Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 329: Unlucky Dean Gading

According to Drunk Wind’s past experience, such important things as Sargerite’s keystones should often be placed in the custody of important people, and this important person (Les Frostwhisper) is already gone, so now the task of five people is It should be to clear this place, and then look carefully. Pen, fun, pavilion www. biquge. info

Then, since it is to purify, it is necessary to purify all the dead.

So the five went deep into the crypt calmly.

As a very important base for Alsace, the psychic academy was not only used to preserve the Sargerite keystones, but was originally an academy for training necromancers. Here, Jandis Barov Instruct the necromancers to practice different spells together with the liches.

The process of practicing magic is extremely cruel-human experimentation.

A large number of innocent people were taken into the academy and became the test subjects of various subjects. The flesh and blood were dissected, the soul was tortured, and finally disappeared in endless torture.

Seeing this scene, even Drunk Feng felt nauseous...

And when the Five Drunken Winds cleared the academy, at the deepest part of the psychic academy at this time, the Dean of Darkness Gading was anxiously turning around.

Although the Academy of Psychic Academy has always been an important stronghold for Alsace, and has arranged a lot of backs for the possible invasion, but facing the five fierce men, Gading was also helpless at this time.

The enemy is too powerful. Although Gading is the dean in name, many of the cores of the psychic academy are in the hands of Les. Les is confident that the Lich will not die, so he killed himself. The situation left Gading in the principal's office very helpless.

Or, run away?

A crazy idea appeared in Gading's mind, and now he went straight away!

Recently, Ner'zhul's control over the undead and natural disasters has been weakening. Under such circumstances, there may be a real chance to escape!

Once this thought appeared, he couldn't stop it anymore, and Gading began to pack his own treasure in the principal's room.

After finishing the packing, Gading had heard the sound of five drunk wind fighting not far away!

"So fast!" Gading shook his head, "but still not as fast as me!"

Thinking of this, Gading no longer hesitated, he tore open a well-preserved scroll, and disappeared in place out of thin air!

Medivh had confirmed that the space here is chaotic and difficult to transmit!

And when the five people of Drunk Wind finally got rid of the Professor Thurlin who was throwing medicine everywhere, and came to the principal's room, they found that there seemed to be a looting.

Medivh raised his nose and began to sniff carefully, then shook his head helplessly.

"There used to be enemies here, but now they have slipped away."

"Eh? Didn't you mean that the space here is disordered? Why can anyone leave? He is not afraid of being torn to pieces by the space?" Zuifeng said he could not understand, "The power of space is so terrible!"

"Maybe it was a lich, who committed suicide in this way, and then returned to the phylactery to be reborn..." Old Chen thought for a while and said a funny joke, "So Illidan can't find him. Phylogeny."

"No, that's not the case. He should have used the space barrier scroll to force transmission." Medivh narrowed his eyes slightly. "Using the space barrier effect to protect himself, then force transmission. In this way, although the space is disordered, the transmission The destination is unpredictable, but at least it avoided us."

"What about the keystone?" Illidan was concerned about the goal this time. "Did he also take the Sargerite Keystone?"

"No, the keystone is definitely still there-and it is very likely that the space disorder on this island is due to the keystone!" Medivh shook his head, "I walked along the way, and I found that the space disorder here is getting worse. , It is very likely that the keystone is nearby!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Find it!" Old Chen yelled, and then ran to the next room, and started rummaging through the cabinets.

The few remaining people smiled at each other and began to look carefully.

Illidan was the first to discover the Sargerite keystone-this weird "stone" exudes strong fel energy fluctuations, and after Medivh became firm, he was basically certain that this keystone contained a lot of the astral world. The location of planets and planes-even many unknown areas in the depths of the Twisting Void.

"It's a magical creation." Medivh sighed, "It's the same style as the guy who controlled me back then."

"In other words, this is Sargeras' creation?" Illidan frowned. "Can the devil use it to locate Azeroth?"

"Yes." Medivh nodded, "This thing is a bit too... difficult to handle. It can't be transported with it. It's hard to imagine how Sargeras brought it into this world."

"Can't you teleport..." Zuifeng raised his eyebrows, "Leave it to me, I think I can perform its functions!"

Medivh didn't ask more, but nodded and handed the Sargerite Keystone to Drunk Wind.

After finding the keystone and cleaning up the psychic college, Drunken Wind, Illidan, Medivh and Old Chen left first, leaving Old Fording here to purify the gloomy college.

Drunk Wind also saw that Tirion Fording seemed to have some knots now. He was obviously worried about what happened to the Barov family, and Drunk Wind believed that Old Fording could figure it out.


When Drunken Wind and others finished their trip to the psychic college and the Alliance tribe was still resisting the demon attack, Gading's "random teleportation" sent himself to the sad hills west of Keldaron.

After waking up from the sky spinning and rejoicing that he had escaped, Gading, who had just relaxed, suddenly discovered that he was in a military camp!

"The thief!" Not far from Gading a clear voice made the Master Dean feel like a thunder, "Sneaky, who are you?"

Gading really hopes that he can teleport again, but space magic has a refractory period. During this time, the wizard can't teleport a second time!

Just when Gading was about to let go, a bullet hit him at the foot, and then two vicious dogs threw him to the ground.

"Honestly, you **** bone frame."

A beautiful woman carrying a shotgun stepped on riding boots, came to Gading and knelt down.

"You should feel honored, you are the first prisoner in this war for Rona!"

At this time, Gading understood the source of the surrounding soldiers.

Black armor, a large number of musketeers-Gilneas!

"It's over!" Gading wailed in his heart, "Gilneas actually sent troops, and the Lich King and the Devil are defeated this time!" (To be continued.)

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