Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 33: Goblin's business war

The actions of the Tauren in Mulgore were extremely smooth. All enemies were not opponents in front of the united Tauren. The Harpy in the north, the few wild boars in the south, and a few centaurs wandering on the grassland were quickly wiped out. In the encirclement and suppression of tauren.

   Just when Gazlowe officially felt Mulgore's Thunder Bluff, the base camp set by the tauren, the appearance of some uninvited guests made the goblin and tauren have to delay a little time.

The venture capital company.

   This notorious group appeared in Mulgore uninvited and started mining and drilling.

   Kane Bloodhoof, Drunken Wind, and Gazlowe who learned the news were very upset.

   The tauren was unhappy because the wild mining of these venture capital mercenaries disturbed the ancestral spirit of the tauren and also destroyed the grassland.

   and the goblin is because this competitor will destroy his own moneymaking plan.

   As for the drunk wind, well, he just feels sincerely disgusted by these lunatics who only know destruction.

  In Azeroth, science is not the primary productive force, let alone the explosive science of goblins. Venture capital companies, as their name suggests, are guys who wander on the edge of the laws of various kingdoms. They have no moral bottom line for the gold coins and are sabotaging everywhere. The mercenaries of venture capital companies will occasionally appear as bandits. This makes anyone who dares to join venture capital companies immediately gains the hostile reputation of various races.

   After a brief discussion, the Tauren temporarily put aside the construction of his homeland, and instead sent a large number of soldiers to kill him.

   Unexpectedly, the mercenaries of the venture capital company seemed to have misunderstood something. It was not the rain of arrows and explosions that greeted the tauren, but the overwhelming leaflets.

   "Venture investment companies are recruiting! We need agents!"

   "The Stoneclaw Mountains, the barren land and even the Morgore, desolate land, as long as you are willing to come, you have your place, we have been short of people!"

   "We include board and lodging, and the minimum wage is 1 silver coin per month!"

   "What? You only fight? That's great, we just need a guy like you, you will lead a joint army of jackals and boars to crush those guys who delay our money!"


Seeing not far ahead, the wolves in line pressed their fingerprints on the contract, and Drunk Feng realized what was going on: "The goblins of the venture capital company are recruiting the wolves. They seem to treat the tauren as a holocaust. A mentally handicapped race like a human, trying to use an offset salary to recruit tauren to work for them!"

   The tauren warriors who had received huge insults picked up huge totem poles to attack, and only then did the goblins who realized that the problem was wrong began to hurriedly took out their guns to counterattack.

   Unfortunately, goblin products are shocking.

   More than half of the muskets were blasted, most of the remaining half were empty, and only a few tauren were shot. Moreover, these muskets were obviously not powerful enough, and the tauren soldiers were fine.

Kane Bloodhoof, who was watching the battle from the rear, glared at Gazlowe: "This is the venture capital company you mentioned when you negotiated with me? I only heard that they were destroying everywhere. I didn't expect them to be so unbearable. one strike."

Gazlowe was not at all embarrassed at this time: "Oh, dear chief, I once recommended venture capital companies to you just to ease the financial tension. Even if I get their investment, I don’t plan to Really fulfill the contract-of course, they are the same, you see, they are not authorized, aren't they so happy to mine."

   Kane Bloodhoof was stunned by the goblin’s thinking circuit: "That means you don’t talk about credibility?"

"No, no, you really don't understand goblins compared to Drunk Wind." Gazlowe shook his head, "We have a prerequisite for doing business: we only do business with people who are worthy of doing business with us, and venture capital. The company is obviously unworthy. You know that our Hot Sands Group is a well-known neutral goblin organization, and our credibility is very high. According to our credit evaluation, your tauren is also pretty good, so our contract will be performed normally; But venture capital companies are different. They have no credibility, so why should we have credibility?"

"Of course, we have also considered that the venture capital company signed the contract but did not give money. In fact, I am already preparing to apply to the Prince of Hot Sands for War Machine to fight the venture capital company-so that I can get more money. "

"Well, you should be thankful that you have a good relationship with Drunk Wind. He is a real money maker. He not only saw through my plan, but also came up with a better plan. Unsurprisingly, this group of people who do not live or die. Unauthorized mining, and now we kill them, this is a great deal. These logging machines and drilling rigs belong to me-rest assured, I promise not to use them in Mulgore!"

Although Drunk Feng had a calm look on his face at this time, in fact there were thousands of mythical beasts whizzing past in his heart-who would have thought that venture capital companies would really want to make money. Tauren eyelids underground mining and drilling? ! Who would have thought that Gazlowe, who seems to be the most "loyal" goblin, would also make a frenzied breach of contract? ! Who would have thought that your reminders and warnings would cause such a big misunderstanding? !

Zuifeng vowed that he had revealed some of his contacts in Stormwind just to facilitate the signing of the contract, and reminded the greed of venture capital companies, warning Gazlowe not to take advantage of the topic, but he was unexpectedly caught The misunderstanding is so serious.

In fact, it can’t be blamed for Gazlowe’s misunderstanding that the labor dispatch proposed by Zuifeng is an original one. At this time, ogres have not bloomed all over Azeroth, and goblins without labor are facing a lot of engineering and work. , You have to rely on your own manipulation of the machinery, and the failure of the machinery makes the cost of any goblin's blood pressure rise. It can be said that this labor dispatch agreement has opened a new chapter for goblins!

The battle ended very quickly. The White Rock Jackals were scattered and quickly slipped away, leaving all tauren stunned by the speed of escape; while the goblins of venture capital companies (well, there are a few trolls) were Became a captive of the tauren.

   It turned out that Gazlowe took his goblin men and drove away the logging machine, removed the drilling machine, and with the consent of Kane Bloodhoof and Drunken Wind, took the prisoners away. (Because the tauren really can't house these guys)

"Yes, I almost forgot to say it!" Gazlowe remembered the purpose, "Don't forget, the first tauren will leave in Ratchet City on April 15th! I'm with Stormwind City. I made an appointment!"

Drunk Wind, who returned to Thunder Bluff, originally planned to take a rest for ten days and then accompanied the first tauren to rush to the Eastern Kingdom. Unexpectedly, an unexpected visitor had been waiting in Thunder Bluff for a long ~Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at For mobile users, please go to read.

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