped to use the concealment ability of the Succubus to open a breakthrough for the attack.

The guard of the doomsday took the succubus into the air and flew to the city wall under the cover of the gargoyle.

Facing the densely packed gargoyles, Onyxia decisively asked the black dragon to avoid the battle—what's the joke? Leave these gargoyles to the high elves!

The lawbreakers once again showed their strength. Under the flying blade, the gargoyles were blown up, but without the suppression of the black dragon, this time the Doomsday guards who landed on the city wall were obviously a lot more.

The key is that these doomsday guards still carry succubus!

The succubus who fell on the wall began to hide for the first time. They hid themselves in the shadows, ready to launch surprise attacks at all times.

Under the urging of Drunk Wind, the few hunters on the defending side started firing flares into the air, hoping to find the sneaking succubus. What’s interesting is that other people use weapons to launch flares into the sky. In order to prove that he is a melee hunter, our Beastmaster Rexxar chose to throw the flares by hand. As a result, an unfortunate gargoyle was smashed by Rexxar’s flares. ...

But the succubus still brought an inevitable chaos. After being charmed, a few fighters who were not determined enough raised their weapons to their companions.

The attacking undead natural disaster seized the opportunity and built a **** with giant abominable corpses, and a large number of ghouls quickly climbed the city wall.

"Dead Scourge, go ahead!"

Under the command of Arthas, the ghouls began a wicked enthusiasm. After these hideous and squatting undead rushed on the wall, they used their sharp teeth and claws to start a crazy attack on the defenders.

The main force involved in defending the city is still humans. Soldiers in heavy armor can effectively defend against the plague from the ghouls. It is not easy for the ghouls to break through the armor-but it can't stand the large number!

For undead natural disasters, it is difficult to make a death knight. Not only is the transformation ritual complicated, but also requires the strength of the deceased; it is not easy to make a gargoyle, because it needs to prepare stone statues and strengthen the dead. But making ghouls couldn't be easier.

After all, compared with skeletons, ghouls only need to twist a bit more.

The evil and fanatical ghouls started like a black wave, and they rushed directly onto the city wall along the **** that hated the corpse, wearing white armor (Lordaeron himself admired white, just like Stormwind blue and tribal red) The Stratholme defender remained unmoved.

The soldier in front fell, and the one behind came up!

One more fall, then another one on top!

Stratholme, as the important town of Lordaeron, has a very thick wall-eight horses can run side by side on the top of the wall! Now, this place has become the focus of the competition between the offensive and the defenders.

At this moment, Stratholme became a meat grinder!


Back on the city wall, the exhausted Orix Rivendell looked at the soldiers following him, heartbroken.

At this time, the undead natural disasters and the demon's elite forces were not dispatched, so the guards and demon hunters on the defensive side could only stand still. Only these soldiers defended their homeland with their flesh and blood.

Drunk Wind, Illidan, Maiev, Eitrigg, and Old Fording have all joined the battlefield, but in the face of endless undead natural disasters, the power of these powerful men is also very limited. After Drunk Wind opened the elemental clone, the way to go Crane couldn't get close to the abhorred bodies.

In this case, Faye became angry.

Kael'thas stood up.

At this moment, the high elf prince mobilized his huge arcane energy, temporarily suspended in the air.

Medivh probably guessed what he was going to do, and began to protect Kael'thas from being interrupted during casting.

Then, in a chant of Salas, the three arcane **** around Kael'thas began to rotate faster, and the radius of the rotation track became larger and larger. Then, on top of Kael'thas, After a loud tweet, a fiery red figure appeared.

"Austrian Ashes!"

In the dazzling flame, a huge phoenix came into being!

Accompanied by the loud phoenix chirping, a large amount of flames fell to the sky, opening a blazing road for the drunk wind!

Of course Drunk Wind would not miss this opportunity, he immediately lifted the element clone.

"Drunken Clouds!"

Large swaths of wine mist swayed, and the wine helped the fire, and the road from drunk wind to hating the corpse was already a smooth journey!

Seeing this scene, Drunk Wind directly flew the dragon in the sky, and Feng Xu Yufeng came all the way to under the city wall.

"Niuzao is here!"

The huge black bull figure appeared out of thin air After lowering his head, the sharp horns directly picked up the abominable corpse piled under the city wall, and then threw it away.

Arthas didn't expect this move at all, and it was too late to think about it. He could only watch the drunk wind do the same, and flew several giant abominable corpses that had become "ladders" one by one.

And after losing the access to the city, the ghoul frenzy ended. With the combined efforts of everyone, the ghoul was finally cleaned up.

It's noon.

On the walls of Stratholme, in this tragic battlefield, the corpses of countless soldiers and the remains of ghouls piled together.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the undead natural disaster to temporarily retreat, the priest of Stratholme and a few paladins began the purification mission.

Although the attack was repelled, everyone knew in their hearts that the retreat of the undead natural disaster was only temporary, and the battle in the afternoon would still be extremely difficult. (To be continued.)

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