Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 336: Darkspear Bay Landing Battle (1/5)

"It's really hard to deal with..." Looking at the tauren warrior who was killing the tauren in the crowd of fish, Vasiqi shook his head helplessly, "The murloc is really unreliable..."

At this time, on the beach of Darkspear Bay, the battle showed a one-sided trend-under the combination of tauren and troll, the murloc and the naga guard were not enough!

The naga guards are all powerful male naga. Although these big guys are not as tall as the tauren, their strength is enough to temporarily block the tauren, although the trolls' spears have caused huge damage to these naga. , But their tight muscles and scales allow them to ignore these wounds temporarily in battle.

The problem was clearly with the Murloc.

The strength of the murloc creatures that spread across Azeroth is almost the inverse of all intelligent races. Don't look at these murlocs who are swarming up to look very imposing, but their opponents are more imposing!

Facing the siege of the murlocs, the tauren only sent a small force to almost completely solve the problem.

For the tauren, these little guys are only as high as their knees, and the weapons in their hands are mostly tattered, it is difficult for these murlocs to cause effective damage.

On the contrary, the tauren hitting the murloc is really beating the children. These tauren warriors want to wield the totem pole. As long as the murloc touches it accidentally, they will be pulled out and their tendons will be broken.

So don't look at the murlocs screaming, la la la la la la la la la la, in fact, apart from making the tauren warriors feel that they are noisy, it has almost no effect on the battle.

Of course, Vashj didn't care about the death of these murlocs-it was all cannon fodder anyway, as much as it wanted.

What Vaschi noticed was that he was facing two races, and that they had not had a good relationship before.

Whether it is a troll or a tauren, the two races Vasqi have heard about it, but as far as she knows, the two races are not related.

Suddenly, a feeling of a world away made Vasiqi feel at a loss for a moment. Of course, in just an instant, she recovered immediately and shook her head slightly-what's weird about it, the earth spirits fought with the night elves back then!

"Woo-" Vasiqi took off a huge conch from her waist and blew it with full breath.

In the deep sound of conch, several huge creatures crawled out of the deep sea step by step.


Vashj's summons were not ordinary goods. Each of these turtles was huge, with a height of more than three meters. Their beaks are sharp and deadly, their carapace over five meters in diameter is full of sharp and hideous barbs, and their bodies are covered with dense barnacles.

Although the speed of these turtles is not fast, when these big guys climbed up to the coast, they really helped the Naga to advance the battle a lot.

Tauren fighters are indeed tough, they are worthy of being the most powerful infantry under the stars, but no matter how elite the tauren is when facing these big turtles, they can only do nothing.

Don't look at these dumb big guys seem to be slow, but they are only slow when moving, and when they stretch their heads to attack, these big guys are not slow at all!

And when the tauren warriors tried to attack these turtles, they found that no matter whether it was a heavy totem pole or a sharp spear, they could not do anything with their thick carapace-they couldn't beat the carapace, and couldn't beat the head. , You will get bitten if you are not careful, how to fight this?

As for the dark spear trolls, they can't do anything with these turtles. The tauren can't break the defense. Do you expect the spear to be effective?

Just as Naga took the opportunity of the tauren to retreat and started to advance, a dazzling lightning burst on the battlefield.

The tauren is not without spellcasters!

"Chain of Lightning!"

Magatha and Gudal came forward with the shamans. Lightning began to flow in the battlefield. After a burst of crackling, the leading turtles quickly turned into a pile of black unknown objects. At the same time, they The naga and the murlocs beside them also fell down a lot.

"Funny!" Vaschi sneered, "Don't think that only you have the power of lightning!"

I saw the jewel on the top of the staff in Vasiqi's hand brightened up, and a large cloud of clouds began to roll over her head.

"Fork lightning!"

The sea breeze was blowing, and a yellow arc suddenly appeared in the salty and humid air!

These arcs emanated from Vasiqi's staff, split into many forks like branches, and attacked the tauren shaman priests.

Fork lightning has no jumping process, it will arrive in the blink of an eye!

As soon as the fork lightning touched Magatha's body, Vasiqi almost smiled, and suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, a carefully crafted air totem around Magatha suddenly shattered-the air totem!

Magatha, who has been fighting for a long time, had already prepared the means of spell countermeasures, but she did not expect Vaschi's attack to come so quickly. Although the air totem blocked the fork lightning, Magatha also lost it. Go ahead!

Vashj seized the opportunity, and there was another fork-like lightning.

This time, it was Goodall's air totem that shattered.

Although Magatha lost his first move at this time, the intent to fight was burning in the old shaman's body-this enemy is worth fighting!

Due to the very long distance of Vasiqi's spellcasting, Magatha's wind shear to counter the spell could not work. In this case, Magatha decisively transformed into a dual-wield ground-breaking reinforcement Sa!

The ghost walk started, and Magatha seemed to be a whirlwind. Before Vashj’s third fork-like lightning shot, he rushed into Naga’s Senjin behind the team. Seeing this situation with Goodal, they couldn’t help but cover their faces—this is different from what they said, let them come and fight within the superior range of their own spellcaster. Why is Magatha like that? Rushed out? !

In desperation, Goodal had to beat the drum, signalling the tauren warrior to start a countercharge ahead of time.

Although Magatha, the old shaman, is usually unsmiling, but among the tauren, this shaman's reputation is still very high. Now that Magatha has rushed out first, the drum of war is also ringing. Where are the tauren fighters? Can you wait any longer?


"The ancestors are with us!"

"Blood and thunder!"

Although the naga has the advantage in numbers, after the sea turtle is restrained by the shaman, the scene has completely fallen, and the naga guards and murlocs can't resist the powerful tauren at all!

At the same time, Magatha also rushed to Vashj. (To be continued.)

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