Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 343: Vow to sing the empty city plan (3/5)

Chapter 343: Vows to sing the empty city plan (3/5)

How to stop the Big Three?

The vow method is very risky-empty city plan!

The stronger the devil, the more cautious in the face of battle, and after a long time of discussion, the vow decided to use this caution!

Don’t look at Archimonde as a warlock who likes to rush up to fight melee, but this guy’s command and tactical level is actually quite high. If the War of the Ancients hadn’t met the drunk wind hidden in the dark, Archimonde wouldn’t So frustrated by failure!

And Ravencrest proposed to use the devil's concerns about Azeroth to create a feeling of "reliance and fearlessness", making Archimonde and Kil'jaeden think that the wild gods have been resurrected!

This is a big drama of the year, and what you fight for is the superb acting and fearlessness of the coalition forces!

It's like when you are alone, and you meet three opponents in the wild. After you meet, you don't evade, but instead greet you! If everyone in the fish pond pecks each other, the opponent will definitely beat you to death, but the opponent in the high-end game will mistakenly think that there are four teammates behind you who are squatting in the fog, and maybe they dare not rush forward!

Of course, things at the war level are not so simple, but the truth is the same!

Looking at the neat array, the tauren who greeted and the countless trolls with spears behind him, Archimonde narrowed his eyes slightly, and then looked at Kil'jaeden-Kil'jaeden also looked at After Archimonde, the two nodded at the same time.

"Ms. Azshara, in this battle, we hope to see your strength-to be precise, our master wants to know whether you are as graceful and beautiful as you were ten thousand years ago."

"Humph." Azshara snorted coldly. She is not a naive girl, how could she not hear the meaning of this? This is obviously to let myself try the reality of the opposite, and also try my own reality.

Of course, Azshara had this intention.

As the Wrath Guard and the Tauren warrior were fighting together, Azshara twisted her waist and slid to the front of the formation.

"Come out, Vaschi! You shameful betrayer!"

Vashj did not appear, Malfurion appeared in front of Azshara.

"Don't yell Azshara, Ms. Vaschi is not here." Malfurion looked at the hideous Azshara, "She betrayed from time to time, she just distinguished right from wrong, nothing more—and, Speaking of betrayal, I think among all the people present, you are the betrayer, right? Ten thousand years ago, you betrayed all the night elves who loved you, and the innocent night elves who were omnipotent to death did not want to believe in the end, yes The most respected and beloved queen in their hearts summoned the devil!"

"Huh!" Azshara raised his head disdainfully, "The weak deserve to die. This is the rule of the world. The big fish eat the small fish, and all realms fit together!"

As he said, Azshara raised his arms, and a violent wind swept towards Malfurion.

"Besides, what right do you have to criticize me here chirpingly? You untouchable!"

Facing the hurricane with the salty smell of the ocean, Malfurion raised his arms unhurriedly, and a strong wind that also contained powerful energy swept out.

Unlike Azshara's hurricane, Malfurion's gust of wind is full of natural power. When the two gusts meet, everything is calm again-nothing seems to happen.

Seeing this, Azshara suddenly became suspicious. She really couldn't figure out the depth of Malfurion. This druid just seemed to be just a small effort. This strength was far beyond Azshara's expectations!

At the same time, Archimonde also looked shocked. He had seen Malfurion thousands of years ago. He could only suppress Hakkar with the help of the World Tree. Now he can face Azshara. When the wind does not fall? How is this going? !

Of course it is fake, it is the result of adding special effects!

Malfurion's ten thousand years has made great progress, but he still has some gaps in the face of Azshara. The main reason for not losing the wind this time is that there are people behind him!

Who are you asking? Of course it was his teacher, the druid demigod, the guardian of the jungle Cenarius!

Why is Guda Waterfall based on the big tree planted from the branches of the World Tree? Because this can hide the figure of the demigod!

In fact, Cenarius is the only **** of the wilderness that can participate in the battle.

Goldrinn is missing, the four gods are still in Pandaria, the furbolg brothers, the white deer and the wild boar are still running and resurrecting. Although Aviana can participate in the war, this one really has no fighting power. Tortola is in the sea. Garshan slept very soundly, and when he finally woke up, he realized that it was too late to rush over, so he could only guard Nordrassil.

In this case, the only demigod who can take part in the war should be used well-Cenarius's task is quite heavy. On the one hand, he is responsible for helping Malfurion resist Azshara, and at the same time, he needs to pretend that all other demigods have been resurrected. .

How to pretend? Naturally, it's a corpse to recover.

Just when Archimonde was about to try, the white deer and giant bear appeared in the woods.

Archimonde decided to stabilize the wave...

The experience of the War of the Ancients was not very pleasant, and the feeling of being killed by someone was not very good-Archimonde was not afraid, but because the demons had the upper hand on the battlefield.

Obviously, Archimonde is not in a hurry. His own army has the upper hand. The one who should be anxious is the opposite. When these tauren are torn apart by the angry guards, the demigods will naturally be anxious. Then they will besiege with other demons. Not beautiful?

Kil'jaeden obviously also understood Archimonde's plan. Although Archimonde issued a seal of his own failure, the demons resurrected from the Twisting Void were not allowed to mention how he was beaten to death. How could Kil'jaeden not know at all?

This time, Kil'jaeden's thoughts were unprecedentedly consistent with Archimonde.

Since the frontal battlefield is dominant, it would be good to gradually erode it, why bother to fight directly to show that the fish die and the net is broken?

This is why in the meeting of the Ravencrest said that the tasks of tauren, troll and blood elves are the heaviest, regardless of the outcome of the battle, for these three races, It will be a real disaster!

In other words, the oath is using the sacrifices of these three races to create fighters to annihilate the middle-level commanders of the Burning Legion!

This is a mission to die.

But no one flinched—especially the tauren warriors who were bound to die at the front.

Countless tauren boys came to the battlefield to face death carrying totem poles representing the honor of their ancestors.

Before the battle started, Kane explained everything. All the fighters were very silent, but no one flinched.

Knowing all this, Magatha rushed out of the wounded camp like crazy, yelled at Kane, and cried loudly after being subdued.

With the help of Zuifeng, the tauren regained his vitality early, but after this battle, no matter whether he wins or loses the tauren, he will once again be depressed.

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