Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 317: Elder Sword Saint Samuro

Samuro, the orc sword master, comes from the Fireblade clan.

Like Orgrim and Grommash, Samuro is also a famous hero among orcs.

Even in terms of offensive power, even the furious Grommash may not be as good as Samuro.

Moreover, Samuro is one of the few sword saints of orcs.

In his long fighting career, Samuro has experienced countless lives and deaths. In these battles, he has integrated kendo into his every word and deed.

So after coming to Azeroth, Samuro rarely took shots-he believed that the battle with humans was neither glorious nor glorious.

The last time Samuro made a shot, he was still drunk and disrupted Blackstone Mountain. At that time, in order to save Orgrim, Samuro made an exception.

After that, Samuro has been with Orgrim, wandering around in search of the future of the orcs.

When Kel'Thuzad exposed Orgrim's trail, the two moved separately for safety.

When the two were separated, Orgrim headed east and Samuro headed west-the aimless old swordsman wandered for a long time, only to find that the entire Arathi Highlands was lifeless and there were hardly any living people, even active All the Stonefist ogres moved out of here.

After wandering for a long time, Samuro came to Dunhold. When he used the hurricane step to sneak into Dunhold Castle hoping to hear some news, he was surprised to find that there were no living people in Dunhold.

There are all dead people here. Although these dead people seem to have a new life of their own, Samuro is still unacceptable for a while.

Samuro, a brave master of art, found an undead orc, and then met Taresa under his recommendation.

At this time, Taresa had become accustomed to her cold body. After becoming an undead, she gradually lost her former affinity and tenderness, and gradually became cold.

The meeting between Samuro and Taresa was fairly harmonious. A large part of the Forsaken in Dunhold was once orcs during his lifetime. Although Samuro lacked a sense of identity with the Forsaken, he was very concerned about the resurrection. The former compatriots did not have any good ideas.

Fortunately, Taresa is a rather calm and restrained leader. The Forsaken just curled up in Dunhold and did not touch the outside world, so there was no conflict between the two sides after all.

From Taresa, Samuro learned of the movement of the orc army, so he left Dunhold Castle and hurried towards Stratholme.

But because of the long delay on the road, Samuro was on the first line of defense of the orcs against the demons when he passed Keldaron.

Individual combat power of this kind of large-scale battle is limited, but as long as it is used in key places, it can also turn things around!

Samuro was already on the battlefield when Hakkar went out to intercept the Frostwolf, but he did not choose to take action at the time-after estimation, he felt that he could not kill Hakkar, and he was not sure about the Hellhounds. Will you catch yourself from the windy step?

So Samuro remained invisible and continued to swim in the battlefield.

And when Grommash and Zakun played together, Samuro felt he had a chance.

So, at the very moment of the battle, Samuro made a decisive shot and directly gave Zakun a fatal blow.

The demon guard who lost the leader fell into a brief chaos.

But this chaos did not last long, and soon other sub-feel lords came forward to organize, and gradually the demon guards began to regroup.

"It looks like this group of guys are not easy to deal with!" Samuro twisted his neck, "I didn't expect Gromash you would also be at a disadvantage."

"The devil is quite difficult." Grommash muffled, "It was these guys who calculated us and made us drink the cursed blood-fortunately the warchief rescued us and he killed the devil Mannoroth, the master of blood, we are finally free now."

"That's great!" Samuro grinned, "Where is the Chief?"

"Warchief Orgrim and Mannoroth are dead together, and now we follow the orders of Chief Gu'il."

"Huh?" Samuro frowned, "Guyle, this name is very familiar..."

"Who knows!" Grommash didn't care, turned around and flew a demon who tried to attack him. "After all, it is an orc appointed by Orgrim, or a shaman-although I always think it is a warrior credible One point, look at that **** Ner'zhul..."

"..." Samuro silently split the Demon Guardian who was blocking him into two parts. He is still wondering why the name Guil is so familiar.


"Oh? You know?" Grommash nodded. "It is said that he was once a slave to humans, called Thrall."

"If this is the case, I can probably understand why Master Orgrim has to designate him." Samuro sighed slightly, "Walking with Master Orgrim all the way, we talked a lot about the future of the orcs. He said that if we can, I hope we don’t fall into such a meaningless war. The orcs need a leader who is wise enough to see clearly the conspiracy.”

"Orgrim once said that although he himself thinks he is smart, he is just clever. He didn't see through the tricks of the demon, Gul'dan, and Ner'zhul, so that we were bloodthirsty and warlike. , There was only one person who saw through all this."

"You mean, someone saw through demons and tricks?"

"Yes, remember Durotan? Orgrim said it was Durotan who told him everything."

"And Guyle is Durotan's son, I think Orgrim valued this ability to discover the truth from layers of conspiracy, right?"

Grommash rarely stopped yelling. Although Grommash did not oppose Thrall's command because of the Doomhammer in the hands of Thrall, he still didn't think about it in his Convinced by Thrall.

And hearing what Samuro said, Grommash began to think about whether the orcs needed a leader like Thrall.

Although the two were talking, they didn't stop under their hands. Soon, the two were killed out of the Demon Guardian army and returned to Thrall.

"The mission is complete, Warchief."

"It's an honor to meet you, Warchief!"

Looking at Grommash, who was covered in blood, Thrall instinctively felt that he was different from before-it seemed that this unruly warrior had more respect for him.

Glancing at Samuro with a little surprise, Thrall called out the power of the spirit of flowing water and healed the wounds with shadow and fel on the two of them.

"Two people take a break, there is a big battle next!" (To be continued.) () "Pandaman's Self-cultivation" only represents the author's point of view, Ye Yinxiao, if the content is found to violate national laws and conflicts Please delete the content. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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