Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 303: End of the Battle of the 8th Army

  Although Drunk Feng looked full of confidence at the military meeting, he was actually drumming in his heart.

  Who knows if Alsace is really anxious?

   In case the undead natural disaster drags on, it will be embarrassing for Arthas to start the general attack after the momentum of Stratholme's defenders vents.

   But the drunk wind had to arrange everything in advance. It would be even more embarrassing if he knew that the undead would go mad but was unprepared.

   In the entanglement of the drunk wind, the dawn of the next day came quietly.

   The struggling Stratholms found that today's enemies are different.

   The number of enemies trying to attack the wall is much less!

   There are no densely packed ghouls, and there are not many huge hatreds.

   But everyone did not feel relaxed, but felt more heavy.

   In the sky, an enemy that hadn't been seen before appeared.

   Gryphon Rider-to be exact, the undead Gryphon Rider!

   These griffins were all killed by the undead and natural disasters when Lordaeron fell. Unexpectedly, Arthas resurrected these griffins frantically and formed an undead griffin knights!

   From a distance, Drunk Wind can already see the backs of these undead griffins, the knights wearing heavy armor, obviously, these griffins are all death knights on their backs!

"It's no wonder that the death knights under Alsace never appeared." Drunk Wind frowned secretly. "It seems that all the Griffins in Lordaeron have been resurrected by Arthas. So many undead gryphon knights, if they are really good at riding. That's not easy..."

  The invincible spellbreaker troops against the gargoyles began their operations. With the order of Prince Kael'thas, countless densely packed war blades flew directly to these undead gryphon knights.

   It's a pity that this round of volley is very poor.

   The death knights had already learned the lesson of the gargoyle before, so they opened the anti-magic shield for the first time.

  The miserable green shield directly isolates the splitting technique on the Spellbreaker's blade. After losing the magical effect, these ordinary blades are nothing but a drizzle for the undead gryphon rider.

   "The Dragon Legion listened to the order, all of them lifted into the air, crushed the clutter!"

   Following Onyxia's order, the dragons that had returned to their original form soared into the sky, directly facing the undead gryphon rider.

   After the purification of the Black Dragon Legion, except for a few characters who had escaped (such as Nefarian), most of them regained the character of the stuffy oil bottle. These black dragons never made rhetoric in battle, but never flinched.

   In order to prepare for this battle, when Northrend’s underground commando began to take action, Drunken Wind even tuned a part of the blue dragon from the Temple of Wyrmrest.

  Of course, because the blue dragon king Malygos is still in the magic hub, these blue dragons are also under the command of Onyxia.

The blue dragon is undoubtedly the most lively among the five-color dragons. Most of them talk stubbornly and have poisonous tongues. They like to talk and talk very much when they fight. In this battle, the black dragon and the blue dragon fought side by side again, which fully proved Complementation of Mensao and Talking Tuberculosis.

The silent black dragon is at the forefront, impacting the formation of the undead gryphon rider with its huge body, its fangs and claws, while the blue dragon uses its arcane power to instantly cast all kinds of wonders. The spell makes a long-range strike.

   I don't know how the blue dragon's wretchedness came from. These spells look awkward and awkward.

   The parasite trying to get into the death knight’s armor, the arcane rope that always binds the death knight, the dimensional anchor that anchors the griffon’s tail, the arcane ice fog that covers the death knight’s eyes...

   These spells seem to work well, but they always carry a strange sense of triviality.

   What's even more depressing is that blue dragons, especially male blue dragons, always speak with a very strong arrogance and second degree, and like to shout out the magic they use...

   "Malygos's ice worm parasites!"

   "The dimensional anchor of Stalygos!"

   "The Arcane Tortoise Binding of Terra Migosa!"

  The black dragons did not pay attention to this, but even if the undead gryphon rider had already died once, he still felt annoying.

   In front of the blue dragon full of taunts, Arthas discovered that his loyal, calm and tough death knight had become impatient!

   And in battle, being impatient is not a good thing.

   In the joint attack of the black dragon and the blue dragon, the undead gryphon rider gradually began to have a tendency to be unable to hold on.

   A surprise soldier that Alsace had high hopes for, it actually fell on the ground as soon as it appeared. The combination of the blue dragon and the black dragon has completely achieved the effect of one plus one greater than two!

   For the undead and natural disasters, the problem is more than that. The surprise soldiers in the sky are not going well, and the large troops on the ground are not going well!

   In order to finally try to win Stratholme, Arthas paid a lot of money in today's battle, and he showed more than one hole card!

   The palace mages who died in Lordaeron were also resurrected by him and became the necromancer army under Kel'Thuzad.

   And in this battle, these necromancers also appeared!

   On the ground, under the cover of a few hatred, as a large area of ​​frost spread, the Necromancer, led by Kel'Thuzad himself, entered the battlefield.

   At this time, the spellbreaker had stopped the air attack and turned the target to the ground.

   Seeing Kel'Thuzad led by Kael'thas gave a sneer.

   "In front of the lawbreaker like this?"

   Just when the magic-breaking blades of all the magic-breakers flew towards Kel'Thuzad, something magical happened.

   Kel'Thuzad is divided into sixteen directly!

  The swordsman's war blade broke one of Kel'Thuzad, while the other fifteen Kel'Thuzads continued to advance.

   Looking at these almost seamless clones, Kael'thas and Zuifeng had the same idea.

   "Jendez Barov!"

   This Dalaran illusionist master and Antonidas's younger sister Jandis Barov is on the side of the undead natural disaster!

   Well, thinking of this, Kael'thas and Zuifeng could only sigh helplessly.

The Barov family in the Alterac kingdom took the initiative to stand up when their king betrayed the alliance. They stood on the side of the alliance, raided their king and prevented the orcs’ conspiracy, but they were not affected. Fair treatment-Terenas manipulated the Union Council and deprived the Barov family of almost all the territory.

   In this case, the hostess of the Barov family joined the Undead Scourge, hoping to destroy Lordaeron did not seem so abrupt.

   So, the question before Kael'thas is how to deal with these fifteen Kel'Thuzads! (To be continued.)

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